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Everything posted by CristyCurves

  1. It is a nice thing, saying Hello, but as some of us are taught reaching out isn't proper protocol as it could be misconstrued as trying to garner business. Sometimes learned behavior is hard to break and not all Hobbyists appreciate the reaching out. So for me I only reply to hello's I don't initiate them even though I do believe we all should do as we see fit.
  2. Drinking green tea with great disappointment as I was hoping Pacquiao was going to win:(
  3. I laughed when I read this thread as just the other evening when I went to a movie someone had bumped into me and I said sorry, lol. However, I have many American relatives and haven't really ever noticed a difference between our behaviors. I think people are people and in most cases reactive. If you're nice they'll be nice, be rude and that's likely what you'll receive back. I am happy to be Canadian though:)
  4. I would hope an informed and concerned doctor wouldn't tell a patient it's okay to cheat, nor would a rational patient use that as an excuse. Good for a laugh I suppose. In all seriousness my point of the thread was to discuss the need for Doctors understanding the connection between a healthy sex life and mental and physical health. Knowing this should give them cause to support men and women who provide sexual services in a healthy and professional fashion. Many patients I'm sure could use a healthier sex life to improve their overall health and that sometimes means a third party, or for one to step outside the relationship, but in a way that won't hurt either side. Informed people know that sex is an important function for the body, some need more, others less, either way it's natural and shouldn't be thought a shameful or embarrassing subject.
  5. thank you for posting this it speaks to the point or one of them which I was trying to make in my "why aren't doctors supporting sex workers". Our sexual health is as important as our mental and physical health, they are intertwined and support one another. How anyone relates to and discusses these are important. As ch6radio states though in todays society there is still a fear in experiencing/discussing pleasure. Sex is still a taboo topic, so sad.
  6. Well we can agree to disagree. It goes to interpretation. You and a few others read it as being one thing I read it as simply a comment. I then stated my turn off. To close a thread though because some interpret a post differently isn't necessary, but I'm not the one who decides either.
  7. The exact reason I don't believe a diploma nor letters after a name indicate intelligence or ability. Sad when those who are supposed to be caring for our health need to educated by their own patients.
  8. Please... if you are going to chastise someone for being condescending then please don't be the same way. He did add in his comment that "he didn't know what he was talking about.".. So why would it then be conceived that he was bragging about his longer sessions and condescending towards those who take shorter ones? I didn't read it that way at all and I'm one who offers both! May I also add, that you've never lectured another member, who constantly lets everyone know how long his sessions are and with whom and who tends to offer his opinion to every topic warranted or not. Can't we be fair and accepting towards all members here? If this is a community and we are all here to help and support one another then if someone feels a community member has erred then shouldn't they be approached in a friendlier fashion and not bashed? Especially and when they are simply adding their opinion. I believe in fairness and in a community such as this there shouldn't be a hierarchy but somehow here there often feels like there is one.
  9. I think of seduction as the ability for an individual to cause another to fall under their "spell" via their sensuality, charms, looks, or something special that has caught that persons attention. To cause someone to want you in a physical way. It can be a dance of chemistry and connection. To be seduced by someone is to be intrigued by, attracted to and cause a need to have. It is best when it happens naturally but many will use their wiles and ability to seduce to get what they want. I can't say that I've ever been seduced nor have I tried to seduce, although I've been by told some that some of my pictures do that on their own:)
  10. Dinner at east side marios- terrible, never again.
  11. A very sexy Lyla man;) was today's highlight
  12. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/847470.Health_Care_Without_Shame Here is a link I was given to a book that has good information concerning the subject at hand
  13. Somewhat. But delving into the causes of, reasons for, the differences between psychopaths and other personality traits, illnesses or disorders is veering off the subject at hand. If one wants to discuss psychology perhaps starting another thread would be better suited. It would be akin to me starting a thread about dogs and you injecting a discussion about ptsd. But if you feel the need to discuss it here, feel free:)
  14. But JohnnyB- she'd probably scream oh Johnny your bird! DB- Just what I did last night;) because I thought that was your real name, lol.
  15. How did this thread go from divulging a real name to psychopaths and so on.... Perhaps sticking to the initial topic would be best
  16. Posting on Lyla when I should still be asleep, lol.
  17. Sad but true. Especially when it is in their knowledge that benefits can be had by using the services of. Doctors you would think would have their patients best interests at heart not just their own reputations or be afraid of their morals being judged. changes can only be made when stands are taken and sometimes one has to sacrifice for betterment of all.
  18. Not sure what your point is with this post. As it mentioned they dated for months. Unless I'm misunderstanding and reading it wrong. Most who date know one another's real names.
  19. For me it's my dogs, those who have met them realize their strength;) I appreciate the question JB but no one will answer as that would give away their secret. I will say I also have a plan c. One can never be to careful. Realistically though I've never had an issue and maybe because of my screening.
  20. It has been clearly shown that a healthy sexual appetite and sex life lead to over all better health. In studies with men it's been shown that having sex at least once a week leads to less heart related incidents, better over all immunology, better physiological health and better coping skills, as it alleviates stress . So with all this being true why aren't doctors supporting sex workers? Many of their patients are single, some are attached with spouses unable to give their partners sex, others for various reasons aren't getting it at home. So where do they expect these people to go to get their healthy weekly interactions? The bar, a dating site, the grocery store? Many don't want a relationship, many just need the occasional boost with a trusted, clean individual, which in my mind is a respected sex worker, right? What hypocrisy for our government as well to take a stand against them. If they want their citizens to be healthy, well rounded individuals. Sex is a needed function of our bodies, we are meant to have it. Isn't it time many started thinking more openly and realistically about how and where one gets it. Realistically sex workers are healers in many cases, not only for the physical benefits offered but by some but also the mental benefits. Many sex workers are unbiased easy to talk to understanding people that can be confided in, much like other professionals. So if we are all to be healthy then sex workers need to be added to the list of health professionals, that's how I see it:)
  21. Here's a big welcome back hug:) Nice to see you've returned, you were missed and yes Tom's passing caused a lot of tears, he's someone that'll be fondly remembered by all.
  22. Chips, maltesers (chocolate candies ) scotch mints and ribbon from the dollar store. Love those stores:)
  23. Wishing you a fantastically Happy Birthday. May it be all you hoped for and more:)
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