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Studio 110 by Sophia

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Everything posted by Studio 110 by Sophia

  1. Yes, a secure credit card is ideal , but a secure credit card requires a minimum amount of 1000$ I believe?. With this pre-paid you can choose your amount you start with. I have used it for the fallowing chains: Delta, Crown, Best Western, Minto Suites, Ramada....really is that not good enough? Plus It requires no paper work other than your address( hehehe) and phone number Photo ID. If you are going threw a bank institution they require a load of info that some may not be able to give out. Just FYI for those who may be held back for CC reasons.
  2. I think we all go threw this problem. But I have noticed that it takes a bit of time to " train" them on how you operate. once they understand you way of doing things, or they realize that they are getting pushed aside and not able to book the appt they so desire, they usually will go back and re-read your instruction of proper booking. Also sometimes they get so excited they are just thinking with wrong "head"...lol, which might be a sign that your just that hot!:)
  3. I would like to take this opportunity to share a piece of knowledge with you that a new SP may not know. If you are like most starting out, you may not have a credit card which is essential for travel and for booking hotels. Don't stress, there are ways to get around this. If you go to money mart and ask for a Pre-paid Titanium VISA, your problem is solved. You can choose how much you want to put on it, fee's are cheep, and is accepted everywhere that a VISA is( not rental car). I use mine for flight, reservations, and hotels. I use it for my phone payments, ads, etc...so hope this helps anyone out there having a hard time with credit cards:)
  4. From my experience, it is a bit nerve wrecking when going so far from home. The best advice I can offer is to be well prepared...have a back up plan when traveling long distance! Spend time chatting and develop some kind of reporter for at least a month. Advertise well, and try to get to know the SP's in that town. Look at other SP's schedules , and try to plan around it. In any city or town, there is a need for fresh faces. i truly welcome any respectable SP's to my home town. If you need help to organise your tour let me know, I will do my best to be your ambassador!
  5. I hear you Apex. I do not think I would want someone to recommend me every time they see me. That would feel fake to me. Also, would feel a bit spooked, lol. But I did work along time on building my reputation, and I know that I have made a difference in some peoples lives as well. I was in my hotel, had a dinner that was tasty but but I was not fulfilled for the price they charged me. There was a survey, I filled it out. I commented that the food was great, service was prompt, but was not fulfilled and for the price they charged I should have left full.But still left the waiter a nice tip. I just started to get rec's after working very hard to please and accommodate people, but it took about 6 or more months to get that. yes it was well deserved. But I started to wonder what I was doing wrong?'I have seen girls get great rec's, what am I doing differently? NOTHING! It takes time. There have been times when i wished I could have seen someone when I was at my best....but we cant be at our best all the time either. I was with someone tonight, and he said " I wont see someone without rec's" Which I fully understand! But yet, knowing that this is how we build our business if you like what I offer you, why not say it? Had I not gotten those rec's, he would have missed out on the good time we had! So Thankfully those gentlemen that gave me rec's, I can continue providing the great service that I strive to give:)
  6. This is my first visit to Ottawa. I have to say Thank you to the ladies here! Of course to the gentlemen I plan to meet as well. But, to the SP's here, a special Thanks for welcoming me in your city. Sometimes money is not everything, it is the kindness and respect that is shown, True professionalism that has been shown here. If ever in my town....let me be your ambassador!
  7. Wow! Happy birthday babes! You have graced us with your beautiful writting, for some, a beautiful touch. You truly have made a difference in our lives.....for me anyway. xoxox Hope you spend you birthday with joy and enthusiasum, as you should!
  8. Yes i too have felt awkward at times about this issue. I have seen people who rave on about how they love my service, I see them often. When I ask if they participate in reviews they answer " no I dont spend much time on that" But as Meg stated, if they have time to find me, why not to recommend me? I had been apart of cerb for almost 6months before my first review came out. I was starting to think to myself..." what do I have to do to get a recommendation?" or " they must just say that they love my service and not mean it." or " what are other girls doing that I am not, to get those review's?" Now it all started to fall in place. They started to trickle in. Afterall this is a recommendation board right?
  9. Although we have not met, I feel as if I have made a long distance friend. if you ever in my part of the woods, feel free to look me up. We will miss you here for sure, Take care of yourself, Beast wishes for your new endeavor! xoxox
  10. I just bought a new cook book, 150 Healthiest 15 min Recipes on Earth. It has really great idea's also explains why the dish is healthy and the benefits from a Doctor's point of view. There may be some fish in the recipes, but lots of veggie dishes! Good luck! I tried it before but I found my blood type did not work as a vegetarian. I feel anemic,eventhough I was substantiating my proteins, it was not enough for me. But still love my vegetarian dishes.
  11. I agree with you! SP'S have to know our safe practices, our health depends on it! So why is the SP the ones to be looked at as "vector's of disease'. I find it is the general public who have there facts all messed up. Half of which do not know the proper use of condom's! It is too bad for them that they decided to break it off with you. Is is their loss, and koddoo's to you for being honest with them!
  12. I would like to know, If it is Harper's Government that is held in contempt, why should he be able to run for this election. Is that not like grounding your child to stay in his room, but has all his computer games? LOL!
  13. Oh yes I have comments! What a joke! I am outraged at this. I was taken with Elizabeth May a few years back. She was in the debates for the last( or was it the one before?) election. She was the only one out of the parties who gave factual information. Her dates, times, and $ amounts were bang on! She answered each question dead on. No running around in circles trying NOT to answer the question at hand. As many of them seem to be talented with. I am very upset by this, cant help but feel that this is not what we call democracy? Why was she involved with that debate and not this? Would have she had less seats at that time? Although environment is at the foundation of their party, but, is not their ONLY concern. I seem to remember she had great plans during the whole "bail out" situation with GM and other institutions,Education, and many topics that we all are concerned on. I felt as though she took the Green party from being a hippy party, to a level of respect within our parliament.Too bad for us, that we can not hear all substantial parties plans! Additional Comments: Ohhhh, and I forgot to add, Green has a riding in every part of Canada, and yet Bloc has only(?) Quebec....but Yet.....Hmmmm? Am I missing something?
  14. I have to ask mrgreen, are you artistic? They say artists tend to like our organized messes, due to our overactive scatter brained ways, lol....I am an artist.
  15. Oh Yes! Thank you mistert, that really clears a lot up for me.
  16. Ahhhh Thank you mistert! Explains the what, but not the how? Is it this that got the election ball rolling? I just am curious as to the timing of this issues with the elections. Does it appear they are "ducking out" From responsibility?
  17. At the risk of sounding totally ignorant, but I wonder if anyone can explain to me about "contempt of of Parliment" Is this the same as being held in contempt of court? And why is this now an issue so close to election? How are we to look at the issues at hand, and sort threw that mess at the same time? If a different party gets the vote, does this issue and the people involved have to answer to this?
  18. I am enjoying reading all of these comments! I am learning so much through this discussion! As i do, I seem to shift and sway.....lol. It can get hard to see the tree's through the forest!
  19. My 2 favorite quotes:"The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated" Mahatma Gandhi "To error is human; to forgive is divine" Shakespeare.
  20. You might be to something superhero! With the world events being so dramatic lately, it is easy to see how our brains are on overdrive. I would imagine that many more people are experiencing the same type of thing as you are. I always dream, and some are premonition kind of dreams. perhaps trying to read something that is positive before you go to bed? Perhaps it will help to keep those dark images from your dream world? If the world ends sweety, will you rescue me??lol...
  21. I love this post! I feel that my generation and younger have left the " voting to the adults" , lol When I vote I not only think of the PM and the ruling party,but the cascading effect it has on my community. I look at who is representing my local municipality needs as well as Provincial responsibility.
  22. So good to see your involvement maybefunagain! I think participating in these discussions can somewhat remedy those social issues we experience, as SP's. It is a way to be social even from a distance.
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