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Everything posted by slacker

  1. I had the privilege this evening to meet Dream, unfortunately as she had just ended her shift :( She's very bubbly and has legs an absolute mile long. I am hoping to run into her in the future :)
  2. I'm not sure if the investigation into the fire at the Motel St-Pierre in St-Jerome has been finished yet. Last I had heard, the site is still just a fenced off hole in the ground.
  3. Pigale is rather busier than the Ottawa clubs, depending on what time of day and what day of the week you go, so it can tend to feel a bit more impersonal. However, the CR is relatively more private compared to Ontario clubs. Nuden especially has a very open room for its main floor CR.
  4. Jenna Coleman. Mummy on the Orient Express. :D
  5. http://deadstate.org/hackers-just-released-the-home-address-and-phone-number-of-price-gouging-pharma-ceo-martin-shkreli/
  6. Even I wouldn't try to pin this travesty to Harper :) I'm not entirely sure what's happening with this. I mean, if he'd jacked up the price by even 100%, probably no one would even have noticed. That's just the way the pharmaceutical market works. But when the price of a pill goes from $13 to $750, EVERYONE notices. My internet-indoctrinated mind thought he must be a troll of some sort, he can't be seriously expecting to make money on this.
  7. slacker


    Oooo very nice ;)
  8. Most if not all politicians have advisors, Zeno. There's nothing wrong with that, in fact I think it's a good thing. We're not electing one man to run the whole country, we're electing a government. Having advisors does not make one a puppet.
  9. Which browser are you using? I'd heard there were some issues with Chrome.
  10. It pains me to think that anyone can buy in to this government in any way, given their history of dishonesty. Just as one quick example, bear in mind that Harper promised before he was elected PM that he would never appoint a Senator that hadn't been elected to the position, the way that Alberta does. Then consider that he's appointed over fifty Senators since he became PM. This is why there are so many attack ads aimed at Supposedly Not Ready Justin and Supposedly Angry Thomas. Because they don't want anyone to look at their record of honesty.
  11. Have you ever read Roadside Picnic by the Strugatsky brothers? I could believe the idea that aliens may have visited but they were so far advanced that we could never understand them or their technology. They would have zero interest in the puny but horny bipeds.
  12. It's been a few years since I went to any downtown Montreal clubs, but I was impressed with Kama Sutra. They have a completely different interior design and decoration from any club I've been to before, and extremely attractive girls from what I remember.
  13. I've only gone on Fridays myself, and they do have a buffet. I've never tried it so I can't speak for its quality, however.
  14. I would say it is. There's quite a good variety of girls at the Garage (some certainly qualify as stunners imo) and it's a nice, spacious place. The upstairs CRs are very comfortable and private. I suppose my main issue is the language barrier as my French isn't the greatest and most of the girls don't have the greatest English. Of course, once you're in the CR this isn't a problem. :D
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