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Everything posted by SmartnSexy

  1. Thanks for this thread onetwothree. This is something that has intrigued me for some time now. I've tried (usually without really telling the lady I'm trying it on) for some time now and my efforts have yet to yield any success. As you stated there is a lot of material out there and I've done copious amounts of research on the subject, but I just don't seem to be able to find the spot. If I were to insert my fingers as far into a woman's vagina as I could and did a slow scanning motion backwards towards the entrance I would still not detect any different in texture at all. Admittedly I haven't had very much practice and it's not every lady who allows digits, so that cuts my practice down even more. But still, going on "it feels different/rigid/spongy" hasn't really produced much in the way of results. Is there any additional information you could provide that can help a gentleman find this magical location?
  2. For my friend Cato. Edit: Sorry Cato, can't link to them directly, pm me.
  3. Looks like you beat me to it Scott! I was thinking of how to go beyond the prestigious 69 posts milestone and I can think of no better way than to add to this recommendation for Roksi. I too have seen Roksi on her latest visit to Moncton and I must agree with everything that Scott has said. She is a charming delight to be with and talk to. She has a sexy Irish accent and is very clearly focused on making sure that your time with her is well spent. Her carnal skills are excellent and I cannot see how anyone would be disappointed after an encounter with her. I hope to see her return to our city.
  4. First off, how have I possibly missed such a great thread... I am a very fervent believer in the power of hugs! Needless to say I am a big huger! Although not everyone likes hugers for some reason. Still figuring that one out... I am also in shock that this video hasn't been linked yet: Needless to say, my most sincerest and bestest hugs to all!
  5. I have no reason to doubt you and perhaps neither should a lady, however think of it from her perspective. Once you've parted ways and you have that video, what would stop you from doing any number of terrible things with it, I won't go into detail, but they could include blackmail, trolling (release it while blurring your face, but not hers), etc... For some ladies this is not a factor. The people in their lives know about their income and are not bothered by it. For others, they desire to maintain their personal lives separate from their professional lives and to them this could be a problem if someone, somewhere out there had a video of them in a compromising position. Please don't take this at all as an attempt to discourage you. I commend you on being so open and asking honestly for the service. I just think that we should consider the SPs perspective as well, which in turn helps us formulate an approach that leaves everyone happy :).
  6. I have seen from time to time a few ladies offer this particular service. However it is among the rarest services offered. I have seen some offer it only if the client signs a release stating that the video shall remain private. Which, when you think about it, is reasonable. Given that 20 years ago the worse one could do is show it to his buddies and where today all it takes is a few minutes and it's on the internet for the world to see I don't blame ladies for being hesitant to offer this. However the great thing about cerb is that you should always feel comfortable in at least asking. I'm sure, if approached properly, a lady would at worst politely decline your request, if she does I'd recommend to move on and not press the matter. Discretion is a large part of this hobby, so be ready to look around for a while.
  7. Well, I won't criticize you for it, but if you give it a shot you may find that it's much more organized. As a general rule without a multi email conversation you could have a hard time finding a specific message, but with the conversation view off you may have to scroll through a bunch of different messages. Well I've professed my G love for today, best of Internet luck to you! ;)
  8. Why would you want to turn the conversation view off?!?!? It is easily Gmail's best feature, I wish Outlook could approximate it (they tried and failed imo).
  9. It doesn't seem to be the case. I'd suggest that you TOFTT and report back!
  10. I feel pretty terrible for the good doctor! I've been in this situation before and let me tell you that nothing good comes of it. Even if you're telling yourself that you'd be ok with just having her as a friend, trust me you wouldn't. If she honestly doesn't want to date you and only wants to be your friend (credit to her for being honest about it early on) then ask yourself how you'd feel if you saw her with someone else. Trust me, it hurts pretty hard. I suspect the subconscious reasoning behind your desire to remain friends with her is that, as you said, she may eventually see the great guy that you are and realize her mistake. It's definitely possible, but usually not very likely. To be perfectly honest Julia's advice has been pretty much spot on and offers you a good compromise for your situation. Wait and month and then tell her how you feel. You're giving her the chance to see who you really are, you're giving yourself every opportunity to try and make it work and in the end, if it doesn't work you can tell yourself you tried. I'd submit that Emma's situation is different than yours. She and the gentleman mutually agreed that they should be friends, in your case it sounds a lot like you didn't have a choice in the matter. Why not stick it out any longer? Because it will be that much more painful when she hurts you. And she will, surely not intentionally, but whether or not it was intended rarely matters. It still hurts, a lot. This is an act of emotional self preservation. oldblueeyes made a very good point, what if something out of her control happens? What if a new boyfriend says "lose the doc or I'm out!"? Do you think she'll chose her newly platonic friend or a romantic interest that she feels may go somewhere? While I dislike looking at it from such a dispassionate perspective, what is there to gain from such a relationship? I know that relationships aren't about loss/gain, but sometimes when it's just about loss then you may be better off hurting for a little bit now than a whole lot later.
  11. I know a number of escorts prefer email interactions so that they can track all of their correspondence in one location. So PMs may not be the preferred method for every lady. Quick question for you did you get a chance to check out these ladies websites? Often times the information you need is available there. Unless you're being rude (and please don't infer that I believe you are) or using a non preferred method of communication there's no reason for the ladies not to answer, you are, in effect, their source of income and so answering you is to their benefit. I also find that many ladies dislike short form communication (although I've been known to have the opposite problem in that regard myself), things like "yo bby wats ur rates and menu?" don't usually sit well with many of the fine ladies here on CERB. I myself usually try for a format that follows this general form: Hello, I saw your pictures and they are beautiful! I would very much like to know more about you. I was unable to find your rates or specific services on your website. Could you please provide this information? Thanks, <Insert your name here> It's a tad over the top, but you'd be shocked to find out the effect that a well composed message can have on your likelihood of a reply. In the end, if you've done all of these things and the lady still won't reply to you then you're better off moving on. She's either too busy, or too disorganized for you to really make a proper connection. I know that can be frustrating sometimes when a lady is particularly enthralling, but it's not all about looks, I've come to find that attitude and service count for a lot in this hobby/industry.
  12. Hi, Just a quick correction that I noticed. Chus, in the context described was indeed "Je ne suis pas", but only because it was followed by the "pas". Alone Chus just means "Je suis" aka "I am". And yes, crisse can be interpreted as fuck. It's one of those words that can be used in many different ways, all you need to know is that it's a swear word (unless you're talking to a priest about religious things, then he may actually be using it in it's original context ;)). So there, hardly worth mentioning, but I figured it was important to point out that Chus doesn't automatically include a negation!
  13. That could definitely be hot, but if I'm trying to kiss you, please look me in the eye and not the TV! Like I said, it can definitely enhance the whole thing, just don't make it a competition between your partner and the TV :vatefaire:
  14. I think as long as the focus is in the right place at the right time it could be a mood enhancer. You can't have either participant in the encounter watching the porn while the other is trying to do something that requires their partner's attention. So either you're both watching it together or you're both focusing on each other. I realize that some women may find this offensive and I respect that, I'm guessing it's for the reasons I outlined above, I've personally had this happen to me (with just normal TV, not porn) and let me tell you it really kills an encounter when one partner is more focused on the TV that who they're with. On the other hand I imagine that it would add a sense or erotic excitement to the encounter, so probably best reserved for more PSE type encounters. So I guess my final vote would be Yay, but provisionally so, assuming that both partners know how to work with it and it's used for the right style of encounter.
  15. Along the same lines as nurse_man's question, my first question would be: How does this even happen? Who is the initiator? I know personally, regardless of how I felt it would take an act of god for me to initiate the discussion. After reading the so many escort sites it's become clear that SPs don't want this to happen and if I were to fly in the face of their wishes I would feel terrible as well as probably get told what for. To answer the subject question, of course, but that does not mean that the choice is a simple one. I have no desire to force anyone into doing something that they don't want to and I have even less desire to tell other people what to (or not to) do (in a non professional setting of course, work often requires of us to direct and lead others). Telling the SP that I would be dating that she can't see clients anymore would be hypocritical in a sense, but also logical. For example part of me might think, "well, we met like that, what if she meets someone else that she likes better?" (confidence issue, I'm aware, but not an unreasonable thought you must admit). Another part of me would feel that it is unfair that she gets to have sexual relations with others and that I am expected to sit at home waiting for her and only her. I don't like the shield of "it's my job" regardless of whether or not it's your job, sex to most people implies a level of intimacy. Initially I'd expect to still be allowed to see SPs, however I could understand if she were upset that I saw someone who wasn't a professional (weird, I know, but that's just me). As the relationship progressed it could become more and more difficult for me to see other ladies and for me to see her see clients, the more serious we get the closer I want to feel to her and well, unfortunately for me I guess, the fact that she sees clients may present a barrier to our closeness that I may not be able to overcome. My scenario though is all theoretical. I have no idea how the relationship would develop, fortunately life isn't completely scripted and I still get surprised every now and then ;). All I can truly say, is that regardless of how it would turn out, I would want to try. If I truly felt something for this lady, then I would never forgive myself for not trying, regardless of the circumstances.
  16. I think there are a few things to consider when talking natural vs implanted. I've been with women who have had large natural, small natural, soft feeling implants, hard feeling implants. I'm not an expert on the subject, but I imagine that the hard feeling implants are not necessarily intentional. And I will admit that of the 4 types I mentioned above they are the ones I prefer the least (that isn't to say that I dislike them though... I really likes me some boobies). This has been mentioned before, but even if a lot of guys are saying that they won't book with enhanced breasts, the fact is that you will likely get more attention after enhancement. I personally don't understand why the stated popular opinion is natural, when there's obviously a lot of guys out there who are fans of enhanced. I don't think that they should feel shame or guilt for what they enjoy. After all, that's why most of us are here right? To be able to express our preferences and follow our fantasies? In then end though, regardless of how we feel and regardless of your choice you should decide on what allows you to love yourself the most and what makes you feel most comfortable with your body. A sexy lady is a sexy lady and she is that because she has a certain level of confidence. If you're seriously considering doing this then I would HIGHLY recommend doing research on this and I'm not talking about just checking things out, I'm talking about finding out everything there is about enhancement, from the surgery, to after care, to possible side effects, to healing and so forth. There's also the fact that you need to consider the surgeon with which you will undergo the procedure. Let's face it, not every plastic surgeon is the same, some are likely very good at this and others not so much. I don't know for a fact, but I wouldn't be surprised if he could show you some examples of his work. You may want to discuss with some ladies who have already undergone this procedure, they may be willing to share their experiences and they may enlighten you to some aspects you may not have considered previously. In the end it all comes down to choice and your comfort level with making (or not making) that choice. From reading your posts you seem pretty set on doing it. And if that's the case and you really feel that that's what you need to do then I commend you on it. All I would suggest is again, that you make as informed a decision as possible and even once you've decided, to not rush to the closest surgeon who will do it for the cheapest price. This is definitely not one of those things you want to "get the best deal" on. If you decide to do it then you research should turn from "if" to "what's the best way to do it". This is a decision that you will likely need to live with for the foreseeable future and so making sure it's done right should be your primordial concern. Regardless of your decision thank you for being a sexy sexy lady :icon_cool:.
  17. I'm not one to judge, but how could you, as a hobbyist, not go with kissing! Here are my thoughts on it. Clearly you start slowly (depending on how familiar you are with the lady in question), and progress from there. I have a personal preference of lots of tongue interactions if the lady will allow it, usually it's reasonably clear early enough on (I think :icon_redface:). Too much saliva can be a bad thing when mouth to mouth kissing (some places there is no such thing as too much saliva :bjs:). I tend to enjoy kissing everywhere that is generally kissed (and maybe even some less common places ;)). As far as eyes opened or closed, I generally keep them open, even if I agree that you can't really lock gazes (you still have to watch out for ninjas!) just a habit I can't really explain. Lastly, I was initially shocked at how a great kissing session after my first SOG would get me harder than anything could and quickly as well. It makes more sense now that I think about it, I'm fully engaged in the passionate act and not just a recipient or giver. It's an exchange or passion for me, which is probably the best way I can explain why I enjoy it so much.
  18. Pretty much what Angela said. Fully interactive means the whole deal with the girls into each other almost as much as they are into the guy (almost ;)).
  19. I've really appreciated reading everyone's thoughts on the subject at hand and must say that I tend to agree with those that state that beauty is different from one person to the next. One thing that I would like to inquire about Fiamma Chi is the premise your subject line assumes. The thread title being "How can SOME ugly men be shallow?" means that the assumption is that ugly men have no right or justification for being shallow (at the very least we're assuming that handsome men do have that right or justification). It also seems to indicate that men who are considered less attractive, should "settle" for girls who are in their equivalent "range". I would have a strong inclination to disagree with this. I personally don't consider myself to be particularly physically attractive, however I've never let that stop me from approaching women who are "out of my league" (I dislike that term :P). Why is this? Primarily because I am an intelligent and funny person who makes decent coin and can be very kind to those he cares for. All of these are (unless I've been lied to) prime elements of what women seek in a relationship. People have all sorts of reasons for acting the way they do. One of the things I will hear most often from women is that confidence is very high on the list of attractors and that physical aspects are secondary. Perhaps your friend was only attempting to act in a confident manner. I will certainly agree that the comment was rude, your friend should have known enough to keep his mouth shut. With regards to the cougars, trust me, they're out there. Just because you don't know them doesn't mean that they don't exist. One of the unfortunate realities of our society is that that behavior from women is still somewhat shunned or looked down upon, while it is completely acceptable for a man to do the same. Fortunately as time marches on opinions change and people tend to pull their heads out of their asses, if only just a little. So to answer your question I would have to say, SOME ugly men can be shallow just like SOME handsome men are, the reasons behind it can be numerous. Walking the fine line between confidence and arrogance can be difficult and in the future I'd encourage you to politely reproach your friend when he steps out of line. Don't put him down, but let him know that that behavior isn't acceptable. If he isn't a jerk he'll handle it well and you can move in and if he is a jerk, well then you'll know he's a jerk and can proceed with that knowledge in hand. ;)
  20. Since, as you pointed out, no one has come out and specifically blamed her maybe you should just leave it at that and refrain from putting words into RG's mouth. If he wanted to blame her he could and probably would have, but he didn't. I don't see why you have to start accusing him of something he didn't do just because the words he used could have been interpreted that way. To the OP, I tend to agree with most of the people in this thread, you did the right thing by just cutting her out. I get where you're coming from in your thoughts about never waiting for a girl to become single before you make a move (Sloan's The Other Man anyone? ;)), but I'm not sure that's the best option either (wish I had the correct option for you, but I don't, sorry :().
  21. There is something I learned very quickly when I joined the business world and that was "The only person looking out for you, is you". Now how much of that translates to family/social life is debatable. But it's something that I've kept with me ever since and I feel that I'm emotionally in a better position because of it. Your first responsibilities are to yourself and to any dependents you may have (children, etc). You have to make the choices that will, in the end, leave you and consequently your dependents in a better mental and emotional state. Money is highly overrated when it comes to these things. A lot of this has to do with the bonds that you feel for your family. I feel no shame stating that my bonds with most of my friends are stronger that with the bonds than I feel with my family. These bonds are strengthened by shared experiences, victories celebrated and storms weathered. They are weakened by people taking the bonds themselves for granted, by manipulating, blackmailing, maliciously calling upon the sense of duty you feel to that person because of that bond. I, personally, have severed my connection with some of my family and if I hadn't done so I'd be an emotional wreck. Some people feel that because they are family that they can get away with manipulating you emotionally, financially, etc... And that you have no recourse, because they are family. This should not be the case. If they cannot accept something that you have or have not done, that is their right. They can let you know what they'd want for you, and they can encourage you to pursue it. But they should never have the right to make you feel less than what you are, to make you feel guilty for pursuing your own happiness. As hard as it is to believe, you can sever a connection with someone, and yet still love them dearly. Sometimes you just realize that exposure to that environment hurts more than it helps. Julia no one can tell you what course of action you should be taking. In the end I guess you need to ask yourself what's best for you and your children. If you do end up severing the bond I would do as someone else mentioned above, write down the reasons, the real reasons (I doubt money is actually one of them) so that your mother understands why. She may realize that she's made a mistake in trying to make you do something that's not you. It's also possible that she may never make that realization, that's a reality you have to prepare yourself for. The one piece of advice I can give you if you chose this path is that you can't turn around and change your mind later. This isn't out of a sense of stubbornness or pride, it's due to the fact that if you come back after severing ties, it will serve as an indicator that she's won, that she can freely manipulate or blackmail you and that you have no recourse because you'll eventually come back. It's a bitter sentiment, perhaps even a little morbid (I'm sure someone will criticize me for it), but I've dealt with enough people like that in the past and honestly believe in what I've just told you.
  22. I must start this recommendation with an apology. I've been doing both the gentlemen of Moncton and the lovely miss Jolie a great disservice but neglecting the writing of this recommendation until now. I saw VJ at the end of 2010 during her last visit to Moncton. I had been trying to get with her for a while now and sometimes things happen and it just doesn't work out the first time. Let me say this though, that while I may have been frustrated at being unable to see her on my first attempt Victoria has very good customer service skills and you can tell that she knows how to run a business and treat her customers right. I get to her hotel in the middle of a snowy day (not yet a snow storm, but it certainly wasn't a pleasant drive to downtown). I call, get the info, very professional, very organized. Get to her room and there opens the beauty that we've all seen in the pictures! I will, as always, keep our time together private, however I will state that there were hot tubs involved and all requests were satisfied. VJ is not only an excellent companion in bed, but she has a wealth of experience from travel and living an interesting life at still such a young age. She is an excellent conversationalist and really knows a lot about a lot :). If you get the opportunity to spend some time with her do not deny yourself such a treat.
  23. I'll throw in my own question! When an SP decides to charge an additional fee for certain services (ex: CoF, CIM/SW, etc) is it because she doesn't mind performing these services, but feels that the market will allow her to charge an additional fee and does so as a business decision? Or is it because, while they may not really like it, they feel that they can at least tolerate it and will do so for the additional fee? Or is it some unknown to me third reason? The reasoning behind my asking the question is important. I generally feel bad doing something to someone that they don't enjoy and while paying an additional fee for these things doesn't bother me, I would feel cheated if they weren't 100% comfortable with the act (sell the fantasy right? ;)). I wouldn't feel as though it were a mutually desired act, but merely something that is tolerated for money which completely ruins the mood for me.
  24. <Insert Admiral Ackbar pic here> Smells like a trap to me. I'm possibly being very cynical here, but logically a guy wouldn't want to see an SP he could possibly run into on a regular basis. To me someone who would be asking for this could be thinking of one of the two following scenarios. Either: Someone's accused or suspects someone else of being an SP and need proof so they create an account on CERB and throw out a general "who's a UofO SP?". They could also be trying to catch them in some illegal acts (eg. public communications, multiple incalls, etc) in the hopes to ruin their reputation in their prospective field. Academic competition is fierce. Or: Dude thinks that he can blackmail an SP after seeing her once by threatening to reveal her occupation to loved ones the SP would want to keep this from. Again the threat of embarrassment is a plausible means of holding the SP hostage to the person's whims. Ok, so these may be a bit extreme, but hyperbole is good at getting the point across. I'm also very paranoid when tired ;). My point being, were I an SP and were I attending UofO I would close this thread and never give it a second thought.
  25. In another case of "How the hell does this girl not already have a recommendation in the NB section" I came to add my voice to what I was sure was an already existing recommendation, however I found myself puzzled and I was left without anything to do but start a new one! I blame the regions split ;) I saw Chrystal a few weeks ago now during her visit to Moncton (November 2nd) and was unfortunately unable to post this until now. Fortunately the memory of our encounter is still very much etched in my mind and I should have very little trouble making a proper recommendation. I had missed Chrystal last time she was in Moncton and had been kicking myself in the butt since then for it. I'd been speaking with her via email and poor business practices by the gentlemen of the region had not inspired her to come back (we'll leave that topic for another thread though). Fortunately though she decided to give us another shot and I told myself I would not miss this opportunity. Once she announced the dates we worked something out via email quickly and efficiently. Chrystal is joy to deal with, she's very organized, patient with my incessant questions and confirmations and promptly replies to emails. As the name implies she's French (Montreal French), however you couldn't tell until you actually speak to her and hear the accent, in all written communications her English is flawless and I'm sure this helps her make both English and French customers feel at ease. Once I had booked the appointment all that was left was to wait... patiently ;). The day of our appointment rolls around and I am, as usual, quite nervous. As a side note, I think the day I stop being nervous for these is the day I stop hobbying :) It's part of the experience for me. Fortunately I am used to the motions, so I know the drill, get hotel info, go to hotel, call for room number, etc... I go up to the room knock on the door, pause... (what was maybe 15 seconds felt like an eternity), the door opens with no one there to greet me. I'm a little puzzled, but I'm not getting any bad vibes so I walk in. The door closes and this amazonian beauty greets me and suddenly I understand why she wasn't in front of the door to greet me... she's wearing *that* oh right :boobeyes:. Chrystal was dressed as I requested and I was quite pleased. Describing her is difficult without drifting off into some fantasy land, but I'll try: The specifications she uses to describe herself are accurate, but what isn't included in these descriptions are her incredibly soft skin, fantastic lips as well as her wet and adventurous tongue. I know some don't like missing out on the details in the next part, but I'm not comfortable sharing our time together with others. You can pretty much guess based on the boxes that were checked for available services. There are some that she offers for an additional fee that I did not check as I didn't want to cause any confusion. As always YMMV so it's best to just speak with the SP to find out what is and isn't available. I will however say the following, Chrystal is a great kisser and is great at the erotic banter back and forth before and during our time together, not necessarily the "fuck me now" dirty talk, but more like the coy "I see what you're hiding there", this speaks to my sense of humour and I found that it adds to the experience. After, she's quite content to just lay cuddled next to you gently stroking your chest talking about whatever may come up, very GFE and a nice touch indeed. Overall one of the better encounters I've had, I don't like ranking because I can't rate every encounter on the same criteria, but suffice it to say that she is not to be missed. Unfortunately, if I understood correctly, Chrystal will not be returning to us in Moncton, not enough interest (or gents who don't keep appointments) apparently. I personally can't blame her for not wanting to return, she does have a business to run and it would be silly to expect her to make a bad business decision. However! I hold out hope that she may, after some time for the gents of the region to think on what they're potentially losing, return to give us a final chance! This recommendation is posted in that hope... and cause she's awesome.
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