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Studio 110 by Sophia

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. For those of you who do not follow me on twitter, I was away from my phone and completely unplugged from social media due to a death in my family. As a result I am a week behind in renovating my new spa. I expect to be fully equipped by June 28th. This Monday, June 11th I will be hosting in the Dieppe location. Please keep in mind I have only bare essential Furnishings here. Massage table ( regular size not the extra wide) and of course the bedroom. Stay tunned for the Lyla only event in July!
  2. Thanks for the shout out Meaghan:) There is a massage only section to see ads of who os providing sensual touch massage.
  3. The week has arrived for the HOT SPA! After this week's end you will be visiting us at our new location. We will have our GRAND Japanese Soaker tub installed by then...tic toc ;) With all good things, one must wait. So please be patient for all the final details to be 100% complete. I am working hard to make sure everything is set perfect for us to enjoy this beautiful home spa and studio. The house is situated in a perfect area for us to blend in well. Not too suburb and yet in a charming and young neighbourhood. WHEN WE HAVE COMPLETED our interior, I will announce a Grand Opening special. With your customized spa package, receive an additional 30 min to have a meet and greet with all 3 of us ladies! Enjoy a beverage, perhaps some deserts or fruits and get to know all of us in a social atmosphere! THIS WILL BE A 2 DAY ONLY EVENT. You must be an established lyla member to enjoy this offer. PM myself or Tiffany Marie to arrange. PM is mandatory. Looking forward to hosting you @ STUDIO 110 by Sophia
  4. Moncton has great cullinary, music and theater! As for nature a visit to the Rocks, Cape Enrage. Or if weather was better Shediac parlee beach and warf!
  5. I have been recently contacted by a few hobbyist and ladies of being approached about some BARE essential safety concerns over the last few months. I am hoping that our playful community is playing it safe not engaging in activities that endanger everyone who partakes in our lifestyle? I am NOT referring to the usual intimate fun, but ****! Some have alerted me to some unusual activity here in NB, whereas some extra bonus favours are being passed around:( I do hope it goes without saying, if you are offered such practices... please consider the following? 1. your health means more than the big O....health lasts well a life time, an average O is about 10 sec. 2. why are you being offered this? What is their gain? And will they care about you when something bad happens? 3. remember, by dirtying up the pool NO ONE IS SAFE and it will result in providers making it less and less personal in your time spent. 4. YOU ARE BEING MUNIPULATED and where does that end?? ANYHOW... don't want to be the sex-ed teacher you all dreamed about...LOL...but please use your common since out there and use the original big brain the good lord gave us LOL. xoxox Sophia
  6. Snap on that! As my GF says ! I am also increasingly embarresed to be on that site! The ads are horrid! Disgusting! Something I am not comfortable with being apart of! I keep asking NB memebers to try twitter too. At least we are are varified by default lol. PSSST. just followed you lol
  7. I seen that site pop up quickly post Bp...and was not impressed on the layout or quality. However that being said I am now declining in my opionion of LL:( I am greatly disappointed in the direction of LL.
  8. Ya I asked friends to check on thier wall and found out my posts were there. But for a whole day I could see ppl posting but I could not see pocs or tweet. Etc. Seems all good now tho. Phewf.
  9. Eros, the Greek God of Love is our inspiration for this amazing spa package deal! 3 ladies with 3 unique talents for hosting and seduction. This 90 min journey will relax and stimulate, excite and delight all your senses! 30 blissful minutes of soothing massage with Myself a Tantric artist. Long connective strokes down your body, little naughty detours along the way. Body 2 Body slides, light little kisses. And when the moment is right..... Allow Tiffany or Alex invite you for a Jacuzzi soak. Soapy, bubbly flirty fun! Tantalising teasing and frolicking for 2:) Beverages on hand to enjoy, from cool flavoured waters or if you fancy a glass of wine. Once you have completed your soak..... Spend another 30 min in a lover's embrace with your other divine hostess! To book this Eros Package, please do with one day notice! Alexx will be on Lyla soon, but for now she is verified on Leolist. Check out her ad there! 506 261 7313
  10. Have you looked in the ad/announcement section here? Or leolist?.
  11. Can I screen shoot this!? I am so tired of trying to explain excatly this statement over and over! Even before the LL it applied to BP!
  12. Your welcome! I am not sure how many of my appts come from there. I really wish people would answer me correctly when i ask..,where did you see my ad?" they answer " the internet" LOL LOL It does show me i have had over 9k views. But that is over 2 years I think.
  13. I dont know what happening with my twitter? For few days I can barely post, or see posts from others? All I can see are the txt with no pictures, except I can see others threads like health magazines etc...I cant even see my own profile? Help!
  14. Thank you karmakiss for sharing that! I also just posted a comment there on her blog. Many people ask me why I am no longer a GFE provider. Many speculate and I am sure there are many wild imaginations out there. But the truth is, I just no longer could be apart of that ever changing landscape. Went from being all things covered mind of girl. To then some things uncovered, then I was competeting with even more risky behavours! Till one day I was confused on where the lines are drawn! When does my health and safety count? Where does GFE end and PSE begin??? I dropped all escorting service and entered into my massage service. I work harder, make less and I am ok with that! I now have lovely clients who truly visit for my skill sets, and they 100% respect my boudries. And by all means, I am NOT saying ladies who choose to PSE etc are doing something wrong or whatever, BUT we providers should be able to comfortably CHOOSE our services and not be bullied and pressured into providing services ONLY because we are scared about a review. If thats the case I would implement a strict do not review policy. Which I know even that would be tricky to even have controll over! Grr lol.
  15. Well said MsManda! I have a long lasting relationship throughout my entire career!My life partner is NOT involved in my business, no more than a housewife is involved with her husbands accounting office lol. My partner does not live in the house I work in. We have our own lovenest! That being said, I tire of explaining ( well no I dont often explain myself away lol) "why dont you book ...." or awww I can ONLY do Sat...etc... Sorry dont what to tell ya all but I reserve 2/3whole days a week for me and my family and loved ones! And as soon as I say, no I do massage only, they say ....oh you have a BF????? I say.. Soooo i see your married! My restrictions have NOTHING TO DO WITH MY PERSONAL LIFE ! I have decided that this is my comfort zone, and I have decided this as a GROWN ASS WOMAN! Not as a surpressed and oppressed girl. Sorry but not sorry. ROAR
  16. Ohhhhh hahaha of course! Lol. Anyhow...vip fav os off line again too. Lol
  17. I forgot that I have been on this site for few years lol. Till recently they emailed me. This site is great! Has interview, blogs, they tweet your profile and you can be varified as well. I see Brooklyn styles is also there. And couple others.
  18. Vipfavours had a bumpy start. I think all is good now. I really like that site!
  19. Funny you mentioned this! I was thinking the exact same thing. So we need to start using the report button. .gents u too! Or I am gonna have to raise my rates to afford to bump lol. REALS!
  20. Bhahaha I seen that too! I now scroll ads for a good laugh with my nirning coffee lol
  21. These are the same men who have been in news for trying to rob flood victums. So sick. But at least their faces are all over the internet. One is even in sex offender registary.
  22. I am suspecting a good many of these crazy ads, 70$/h And some soo gross...come and dystroy my holes! Omfg! I think they are internet scams from all over the world. I have not contacted any of thoes crazy ads, to find out but I would bet on it.
  23. Wow wow wow! Thanks for the update! Makes me so sick to even think these ppl can even sleep at night!
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