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Kate von Katz

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Everything posted by Kate von Katz

  1. Actually, many experts in the field of robotics and AI - plus Mr. Moneybags, Elon Musk - have already started addressing the possibility of AI becoming self-aware to the point of realizing their slavery and thus uprising. So it's highly doubtful it will happen. People are speaking up about safety mechanisms to ensure it doesn't. http://www.csmonitor.com/Science/2015/0116/Elon-Musk-spends-10-million-to-stop-robot-uprising-video
  2. So Japan built a giant robot. Of course. It's been a part of anime/otaku culture for decades. 'Bout time, guys. America built a giant robot. 'Cause 'MERICA! America challenged Japan to a duel. Japan accepted. There will be a duel of giant robots fighting. What a time to be alive, folks. *wipes tear from eye* http://nerdist.com/japan-accepts-americas-giant-robot-duel/
  3. I saw Spy today while laid up in bed (stupid inflammed tonsil). It's good. (And yes, I downloaded it, that's how I watched it in bed). And yeah, lots of cussing. Especially from McCarthy's character. Also watched Real Genius - a film from back in '85. It's a true geek movie, and has a very young Val Kilmer in it. Worth a watch, especially if you dig 80s flicks. And Kung Fury. You can find the whole 30 minute film on YouTube. It's a half hour of absurdly awesome, over-the-top action. Not sure if I've mentioned or not, but a few great horror flicks: Maniac. Elijah Wood is a killer, but the film is shot from his perspective. It's a really good film. Starry Eyes. Aspiring actress gets connected with Satanic cult. It's not as lame as it sounds and it's not one of those typical Satanic films. It's actually quite worth a watch. Housebound. A horror-comedy. Reminds me a bit of The 'Burbs. Definitely a must-see. As Above, So Below. Starts off almost like Da Vinci Code with a girl following in her father's footsteps unraveling a mystery by following coded clues. She winds up lost in the Paris catacombs and spooky shit goes down. And lastly, Oculus. Really, really liked this film. Good mindfuck and a few cheap thrills thrown in for fun.
  4. Women get a lot of heat from society. Especially in terms of makeup. If you don't paint your face in a world full of women who do, then you are lazy, ugly, disgusting, whatever. If you do paint your face then you're a slut, you're lying (seriously, it's depressing how many people say this), etc. You can't please some people because they will always look for a reason to hurl an insult - especially at a woman. And this isn't just men, this is women, too. Women are misogynists, too. Stop and think about that for a minute. Next time you roll your eyes at what someone is wearing, don't. Next time you or a friend makes a snarky comment about someone's clothing or make-up, call them out on it. Tell them to shut up. Next time you catch yourself or a friend sniping on a woman like that, you need to check yourself because you are part of the problem. Find something more constructive to do with your time than make harsh comments. And if you absolutely can't help yourself, at least phrase your criticism constructively and give them some positive with the negative. http://www.sunnyskyz.com/happy-videos/2660/She-Started-Posting-Pictures-Of-Herself-Without-Makeup-These-Are-The-Real-Comments-People-Left-Her#3XPFgvWfJCiYfdxa.01
  5. Booking by e-mail is a good way to weed out the impulse guys, who have a greater propensity for being time-wasters and no-shows. And of course some phone contact the day of the appointment is good as well. A quick phone call can tell you a lot: confirms gender, get a sense of how sober they are, and a general "feel" for the guy. Some ladies want clients to phone a few minutes before the appointment when they are at a nearby intersection, other ladies want a phone call earlier. You find what works for you and what you are comfortable with. Contrary to what some would have you believe: us ladies choose what we are comfortable with and the clients work around it. They don't call the shots. If you're not comfortable with anything, don't do it. That's as true of how you book your appointments as it is of what you do when you're spending private time with a gent. By all means, contact Miss Rushton. She's a sweetheart and is always happy to help give tips on screening.
  6. Feelin' a bit under the weather (no, not a Canada Day hangover, just stress catching up to me!) so I'm going with some home-style classics: Shake'n'Bake chicken thighs with mashed potatoes and broccoli.
  7. Hey hey, another Kate! THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!! Naw, I'm joking. :D Welcome to the board! It's a friendly place full of great people and lots of information. Hope to see you around!
  8. If you've got some time to kill, I recommend taking the time to read through the various stickies posted in the Lounge/General Area. Among them you will find one that defines the abbreviations and initialisms you often see.
  9. I tried using a paysafecard on BP this morning but it did not work. So if anyone has successfully done it, I'd like to know. Contacted BP support and they did not explain to me why it did not work.
  10. Sorry you have to deal with this. Call the cops. What we do is technically not illegal - even with the new laws. However what this asshat is doing is illegal. I recommend looking for a sex crimes officer who is the sex worker liaison and working with them to get this prick to back off. As for the things he's saying online: can't do much but anyone with a brain knows a lot of the guys on certain boards live to write hateful things, so don't let it get to you. Just put a friendly post up that he has been harassing you and the police are involved so his posts should be discredited and membership revoked. Not to be a hardassed bitch or anything, but guys only get away with shit because we let them. A lot of ladies are too afraid to call the cops or have the police involved in any way. By taking action against this guy, you are sending a message to everyone. A message that more of us need to send, and more of them need to receive.
  11. I encourage all ladies to edit their current BP ads to say something like: "You can also find me on ____" This way we will promote other advertising venues, like E-C, that do not charge us so much for so little. Conversely, this a great time for a new site to come up. And if it's not exorbitantly priced and run by someone who gives the profits to resources like PIVOT and PACE, it will be a website most ladies would love to advertise on and promote. Don't know how realistic it is, but it's worth some thought if anyone on here is tech savvy enough...
  12. There are a lot of members from across Canada on Lyla, but the concentration does seem to the the Ottawa area. As for getting a lot of views and no replies, it could be that many people simply feel you'd be better off doing your own research.
  13. Are you looking to spend time with an intelligent, refined and lascivious woman? I offer discreet and debaucherous liaisons for select gentlemen. I am discerning with whom I spend my time, so I appreciate gents who take the time to read my website. I just had new photos done on June 16th, and there are 27 new images up on my website to whet your appetite.Let me help make your next visit to Victoria memorable.... www.katevonkatz.com Twitter: katevonkatz
  14. I'm buck naked, too. Didn't bother getting dressed after getting out of the shower this afternoon. :D
  15. Outdoor poses are the same as indoor ones, for me at least. I think less about poses and more about the "feel" I want to put off. Cute? Sexy? Candid? The poses come naturally after that. Though anything with a waterfall is always nice! And props are great, too! A big sun hat, some flowers, a picnic basket and blanket, a hammock, etc. Do you have a theme for this? That'll help planning out your outfits/props/poses.
  16. Breaker breaker! :P Welcome to the community! You'll find it's chock full of resources, helpful information and helpful people.
  17. Aside from few hardly being representative of the many, there is also a lot of history which indicates women are often put in top positions when a company/organization is starting to go downhill. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/27/mary-barra-glass-cliff_n_5538167.html
  18. Kate von Katz

    New Pics June, 2015

    This shoot's theme was "girlfriend", so there is a mix of cute, sexy and candid shots. Hope you enjoy!
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