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Everything posted by stevecurious

  1. I would be happy to stroke your ego or anything else for that matter, any time you would like me to.;)
  2. I think you know the answer to that!
  3. Sounds like me and a lot of other people I know.
  4. Let me be the first to wish you nothing but the best in your future dealings. I am sure your decision was well thought out and not a whimsical flirtation. Take care and all the best. Oh, we will keep the porch light on if you decide to return in the future! All the best.
  5. A twofold entry: (A) Helped my boss today. Yes she is a stressed out, control freak BUT she is a person too and everyone needs an ear now and again. (B) Now I can't stress this one enough...my wife is out of the province for the weekend. Happiness truly is a weekend alone! I am so excited!
  6. Just found out, and this is preliminary, but it looks as though my wife will be out of the province for the weekend!!! Oh what ever will I do to pass the time.... Hallelujah!!!!!!
  7. Fairly self explanatory: Dick Tracy Citizen Kane The Maltese Falcon
  8. Dr. No Goldeneye The Godfather The Omega Man The Dark Knight, RISES
  9. Bullit The Iron Giant The Hobbit (Incidentally in honor of being a Red Sox fan I thought about including the name Big Papi)
  10. This marks the third time that I have attempted to put virtual pen to virtual paper in order to sing the praises (yet again) of Aubrey and tonight I think I will finally succeed. To begin this date was unlike most or should I say any that I have participated in as a hobbyist. No I am not about to describe some torrid sexual escapade or wild and crazy two hour, as Lee would say, shagfest. I will attempt to write about a date that consisted almost exclusively of social time. Recently I found myself in the need of a "friend" to accompany me to a certain social activity on a particular evening. After contemplating various options (friends, etc.) my mind hit upon Aubrey. Seeing as this is, or should I say was, my first foray into social time I was admittedly unsure of how to begin little own where to end. Thankfully after explaining my situation to Aubrey we were able to come to an idea of what I was requiring and hoping for. To her credit she helped immensely with alleviating my concerns/hesitations. To say that my evening began with drinks for two and lasted throughout the evening and well into the early morning is an gross understatement. In a sentence, my night could not have gone better! I wish I could write a full and in depth public recommendation with a play by play of events and happenings of the evening but thankfully that story is meant only for Aubrey and I. The purpose of this recommendation, brief as it seems to be, is to thank Aubrey for a great evening of company and laughs. Also it is meant to show the rest of the community that if you require companionship in the non sexual form that companionship is available as well. I was just a little late to figure that out. To Abureys credit I had a great and fun filled evening that lasted well into the night!
  11. Recovering (still) from Saturday evening/night. Had a hell of good time with a great companion/friend!
  12. Having an SP PM me repeatedly today trying to arrange a meeting! This is not an acceptable thing to do and I do not appreciate it!
  13. Take care and all the best in future! Cheers
  14. I love doing yard work and what not when the weather is nice and hot. I had last week off and I spent most of the days working outside. I had a couple of corner fences I had to repair, flower beds to tend to, some staining/painting around the house and the cars to wash and wax. When I had free time I went straight to either the beach or the shoreline...which aren't that far from my property.
  15. I still prefer to see feet inside something like this: or perhaps in this pattern:
  16. Gabby, I would think this would be an honest question considering how many rolls of coins you have to present him with. I kid, I kid...heat stroke is frying my already heat stroked brain.
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