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Posts posted by omehgosh

  1. For a time, when I was much younger and touring with a band, all I owned was a sleeping bag, a duffel bag with my clothes and stuff, and my guitar...


    We had so little money, me and my band mates were stealing toilet paper from public rest rooms when we ran out...


    Oh, the life of a musician... LOL - Seriously though, as hard as it was, it was an awesome experience in many different ways.


    With respect to your comment though, Sara, there is a certain freedom that can only be found when you're not tied to money and material things.


    I know what you mean by "finding yourself".



    This post is gonna sound really, really odd for me but it's serious...


    I lost everything material in the last 2 years, except my flute. ;)


    In all that loss, I found myself again. :D


    .End Emotional Moment.


    I hope I find money soon... :D

    I'll settle with finding me though.


    *Out of all the things I've lost... I miss my mind the most*

    Okay, I couldn't stay serious!


  2. Cato, I can't give you any more rep points right now or I would - very nicely said - as usual.


    I don't think you need to defend yourself and your contributions to CERB at all. You are a very important part of CERB and your well-deserved title "most valued member" says just that - all of those members that voted for you said even more when they shared their opinion.


    Thanks Cato, for giving so much to CERB and helping to make it what it is.


    Hey!!! Hang on!!! Wait a minute... how come I wasn't voted most valuable member?!? Come to think of it, I didn't even get that many nominations - only my friends nominated me... What's up with that?


    I mean, just because my posts aren't as insightful, fun, intelligent, nice, humorous, or even as useful as say WIT, PistolPete, Kyra.Graves, scottthecanuck, Cat, Seymour, OldDog, Megforfun, Cato (I could go on and on but I'd run out of space!...) doesn't mean that I'm not the best too! That's not fair at all!


    I'm special too you know!!! :wink:


    I don't care if it's your birthday! I want a present too! Where's my loot bag!?!?!? :razz:


    I've really enjoyed this vigorous exchange, and thank all participants for it.

    A few concluding remarks from me (really, this time, it's my last word on the subject).

    These are meant respectfully, and not as a provocation. In any case, I won't be responding further.


    I don't want my contributions here to be misconstrued. I have of course started picture threads (not all of them, but some) on here, but they're just a small proportion of the 73 threads that I've initiated on cerb, most of which are recommendations and the like. The picture threads happen to be popular, and in the case of Best Bums, highly popular. But there were far more raucous and uninhibited discussions of female body parts on cerb long before I started the "Best bums' thread, long before I was active on cerb. You only have to do a search, for example in the Ottawa escort discussion section under "Best butts" and even "Best face", which were discussions more than pictures, but, as I understand it, worked along the same lines that some people are objecting to here, since they focused on aspects of beauty in apparent isolation. So it's a long-standing tradition here. Is it a good one? I have yet to be convinced of its faults. No one, as far as I know, sees ONLY the body part, Megan, but sees it as precisely a part of a beautiful woman. A sexy and arousing image, yes, as it's supposed to be if the advertising the sp's are doing is working. And we respond to that.


    I wonder if Berlin could please clarify why it's OK for an sp to post a picture of her breasts or bum or whatever as advertising, but not OK for a hobbyist to post the very same picture as exciting, excellent, arousing, whatever? I can't see what the distinction is that you're driving at. And surely that's the effect you want to have.


    As to the claim of exclusivity, Berlin, I don't understand how it is supposed to operate. Who is doing the alleged censorship in this wide-open community? Is anyone prevented from posting a pic they find interesting or worthwhile (or wankable, if you prefer)? If there's a cluster of a certain body type or types that occurs more often than others, surely that's just a matter of the preferences of those who happen to post (not necessarily of the community as a whole), but ANYONE is welcome to post; and if they don't, how is that the fault of those who do?



    There were complaints last year about what some people saw as the predominance of spinners on this board, and I answered then in the same spirit I answer now, in defence of openness and of not being confined in a narrow orthodoxy. I want the maximum diversity and variety on this board. I have my own preferences, but they're just that, and I don't want to restrict anyone's expression on here. If others have different preferences, let them be expressed. That will make us a more robust community.


    I hope that people will take these remarks in the spirit that they're intended in, not as an argument but as a conversation.

    I'm sure the conversation will continue, but I've said all that I mean to on this subject.

    • Like 1

  3. Yikes! I'm so sorry - I'm assuming I'm at least partially responsible for this, seeing as it appeared so soon after I started the "bresties" thread. I really didn't mean to irk so many people - that was not my intention at all.



    I was just having fun, and thought others would enjoy the thread too. I really enjoy those types of threads. It never occurred to me for even a second that some ladies here might take offense to me linking to a picture of her showing off her body and getting other guys to look at it too.



    I thought a fun (possibly immature - I'm okay with that) little "check out these lovely breasts" thread might be a nice contrast to some of the heavier thread topics of late.


    Clearly, I should not have assumed that all the ladies here were using pictures of themselves as marketing tools. I apologize for that assumption - it was wrong of me.


    I wasn't trying to dehumanize anyone - really. My blatant reduction of a woman's physical parts to something sexual is obviously way out of context here on this board, and in poor taste - I can see that now.


    I know I shouldn't focus on any single part of a woman - her beauty is the whole package, that's true. There's absolutely no chance at all that I'd be here on CERB because I'm seeking sexual satisfaction outside of my relationship at home, and that my SO is a "spinner", with very small hips, bum and breasts... it's impossible that at least some of my reason for being here has anything to do with me seeking something different. It's even less likely that I've already found "the whole package" and married her - I mean why would I be here right? I must be here to find "the whole package" - ya, that's why I'm here - I'm here on CERB seeking the perfect woman, "the whole package" - the woman with whom I can spend eternity. What the hell was I thinking?!?


    Finally - Yes! Absolutely! I would never include larger women within my idea of the best, or the most beautiful. I absolutely only find spinner-type bodies attractive. Oh and younger women - I'm only turned on by younger women... and blondes... I absolutely do not like mature, curvy women at all - especially redheads! Uhn uhn - no way!


    SERIOUSLY?!? How could anyone deduce any of this from a guy starting a thread featuring pictures of beautiful breasts, or bums or whatever?


    That's nuts.


    Seriously, if I've ever linked your picture somewhere and you find it dehumanizing, inappropriate, cruel, harsh or whatever, please PM the details on where I posted it and I'll take it down for you if I can (I'm not sure how long you can edit your posts).


    I'm not a bad guy, really. I like CERB a lot, I look forward to coming here every morning before I start work - I was really looking foward to seeing some of the awesome breast pictures posted by the guys in the thread I just started... - I'd hate to think I'm a part of ruining CERB for everyone else.


    So do I have to start asking before I post pictures, or do I have to stop posting pictures altogether? So much for my "bresties" thread, I guess... oh well, that would of really sucked anyhow - I mean really, sharing pictures of beautiful breasts with my fellow cerbites, how crappy would that be?

    • Like 2

  4. I was thinking... mrgreen760 started the "Breasts : )" thread, and bailey summer of Winnipeg started the "Best Nipples" thread... both of which are really terrific threads... But it'd be nice to have a thread to celebrate "the best breasts on the planet (or at least on cerb)" - like Cato's "Best bums on the planet (or at least on cerb)" - but for breasts!


    Breasts are just so nice... big ones, small ones, perky ones, round ones - all of 'em!... Man! Breasts are simply wonderful... and there are SOOOO MANY lovely ladies here on CERB with absolutely beautiful breasts...


    Anyhow, I'd like to propose the "Bresties" - the awards for the best of the breasts.


    I'd like to first nominate the Lovely Dorinda for a Bresty. I'm really loving her new album - so incredibly hot!!! - and check out her mucho wonderific puppy pair! Mmm, mmm!




    I'd also like to nominate misadventure, Veronica Sway - a Bresty for you!




    Megforfun - phenomenal!!! Two Bresties for you!




    ...and Kyra.Graves - so perfect! Just beautiful! Definitely deserving of a Bresty.




    I could go on and on... there so many to choose from here...

  5. LOL - I don't know, that kinda sounds like a Coors Light commercial to me! It'd be a pretty awesome trip though - and I really like roamingguy's suggestion of making it a real fishing trip too!


    Hi members of CERB,


    I,m a new member of CERB and I have a question... I don't even know if I'm allowed to ask what I'm about to ask but hey...I do it...Worst comes worst, my thread will not be publish... We learn from our mistakes:grin:


    I once heard that some fishing/hunting resorts offer what we can call ''the ultimate fishing/hunting experience, for men only... '':twisted:


    You go there for 2 or 3 days fishing with your friends but, you don't really fish....In reality, some ladies :boobies:are there, waiting for you to party all day and night long while you are there... At the end of your ''package'' the resorts furnished you with pictures of you and your friends with your fishing gears and, of course, they supply you with fresh fish to bring home with you so you can prove that you went fishing..... What's happen in... stays in ...


    Don't know if this is an urban legend or if it's true... I'd like to know if any of the CERB member could confirm and maybe recomand such a place to me if it exists... Looking for Provinces of Ontario and Quebec locations only,,,





  6. Wow, what a sad situation. It really makes you think about things... I mean, immediately I blame the idiot roommate for Tyler's death. The guy's obviously an idiot, one of those types of kids that you just wish you could beat some sense into... I start to think though, I knew assholes like that in school too - but I don't remember any of them being (or at least seeming) the type to actually want to kill anyone. In fact, as much as I hated these types of kids (up until high school when I sprouted, I was always getting it from these these guys... I really, really hated them...) back then, now I can look back and see that these kids were usually very dumb (at least in some sense), very insecure inside, and/or troubled in some way (abusive parent, broken family... something), and even if they weren't any of those things, they were, at the very least, just stupid kids acting like stupid kids. We were all stupid kids at some point - and to be completely honest, I can't say for sure that I was more of a stupid kid when I was six years old than when I was eighteen.


    I really hope this kid is punished for what he did... but I'm not sure, after thinking about it a little, that I hope he's punished for the death of Tyler. Is he really responsible in any way at all for Tyler's suicide?


    Of course, many people are going to blame him for it, on some level... and I suspect he might be used as an example and charged to the fullest extent possible... but I really wonder if he's the one responsible.


    How come Tyler didn't tell anyone about the web cam stuff if he knew about it? Assuming cit2mo posts were his, he apparently did know, but he was worried about not having enough proof? It seems to me that spying on someone is a very serious offense (I mean, isn't that even illegal for law enforcement without certain procedures being followed?) Why would Tyler worry about that at all? He seemed to know what was going on - wasn't there someone he could tell to have it stopped? If there was someone he could tell, why was he afraid to tell them?


    It seems to me that Tyler should have had someone he could tell about this, and have confidence that it would be taken seriously and looked into, even if he only suspected this was going on. Tyler didn't seem to have this option... or maybe he did...


    Maybe Tyler could have told someone about it and it would have been taken seriously even if the possibility were only suspected. Maybe Tyler was worried about telling someone because of what he was doing. Was Tyler worried about someone finding out he was gay? Was he worried that someone might find out he was having a sex with another boy?


    If so, then I wonder why he'd have to worry about that. ALL males, and I'd argue this until I was blue in the face, have experienced or do experience homosexuality. I don't know exactly how it works, but I'm pretty confident it's normal... I'm a completely heterosexual male, and totally confident in my sexuality, but I have had homosexual fantasies. Hell, when I was going through puberty I had sexual fantasies about cats and freakin' trees even! Seriously, there wasn't much I wouldn't have stuck my dick into if it had a hole! I was treesexual, pillowsexual, watermelonsexual - Christ, I'm pretty sure I even thought about having sex with my mom at some point!


    My point is, I don't care what anyone says, I think there's a bit of homosexual in every single normal male - I don't get why anyone would think it strange that some males have more of it in them than others. I don't understand why it matters at all that some guys are into guys, some guys are actually girls inside, some girls are into girls, and other girls are really guys... It seems to me it's all bloody normal and that's just the way it is. WTF?!?


    I'm getting really worked up here... Tyler's roommate is a total dick, no doubt - I wish someone would look at the bigger picture though and make it so the "Tylers" out there don't end oup killing themselves because they're pushed over the edge by some dickhead teenager.


    I don't think the roommate was the biggest reason for Tyler's suicide. I think Tyler was let down in many more important ways long before I he got stuck with that freakin' moron roommate.


    I also don't think we should forget that Tyler actually killed Tyler. It's easy to look at the person who killed themselves as the victim, but I don't think we should overlook the simple fact that ultimately, no matter how you look at it, a suicide "victim" is responsible for his/her own death. I can't imagine what his parents must be going through. If you think I'm being a jerk and don't give a shit about Tyler, then please go back to the beginning of my post and start reading again - I'm just saying that we have a tendency to blame everyone and everything other than the person that committed suicide.


    That's enough ranting from me. Thanks for sharing the article Loralee!

  7. Irregardless - I like being discrete! :wink:


    It is my pet peeve -- the misuse of the words discreet and discrete. I appreciate that part of the confusion may be a French/English choice of words to denote confidential or private (discreet in English and discrete in French). In English discrete means separate or apart -- probably not the intention of someone who suggests a "discrete" encounter.


    Now don't get me going on irregardless.



  8. I'm in agreement - music is not such a good idea... I keep the volume on my computer up so that I can hear notifications such as reminders and incoming email... I don't think to turn it down before going to an SP's site - it's really bad when I visit a lady's site and suddenly music starts blaring... Not cool to say the least.


    Stated so eloquently by WIT - lol -


    ... ixnay on the usicmay, I say.
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