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Posts posted by omehgosh

  1. Great thread Scott!


    @ Cato - brilliant!


    There was a young Cerbite named Cato

    Who loved to administer DATO.

    He'd lick and he'd thrust,

    Till she came, 'twas a must,

    Then he'd flip her over and mate-o.


    @ Seymour - LMAO - even a masterpiece can be improved!


    Alternate ending:


    There was a young Cerbite named Cato

    Who loved to administer DATO.

    He'd lick and he'd thrust,

    Till she came, 'twas a must,

    Then he'd immortalize her with a reco :mrgreen:


    WIT - Ha ha ha! Nicely done!


    I once knew lady-twins from Belgrade;

    In stilettos they swayed and sashayed.

    Whether Serb or Cerb-Slavs,

    They did nothing by halves --

    So let's all cast our votes for free trade!


    ALL of these posts are awesome though! Nice work! I'm going to hold off on picking my favourite, however, until Berlin posts hers (* fingers crossed * :smile:)...

  2. Hey! Congrats to Cato and Meg! You both rock! I love all of your contributions (especially Cato's redheads! LOL) - please keep them coming, I look forward to them all the time!


    I also wanted to say thanks to those 6 very special people who voted for me! I say "special", because I wouldn't even have voted for myself! LMAO - No really, thanks, it made my day to see the nomination and those votes. It really was very nice.


    Finally, congrats to everyone else! You're all awesome! CERB is great, and it's all because of you. Thanks for this little pleasure called CERB.



    Oh ya, and thanks to Pete for the most awesome commentary! Enjoy these fine, animated, way nipilicious, boobie related emoticons my friend :boobies: :boobeyes: - you deserve 'em!

  3. Hey! Congrats to Cato and Meg! You both rock! I love all of your contributions (especially Cato's redheads! LOL) - please keep them coming, I look forward to them all the time!


    I also wanted to say thanks to those 6 very special people who voted for me! I say "special", because I wouldn't even have voted for myself! LMAO - No really, thanks, it made my day to see the nomination and those votes. It really was very nice.


    Finally, congrats to everyone else! You're all awesome! CERB is great, and it's all because of you. Thanks for this little pleasure called CERB.



    Oh ya, and thanks to Pete for the most awesome commentary! Enjoy these fine, animated, way nipilicious, boobie related emoticons my friend :boobies: :boobeyes: - you deserve 'em!

  4. I would go back to a day early last year, before a good friend of mine died of cancer. I'm not entirely sure why, but for some reason I kept putting off seeing him while he was sick... then, suddenly, it was too late, and he was gone.


    I would pick him up and take him to the country side where he could take some pictures with his new digital camera - just like I told him I would. All he wanted to do was get out of his room and enjoy the beauty of the world a bit more before he left it, and I didn't make the time for him.


    This was one of the biggest mistakes I ever made, and it'd be really awesome if I could go back and do things right.

    • Like 1

  5. Hey those special plans sound an awful lot like the special plans for domesticated Ontario husbands. That sucks.


    * Note to self: cancel plans to move to PEI *


    I hear BC husbands get to hang out with ski bunnies and drink all day...


    Special plans for a domesticated PEI husband on his birthday are as follows:


    * Trim bushes and shrubs - check

    * Replace oil/filter on lawn tractor - check

    * Mow the lawn - check

    * Remove and paint screen door from front of house - check

    * Water ALL flowers on lawn - check

    * Take 30 minutes to myself, enjoy the 25 degree sunshine on my deck with a beer on my birthday...apparently not!;-)

  6. @ masterowls - That's exactly why I laughed so hard - I can't imagine anyone actually asking you that! It sounds more like a scene out of The Jerk than reality. That's ludicrous.


    Sorry for the thread-jacking all - here's my bucket/wish list (not in any particular order):


    • Go to Samoa and get a real, traditional tattoo over top of one of my 17-was-a-long-long-time-ago tattoos. (That'd be a tattoo with a meaning and story that should last as long as I do.)
    • Vist Angkor Wat in Cambodia.
    • Have a son.
    • Learn how to start a fire by rubbing sticks together (and get good at it). (I know that one's a little strange - one of those connecting with my ancestors sort-of spiritual type things for me.)
    • Solo-trip from one end of Algonquin Park to the other - West to East one year, and North to South another.
    • LOL - okay, this one would likely be the last thing on my list - fight a black bear with nothing but a knife. Don't get me wrong, I'm not particularly tough or anything, I'm scared of bears just like everyone else and I really don't have any desire to be killed by one. There's this part of me though, that wonders how I'd make out in a fight to the finish with a black bear. (I think it's one of those things like sometimes on a balcony you might have this slight urge to jump) LMAO - nobody said this list had to realistic!
    • While I'm being unrealistic - make love to Gillian Anderson.

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