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Sweet Emily J

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Sweet Emily J

  1. [INDENT][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Black"] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hello! :) My name is Sweet Emily J! [/COLOR][/SIZE] I am a Lyla-verified independent professional companion in The National Capital Region. I am [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=91821"][COLOR="DeepPink"]well recommended[/COLOR][/URL] and have an established reputation as a solid and trustworthy consort with strong personal service skills. My patrons appreciate my all-natural, low-maintenance appearance and personality, along with my sincere presence. Genuinely affectionate, the personal adult experience I provide leans towards the softer side of intimacy. Sensual caresses, kisses and lots of cuddles! [CENTER][IMG]https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8924&pictureid=59453[/IMG][IMG]https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8924&pictureid=59493[/IMG][IMG]https://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8924&pictureid=59417[/IMG][/CENTER] I cater to a diverse selection of mature & respectful gentlemen from varied walks of life. My guests are simply seeking a friendly companion to spend some quality private time with. Someone who can fulfill their intimate needs & desires, someone to share some casual conversation with, and maybe a few laughs! I enjoy spending time with guests of all kinds, from first-timers to experienced gentlemen; from the shy quiet type, to the outgoing personalities. Age, race, appearance, experience, education, profession and socioeconomic status are not important to me, as long as you are kind, polite, clean and respectful. In fact, one of the wonderful benefits of this job for me is having the opportunity to meet such a wide range of folks, and having new and different experiences all the time. I learn so much from my guests, and love the diversity factor. Variety truly is the spice of life! I know that contacting and visiting a professional companion can be nerve-racking for some gentlemen, but I recognize this and make it a point to do my very best to make you feel comfortable throughout our communications and within the first few minutes of meeting. I am very warm and welcoming, easy to talk to, and down-to-earth. My invitation is straightforward â?? join me for a hassle-free, lighthearted and fun encounter! Visit my website for all the info you want & need to know! [URL="http://www.sweetemilyj.com"][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="5"]www.SweetEmilyJ.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT]
  2. [B][U]December 6 Marks the Endorsement of Violence Against Sex Workers[/U][/B] BY JOYCE ARTHUR | DECEMBER 5, 2014 [URL="http://rabble.ca/columnists/2014/12/december-6-marks-endorsement-violence-against-sex-workers?utm_content=buffer3d460&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer"]http://rabble.ca/columnists/2014/12/december-6-marks-endorsement-violence-against-sex-workers?utm_content=buffer3d460&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer[/URL] [QUOTE] In an act of [URL="http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/prostitution-law-comes-into-force-on-day-of-action-on-violence-against-women-1.2131581"]"sick and twisted"[/URL] irony, Canada's new prostitution law takes effect on December 6, the anniversary of the Montreal Massacre and a day now set aside to mourn violence against women. Sadly, the law will lead to violence against sex workers, most of whom are women. Sex workers commemorate December 6 too -- to mourn their colleagues brutally cut down by serial killers, or assaulted and raped by police, or beaten by predators posing as clients. This happens not because prostitution itself is "inherently violent" (it's not), but because [I]criminal laws kill women.[/I] Laws against sex work stigmatize sex workers, push them away from safe areas and support services, make them afraid of the police (who are often the worst [URL="http://www.incite-national.org/sites/default/files/incite_files/resource_docs/4668_toolkitrev-sexwork.pdf"]perpetrators of violence[/URL]), and put them in danger. This is the case regardless if the workers themselves are supposedly "decriminalized" such as in Sweden, where sex workers are still targeted and punished under procuring and immigration laws, and effectively denied social services unless they "exit" prostitution. [URL="http://rabble.ca/columnists/2014/12/december-6-marks-endorsement-violence-against-sex-workers?utm_content=buffer3d460&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer"]Read Moreâ?¦[/URL] [/QUOTE]
  3. [B][U]More Than 60 Organizations And Agencies Call For Repeal Of New Prostitution Law[/U][/B] By The Canadian Press Posted: 12/06/2014 10:05 am EST [URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/12/06/organizations-agencies-call-for-repeal-prostitution-law_n_6280598.html"]http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/12/06/organizations-agencies-call-for-repeal-prostitution-law_n_6280598.html[/URL] [QUOTE] TORONTO - More than 60 organizations and agencies from across the country are calling for the non-enforcement and repeal of new prostitution laws that came into force on Saturday. The groups â?? which include the Canadian AIDS Society, John Howard Society, and Native Women's Resource Centre â?? want the new law repealed and the full decriminalization of sex work in Canada. The sweeping new changes to the way prostitution is regulated in Canada follow a Supreme Court decision last year that found the old laws violated the rights of prostitutes. The groups say the law will recriminalize sex work while recreating the harms and violence experienced by sex workers under the previous laws criminalizing prostitution. The groups are calling for sex work to be legal in Canada and say sex workers should have legal and labour rights. Akio Maroon of Maggie's â?? Toronto Sex Workers' Action Project calls the implementation of the new law "a sad day for human rights in Canada." [URL="http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2014/12/06/organizations-agencies-call-for-repeal-prostitution-law_n_6280598.html"]Read More...[/URL] [/QUOTE]
  4. [B][U]Criminalization of Sex Laws 2.0[/U][/B] [I]Debate over Canadaâ??s new prostitution bill included a lot of handwringing on the need to protect sex workersâ?? safety, but what we got instead was a more insidious version of the old law[/I] BY JANET BUTLER-MCPHEE DECEMBER 6, 2014 10:20 AM [URL="https://nowtoronto.com/news/criminalization-of-sex-laws-2.0/"]https://nowtoronto.com/news/criminalization-of-sex-laws-2.0/[/URL] [QUOTE] The reality is grim, and the irony is cruel: the so-called Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act â?? a.k.a. the sex work bill â?? becomes law today, December 6, on the same day as Canadaâ??s National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women. Sex workers and their allies know that this law flies in the face of theCanadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and also flouts the Supreme Court of Canadaâ??s 2013 ruling in R. v. Bedford. Simply put, our government has decided to reproduce the very harms found to be unconstitutional in previous prostitution laws. Itâ??s a misguided and potentially deadly move on the very day when weâ??re meant to reflect on the horror of Canadaâ??s disturbing record of violence against women. In Bedford, the countryâ??s highest court struck down provisions in theCriminal Code that violated the safety, health and human rights of sex workers. The Court explicitly rejected the federal governmentâ??s argument that clients and others who may exploit or abuse sex workers are the true, sole cause of sex workersâ?? loss of security. The ruling rightfully explained that it was the law itself that prevented sex workers from protecting themselves against risks. Many human rights advocates pointed out there was no need to craft new laws on prostitution; rather, sex workers need to enjoy the full protection of existing laws such as those against assault, theft, forcible confinement or extortion. If there were to be new legislation, many of us hoped it would be rights-based and not reproduce the dangerous de facto criminalization of sex work that had just been deemed unconstitutional. What we got instead was a new, more insidious kind of unconstitutionality â?? Criminalization 2.0. Our new law criminalizes sex work both directly â?? such as through a prohibition on sex workersâ?? clients purchasing their services â?? and indirectly â?? such as through bans on advertising sexual services. The new law also reintroduces slightly modified versions of the original offences of â??communicatingâ? for the purposes of prostitution and â??living on the availsâ? of prostitution, which the Supreme Court had already deemed unconstitutionally harmful to sex workers. And although the debate around the new provisions included a lot of handwringing over the need to protect sex workersâ?? health and safety, there was barely any acknowledgement of the primacy of human rights. Sex workers have the same human rights as everyone else. Security is a human right. Health is a human right. Enshrining in law the criminalization of sex work â?? of sex workers, and of their clients and their workplaces â?? is profoundly inconsistent with the supposed concern for the health and safety of sex workers. They just canâ??t coexist. Based on data from around the world, and on data about the impact of client â??sweepsâ? periodically undertaken here in Canada, sex workers will be forced further underground, isolated to avoid police detection. The screening of clients and safely negotiating terms of transactions are likely to be rushed or simply bypassed under the new laws. Sex workers will be driven further from health and social services, particularly in cases of court or police imposed â??red zoneâ? orders which often ban sex workers from neighbourhoods where critical services exist. Sex workersâ?? ability to work indoors and with others for safety will be almost non-existent. In other words, the new Criminal Code will undermine their ability to take effective measures to protect their health and safety. Nobody should for a moment buy the governmentâ??s spin that this legislation is about protecting women (as well as the men and trans people who also sell sexual services). It does the exact opposite. It makes sex workers and our communities less safe. Internationally, many people understand this. Numerous leading health and human rights bodies, such as UNAIDS and the WHO, are increasingly calling on countries to decriminalize sex work in order to protect sex workersâ?? right to health. Sex workers in countries such as Sweden and Norway, the home of the so-called â??Nordic modelâ? that criminalizes clients â?? and which Canadaâ??s new prostitution law copies in some respects â?? have spoken out for years about the harms they experience as a result of such an approach. Shouldnâ??t we be listening to the experts, public health professionals, our highest court, and sex workers themselves? Our government seems to think it knows better, willing to compromise the universality of human rights in the name of some twisted sense of morality. [B]Janet Butler-McPhee is director of communications and advocacy at Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network.[/B] [/QUOTE]
  5. Toronto Newspapers Says it Will Defy Ad Ban Stephanie Levitz, The Canadian Press Published Saturday, December 6, 2014 7:44AM EST http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/toronto-newspaper-says-it-will-defy-ad-ban-in-new-prostitution-bill-1.2135855
  6. I'm having issues with the censors. I know the overall changes are a huge ordeal and pain in the ass and still a work in progress, but I think something has unintentionally gone awry. I don't appreciate the way the censors are automatically changing words to other words, and also affecting words within other words. Including not just new posts (which we can preview and change before posting as needed), but every single post on the site, and posts made weeks or months ago that we can't edit now. It's making people's posts make no sense and look like idiots. I was reading a post I made a few weeks ago that made sense at the time, and completely innocuous words I wrote are now changed to other things and what I said doesn't even make sense now, and I can't edit it. I would rather see dots everywhere and let people figure it out than see things like in-call changed to Porn-Friendly or cli-cking changed to cloading and uplo-aded changed to upfuned, cli-ckable changed to clickable (those are actual examples). Most of them don't even make sense. I accept, understand and respect the need to actually censor words, but automatically changing words to other words to in people's posts after the fact is putting words in their mouth and it's weird. There must be a solution. Also, the new words don't actually show up in the "Preview", you only see them after you actually post live.
  7. I have figured out that photos won't hotlink from locations outside of Lyla, if they have a censored word in the url or filename. If the filename is "e-rotic-mary.jpg" or something like that with a banned word, it won't hotlink successfully. But that is not an issue if they are linked from Lyla albums because they are renamed when uploa-ded. I'm just linking your sexy photo here Mia, to test it out. Seems to post here from your album just fine. I think you must be overlooking something. :( Are you right-clic-king the image and going down to "copy image address"? I know sometimes people copy the address from the address bar on top, and that won't work. It's a different address. Try posting a photo in this thread the way you have been trying, even if it doesn't work, and I will see if I can tell what's going wrong and help.
  8. [INDENT][FONT="Century Gothic"][COLOR="Black"] [CENTER][SIZE="4"]Proudly introducing the latest in Canadian escort industry innovation� [IMG]https://38.media.tumblr.com/1c628d2130b8d104d5383deb8361be8f/tumblr_nfm4kzwFsQ1s37j8no10_r1_1280.jpg[/IMG][/SIZE] [/CENTER] The [B]CBE©[/B] is for those who want a soft & warm, sensual intimate adult experience with someone who cares. I will affectionately hold you close, and cuddle you tight. Nestled snug with you, I'll be your Cuddle Buddy! I even have a fireplace to keep us warm! Cuddling is well recognized as having many physical and phycological benefits, including: [INDENT][INDENT][INDENT]-Cuddling releases oxytocin -Cuddling boosts your immune system, promotes healing -Cuddling relieves pain (both physical and psychological) -Cuddling reduces social anxiety -Cuddling reduces stress -Cuddling reduces blood pressure, and risk of heart disease -Cuddling boosts memory -Cuddling improves communication skills -Cuddling encourages a positive disposition -Cuddling improves social skills and self-esteem -Cuddling improves sleep -Cuddling protects against inflammation and oxidative stress[/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT] [CENTER] [SIZE="4"]Come experience a CBE© for yourself![/SIZE] [URL="http://www.sweetemilyj.com"][COLOR="HotPink"][SIZE="6"]www.SweetEmilyJ.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT][/CENTER]
  9. Carnal [kahr-nl] adjective 1. pertaining to or characterized by the flesh or the body, its passions and appetites; sensual carnal pleasures. 2. not spiritual; merely human; temporal; worldly: a man of secular, rather carnal, leanings. Cuddle [kuhd-l] verb 1. to hold close in an affectionate manner; hug tenderly; fondle. 2. to lie close and snug; nestle. noun 3.act of cuddling; hug; embrace. www.SweetEmilyJ.com
  10. Sweet Emily J

    Very pretty album :) xo
  11. Thank you for your ongoing support mrnice! :) The campaign was made directly by POWER in an effort to boost attention and create a surge in contributions. The campaign donations will go directly to POWER. As you already know, you can donate at anytime through the POWER website, but when you make a donation through the campaign before Dec 20, you will get a "perk" as a thank you. Perks range from a "shout-out" from POWER on Twitter for a $5 donation, to t-shirts, tanks, hoodies, books, gift certificates to Venus-Envy, etc. The Indiegogo structure helps to maximize contributions and donating through the campaign will help raise public awareness around POWER. It makes donating into a kind of social experience and when people see that other people are donating to a cause, and watch the public tally grow, they may be more likely to donate themselves. To help reach the $10,000 goal set for this campaign, donations must be made through the Indiegogo page rather than the POWER website.
  12. [INDENT][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="Black"] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"]Hello! :) My name is Sweet Emily J! [/COLOR][/SIZE] I am a CERB-verified independent professional companion in The National Capital Region. I am [URL="http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=91821"][COLOR="Blue"]well recommended[/COLOR][/URL] and have an established reputation as a solid and trustworthy consort with strong personal service skills. My patrons appreciate my all-natural, low-maintenance appearance and personality, along with my sincere presence. Genuinely affectionate, the personal adult experience I provide leans towards the softer side of intimacy. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=7898&pictureid=51927[/IMG][IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=7898&pictureid=52004[/IMG][IMG]http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=7898&pictureid=51921[/IMG][/CENTER] I cater to a diverse selection of mature & respectful gentlemen from varied walks of life. My guests are simply seeking a friendly companion to spend some quality private time with. Someone who can fulfill their intimate needs & desires, someone to share some casual conversation with, and maybe a few laughs! I enjoy spending time with guests of all kinds, from first-timers to experienced gentlemen; from the shy quiet type, to the outgoing personalities. Age, race, appearance, experience, education, profession and socioeconomic status are not important to me, as long as you are kind, polite, clean and respectful. In fact, one of the wonderful benefits of this job for me is having the opportunity to meet such a wide range of folks, and having new and different experiences all the time. I learn so much from my guests, and love the diversity factor. Variety truly is the spice of life! I know that contacting and visiting a professional companion can be nerve-racking for some gentlemen, but I recognize this and make it a point to do my very best to make you feel comfortable throughout our communications and within the first few minutes of meeting. I am very warm and welcoming, easy to talk to, and down-to-earth. My invitation is straightforward â?? join me for a hassle-free, lighthearted and fun encounter! Visit my website for all the info you want & need to know! [URL="http://www.sweetemilyj.com"][COLOR="DeepSkyBlue"][SIZE="5"]www.SweetEmilyJ.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT]
  13. Here is an example: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=157910 The link you made in that post that says "CLICK HERE" is now a broken link, instead of redirecting. The censor changed your link from c-erb.ca to lyla.ca before it could redirect. And again, the links in this Sticky post you made, don't work anymore either: http://www.lyla.com/vbulletin/announcement.php?f=31&a=10 It is site wide. Every single internal link posted before today within the site that had "c-erb" in the url will not redirect to lyla because of the censor is changing "c-erb" to lyla, but not fixing the .ca to .com. So every single link within any threads or posts right now that still says "c-erb.ca is going to lyla.ca before the 301 redirect can redirect it to lyla.com. The censor needs to be altered to detect "c-erb.ca" and change it to "lyla.com" instead of just changing "c-erb" to "lyla" because it is sending c-erb.ca to lyla.ca Also, another example: my ad from two days ago. The photos should still work, but they don't because the censor is changing the image urls to lyla.ca instead of allowing the redirect to do it's thing. It's not a htaccess issue, is a censor issue.
  14. Because the censor is set up to change all instances of "c-erb" to "lyla", is it breaking all the old links and image urls within the site, instead of allowing the 301 redirect to actually redirect. "c-erb.ca" is automatically being changed to "lyla.ca" in links & image urls before it can redirect to lyla.com.
  15. [INDENT][FONT="Trebuchet MS"][COLOR="Black"] [SIZE="5"][COLOR="HotPink"]Hello! :) My name is Sweet Emily J! [/COLOR][/SIZE] I am a CERB-verified independent professional companion. I am [URL="http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=E&t=91821"][COLOR="DeepPink"]well recommended[/COLOR][/URL] and have an established reputation as a solid and trustworthy consort with strong personal skills. My patrons appreciate my all-natural, low-maintenance appearance and personality, along with my sincere presence. Genuinely affectionate, the personal adult experience I provide leans towards the softer side of intimacy. [CENTER][IMG]http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=9656&pictureid=64813[/IMG][IMG]http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=9656&pictureid=64814[/IMG][IMG]http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/picture.php?albumid=8924&pictureid=59493[/IMG][/CENTER] I cater to a diverse selection of mature & respectful gentlemen from varied walks of life. My guests are simply seeking a friendly companion to spend some quality private time with. Someone who can fulfill their intimate needs & desires, someone to share some casual conversation with, and maybe a few laughs! I enjoy spending time with guests of all kinds, from first-timers to experienced gentlemen; from the shy quiet type, to the outgoing personalities. Age, race, appearance, experience, education, profession and socioeconomic status are not important to me, as long as you are kind, polite, clean and respectful. In fact, one of the wonderful benefits of this job for me is having the opportunity to meet such a wide range of folks, and having new and different experiences all the time. I learn so much from my guests, and love the diversity factor. Variety truly is the spice of life! I know that contacting and visiting a professional companion can be nerve-racking for some gentlemen, but I recognize this and make it a point to do my very best to make you feel comfortable throughout our communications and within the first few minutes of meeting. I am very warm and welcoming, easy to talk to, and down-to-earth. My invitation is straightforward â?? join me for a hassle-free, lighthearted and fun intimate encounter! Visit my website for all the info you want & need to know! [URL="http://www.sweetemilyj.com"][COLOR="DeepPink"][SIZE="5"]www.SweetEmilyJ.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL] [/COLOR][/FONT][/INDENT]
  16. THE VEHICLE! Get your mind our of the gutter. Absolutely NO sex for sale here. NONE. ZERO. ZILCH. You can come over, but don't even dare LOOK at me sexually. Perv.
  17. I can't post the pics here because they are TOO HOT FOR CERB! :cooter: Visit here: www.SweetEmilyJ.com/wiggling-tongues
  18. [CENTER][FONT=Papyrus][SIZE=4][COLOR="#000000"] We could let the sanctimonious Team Harper bullies scare us into celibacy, make us cower in the corner, and turn us into frightened, sex starved eunuchs and nuns Orâ?¦ We could SUCK and FUCK and CUM HARDER and BETTER than EVER, And symbolically rub it in their smug fascist faces! Fuck the CPC! Let's be perverts together! BBBJ, DATY, CiM, CoF, ALL OF IT! Let's do it! Are you with me? :biggrin: [IMG]https://41.media.tumblr.com/6a7625bcafbf496d7a2aaa1b97b5370d/tumblr_nafu0e7pHP1s37j8no8_r1_500.jpg[/IMG] [URL="http://www.sweetemilyj.com"][COLOR="#ff3399"][SIZE=6]www.SweetEmilyJ.com[/SIZE][/COLOR][/URL][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER]
  19. I mean NOT advertising here at all. Not just advertising non-sexual services. I mean just being a regular member and ceasing all advertising on CERB completely. Couldn't I just be a regular participant (mostly I'm concerned about SP access). Or would CERB still ban me even if I don't advertise at all? They are not doing anything illegal by allowing me to exist.
  20. I've been wondering about this and hope there will be clarification about it soon. Is CERB actually going to proactively go out of their way to BAN ladies who are currently members who continue to advertise sexual services outside of CERB, or will they just not allow them to advertise here? Shouldn't they be allowed to stay on just as members (with SP access), as long as they don't advertise here? This provision in the bill is specifically about advertising, it doesn't outlaw forum owners from allowing sex workers to simply exist and be regular members.
  21. Is there any way to allow BBCode elements in this "Profile Welcome Message" field? So we can customize more, add links, etc. Just curious. Please & thanks. :)
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