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Everything posted by justhavingfun

  1. For most sp's deposits are a standard part of the screening process and I support the practice because of the possible safety risks that sp's are faced with in this industry. The statement I've heard a lot of over the years is that deposits also help to weed out time wasters which yes is absolutely true but I've experienced being cancelled on (which happens no big deal) and when rescheduling isn't an option I'm usually getting the deposit back in a form I don't really want like uber dollars or something because etransfer isn't possible for privacy on her end which I get so that's a downside. If deposits are a deal breaker then when in bigger towns most agencies don't require deposits so that's one way to go. Personally I have some set standards that I look for before sending deposits such as does she have a well put together website where I can find info about her and possible dates, does she have an active social media account with upbeat positive posts to give me a sense of hey I'd actually like to see this person, are the pictures up to date and accurate, does she have multiple reco's with a history showing great service (Although some great sp's have a no reco policy which is fine).
  2. I've seen her ads for years but never contacted because of experiences relayed by others in DM's. There is a warning about Dee I'm the NB section.
  3. I agree, when it happens to me I'll wait a few days for maybe a post on social media saying something came up, a text or an email. Anytime I have been ghosted a lot of the time it's been from woman who don't have websites, reco's are limited, ads are infrequent.. not to say it hasn't happened with heavily reco'd sp's as well but they'll usually provide some sort of an explanation. If I've gone through the screening process, prebooked days in advance, confirmed the date following her instructions then there is no explanation for ghosting I consider it disrespectful for sure as my time is as valuable as hers but I also find it kind of a relief because I just saved some money and won't try to reschedule. There are so many other amazing woman in this industry to spend time with. Stick to woman with websites that you can find 99% of all info required, woman who post regularly on social media with updates on availability and just general postive posts, woman that have a history of reco's showing reliable great service that makes you want to become a regular. There are a lot of flakes out there on both sides.
  4. For myself it depends on where I'm at in the country. When I'm in AB visiting after living there for years I use Caf exclusively. I've met so many amazing woman and maintianed great friendships from that site for 10 plus years. It holds a special spot for me. When in Ontario/Montreal it's a combo of tryst, twitter then followed up by checking out te rb and me rb for follow up info. When in the maritimes it's lyla primary source and try as much as I can to avoid LL as I really can't stand that site for the amount of fakes.
  5. She has dates posted in the NB Schedule section. I met her in Calgary pre covid and had a great experience.
  6. Is this her https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/fredericton_i_can_be_you_deep_dark_secret_on_a_sunny_day-8033780
  7. I see she posted a few days ago but was only seeing previous clients. Hoping that one day she'll see new clients.
  8. I'm just wondering if anyone knows the laws surrounding canadians sending deposits to US providers they are planning to meet when in the US. Considering the laws in both countries don't match up I'm curious would a transfer through a company from Canada to a US providers email get flagged or would there be any concern that maybe I'm not thinking about?
  9. Yeah not sure what's going on. I'm able to text other contacts normally but their two numbers on their site just instantly bounce back as unable to send error code. I also emailed but haven't seen a response. Thanks for the info
  10. Is anyone else having trouble sending texts to the number listed in their ads. Every text keeps being sent back as unable to deliver error. Other texts go through no problem for me so was curious if anyone is experiencing this?
  11. Deposits are definitely common place now for a couple of reasons. It provides a safety layer as they now have details on who they are meeting and it weeds out time wasters.. I'm sure there are other reasons but those come to mind first. I've been sending deposits by etransfer for years everywhere I travel it just seems that NB is a little behind the practice. I've never had issue with sending a deposit by etransfer, gift card ect. Established providers with websites and multiple recos on sites like lyla are the only times I send a transfer. The random LL ads asking for transfers just avoid.
  12. $20 lap dances, open area where dances are not private boothes...cover charge varies on girl working coat check I find.. one tried to charge me $20 on a firday night a month ago said no and she dropped it to $10. Having said that I always enjoy my visits and plan on visiting again soon.
  13. Was just there last week.. think it's open 7 days a week starting at 7pm. I had to ring the doorbell for doorman to let me in.
  14. I'm pretty sure the pics are stolen from a highly recommended Halifax sp but wanted to see if anyone had any info as a name change and relocation aren't impossible. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/moncton_cute_and_naughty-7675219?source=list
  15. The profiles claiming they were ripped off were both created the same day and immediately posted here.. seems a little suspicious
  16. Is this who you mean? https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/fredericton_last_day_here_come_see_your_sweet_layla-6472759?source=list
  17. I'm not there enough to ever remember the stage names of the woman I had talked to. I always have a good time at Angie's and if the request had been even in the ball park with industry rates for the region I would've taken them up on the offer.
  18. Just seeing if anyone has seen karma. She posts ever so often in SJ. Couldn't find a reco made for her. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/saint_john_karma-6346712
  19. Just wondering if anyone has any info or was able to find if the pics are fake. I used tineye nothing came back in the search. https://www.leolist.cc/personals/female-escorts/new-brunswick/moncton_sexy_blond_looking_to_fulfill_your_every_want-6160261
  20. Yup pics are fake and stats make no sense but the Anika years ago would use fake pics with a similar likeness.. hopefully someone is able to provide some info.
  21. I think the ad is still up if you type her name in the keyword search tool at the top of the LL page it'll pop up.
  22. Just curious if anyone has seen her. There used to be an Anika that was around SJ and Fredericton 3 or 4 years back so I'm curious if this is the same girl based on the way she states in her ad "guess who's back". The pics in the ad are from other online sources but the Anika from years past used to use pics with similar likeness to advertise. Any info would be appreciated.
  23. Nice just tried it again.. previous attempts brought me to a dead link
  24. Yeah I saw that reco.. that's why I mentioned in my post that there was no link to an ad for the olivia he was recommending and since I've seen multiple woman use that name in the past wasnt sure if we were referencing the same person.
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