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Everything posted by Surf_Nazis_Must_Die

  1. I'm going to go with Haiku Any asshole can stab someone without too much effort, writing a haiku that does not suck is all sorts of difficult! Rye or Bourbon?
  2. With the help of another co-worker, I managed to have the new kid at work (and I do mean kid) convinced I was a convicted felon. We also had a side bet going in regards to whether or not the newbie would ask me what I did to "land myself in prison". It made for a rather entertaining evening for at least two of us! P.S. Don't worry, we eventually let the poor guy in on the joke and made it up to him afterward
  3. Metallica - 8 bit Battery (All instruments replaced by Nintendo sounds) Nerdin' it up, w00t!
  4. I Found a copy of beloved "puck rock" goofballs The Hanson Brothers' 1996 album Sudden Death last week. Fun!
  5. Woke up and had a chance to throw Husker Du's "New Day Rising" on the turntable before work this morning. Sheer bleary morning eyed bliss :)
  6. Oh Youtube... Why are you so ridiculous?
  7. Jesus, I hadn't planned on posting on any forums, was just going to poke my head in and take a look around so to speak... But so much for that! I'm so sad to hear a such a friendly, kindhearted, and especially funny person like Old Dog has had such an unfortunate thing befall him. :( My thoughts and best wishes are with you OD, please feel better soon!!!
  8. Well folks, looks like i'm taking off from these parts for the time being. I've been happily single for quite some time, but a wonderful person has come along and somehow managed to make me rethink my stance on relationships. For the first time in ages i'm interested in more than friendship with a lady. It's still pretty new but I feel that the relationship, and the lady deserves my undivided attention. It's been a hell of a fun ride, and perhaps i'll return. Never say never, right? I've been lucky to share this forum with some pretty rad people! I wish all of you all the happiness and great sex in the world! -Surf
  9. Thank you for providing us men with some friendly direction Zoe, Especially the kind of direction that guides us to your bum! ;) But seriously, Speaking for myself, I always appreciate feedback from a woman. Otherwise, I feel a bit lost and floundering in a new situation and that generally is a lousy way of going about things!
  10. Some fiercely nerdy raps courtesy of MC Chris :) IG-88 (Why you gotta playa hate?) Fett's Vette
  11. Air Guitar Nation was pretty fun and all sorts of strange :)
  12. Great album from a great band :) Saw them live a few times, always a great live act, including their final Winnipeg show. It wasn't surprising that we were no longer on their itinerary after someone nearly whizzed a bottle off the singer's head and one of the openers, a band from japan called nicotine, got mugged just outside the venue... Stay classy Winnipeg :( The shortest song on the album is probably my favorite http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5O2tJXCpi2Q Lyrics: Every interaction tainted with objectification Does it make you cool to put her in her place How would you feel if it was your sister You're a poor excuse for a man
  13. Happy birthday dude! Hope it's filled with good times and beautiful ladies :D
  14. I would say quite a few documentaries get overlooked. This first one is all sorts of silly fun, and sometimes truth really can be stranger than fiction. These grown men take Donkey Kong WAY to seriously! King Of Kong, A Fistful Of Quarters The next ones are much more of a "niche market" sort of documentary, but the casual viewer might be surprised by how passionate and articulate the movie's subjects can be. Well, at least in the first two ;) Metal, A headbanger's Journey http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfIhuhB5wBY Heavy Metal In Baghdad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC3icYwYstg Get Thrashed, The Story Of Thrash Metal
  15. AWESOME THREAD!! Music is pretty much my "raison d'etre" and there's so many albums that shaped my life. I apologize in advance, this post is gonna be a long one! I figure i'll group the albums somewhat chronologically by phases, or "chunks" of my life. Younger years: Soundgarden - Badmotorfinger An album I used to play a bunch of Nintendo to. I'm pretty sure this had a BIG influence on my future love of metal. Still my favorite grunge era band. Weird Al - Alapalooza This album helped to instill an off the wall sense of humor in me. As well, taught me the value of not taking yourself too seriously! Teenage Years: These can all just be lumped into a giant love affair with punk with a healthy dose of life lessons and self discovery. All set to a backdrop of slam dancing and beer Pennywise - About Time Various artists - Short Music For Short People Dead Kennedys - Give me Convenience Or Give Me Death Death By Stereo - Day Of The Death The Metal years: Megadeth - Rust In Peace This album completely changed my perception of music. It didn't leave my car's tape deck once the summer I found it, it will forever blow my tiny little mind DRI - Thrash Zone with this album I discovered that somebody had found a way to combine my 2 biggest loves into one volatile combination! Long live Crossover! Slayer - Reign In Blood About as perfect as an album can get in terms of pushing early metal envelopes. It's just pummeling from start to finish. An unrelenting monster of an album. Dio - Holy Diver For me, Ronnie James Dio will forever remain the best vocalist in heavy music. This album really helped me reconcile my somewhat hidden inner nerdiness with my beer swilling, gregarious headbanger exterior. The man had so much positivity and hope in his music. I love DIO
  16. Many happy wishes to you Emma, hope you've had a wonderful day!
  17. Well, like others I also do the shave every 2nd day or so but the bathroom routine isn't really what makes me feel ready for the day. I despise mornings and I'm not usually awake and functioning until the last second before I step out the door. So for me, It's when the leather jacket gets slipped on and the boots are laced up. That's when i'm ready to face the outside world.
  18. There are only a few parallel universes in which Steve Harris pummeling you with galloping bass riffs from his one footed monitor perch is not the most awesome thing in existence. Thankfully, this is not one of those universes! ;)
  19. Fun thread Malika! Here's what immediately comes to mind: Slam dance my brains out at a D.R.I. concert See Anthrax with Belladonna singing Windsurf Play a show with local hardcore old farts The Unwanted
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