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Everything posted by cinelli

  1. It's fun to know you are getting it on with women most guys can only dream of. I don't tell anyone anything.
  2. Wow, from Oz to Thunder Bay! Welcome to Canada and come visit Winterpeg sometime.
  3. It is crazy to think that the red poppy glorifies war. I served for six years full time and many more reserve, I don't know anyone who actually served in a combat role who thought of combat as glorious. When you are the one people are actually shooting at or trying to blow up with an IED, you have a lot more reason to be anti-war than someone sitting at home in their comfy chair watching MASH. Sorry for the rant, carry on.
  4. I really pity the guys I know in horrible marriages, who are obviously desperately horny. If they could just go out and get laid it might save their marriage. Other times, I hear guys going on and on about how they like to do (insert disgusting sex act here) to some attractive young woman...I think no wonder your wife won't let you touch her. They waste hours looking at porn or fantasising about someone they will never score with, and that harms any real relationship they have. Seeing escorts gives you a unique viewpoint on sexual relations. For guys who don't do it, their sexual frustrations cast a shadow over their entire existence. An escort can take all that pressure and frustration off your shoulders and let you focus on other more productive things.
  5. As an employer we get calls occasionally asking if xxx works here and asking what their income is. We do NOT and CANNOT provide such information without that specific employee's consent. So if an escort were to phone me out of the blue and ask "Does John work there?" I could not not confirm or deny. If an employee told me to expect a phone call from "CERB Mortgage Brokers" to verify their employment, then I would be willing to do so. You don't have to say it's an escort eh. This is a common policy among many companies. It has been implemented due to potential liabilities re privacy. Any escort should understand that I simply cannot be giving out information about my employees to anyone who calls. I'm not trying to be a jerk but I have to obey the rules. Additional Comments: Some may whine about how much an SP charges. But let's face it guys, we charge what the market will bear too. If you make $25 an hour and someone down the street pays $30 an hour, you either go there or you bitch at your boss. If you sell a gadget for $10 but think you could get $15, you raise your price. SPs have a short career compared to a lawyer, engineer or doctor. You cannot blame them for maximising their earnings in the time they have.
  6. I haven't been there for a few years. The last time was an ordeal of non-stop upselling. Ended up paying $100 for a girl barely brushing her fingertips across my back. She kept on saying she would do this and that for $$$...and then after I gave her the money she'd backtrack. Before this I'd had another one pull the exact same BS. Yeah, they have some nice looking girls there. But I would never go back, ever. Don't let your little head do your thinking.
  7. ^This! Porn during a sex session seems silly. Do you watch videos of people eating when you go to Tony Roma's?
  8. Sitting around waiting for my pre-workout drink to take effect...then working my back and 30 minutes on the elliptical.
  9. That's very sad, she was a very nice and well respected young lady. May she rest in peace.
  10. Most "science" stories in the mainstream media are so dumbed down that they have little to do with the actual paper or study. As a result valid science is belittles and ridiculed. Maybe the actual scientific paper itself would be quite interesting.
  11. Just bear in mind that full service gets a girl fired.
  12. Exactly!!! If you like the "wicked body" here is the full gallery she took the picture from: http://www.imagefap.com/pictures/4145924/CJ-Miles-Bed-Rock
  13. There was one lady working occasionally near Dauphin. She has ads on bp now and then. It's almost impossible for an SP to have any anonymity in such small towns. Very hard for them to work there.
  14. Slimy Sammy will let me take her to dinner at his restaurant and then bill the city.
  15. So you want to spend $100-200 on taking her out for dinner to see if she is worth spending $50 on for a 30 minute session. Must be Sam Katz style economics.
  16. There are several reports on other boards of customers being strong-armed by associates of this girl, both here in Winnipeg and in Edmonton. On bp as "mitchelle".
  17. As pointed out already, there is a thread about cell phone tracking in the Tech area. This issue is NOT limited to iPhones. Some apps allow conversations and texts to be monitored. NEVER allow anyone else to use your phone! These apps can be downloaded very quickly and are impossible for normal users to find. They can also be hidden in files like pictures from that cesspool of viruses, faceb00k.
  18. I was really sick, near fatal, not long ago. My two fave ladies provided an incredible amount of support, hospital visits, getting my prescriptions, phoning and checking up on me. After what they did for me I'd take a bullet for them anyday.
  19. Like any craft, it takes years of practise to master this skill. Hot twenty-somethings are a dime a dozen. An "intelligent and engaging 42 year old" is worth her weight in gold.
  20. Scheduled an auger rental for Saturday morning. Like I said, I don't think they are going to steal anything, they're just jerks. The guy was so nonchalant when I caught him I couldn't believe it. I was yelling at him and his wife was ignoring me and looking in my garage windows.
  21. Waking up at 5am to a couple of strange people snooping around in my backyard. It's a man and woman who walk their dog. They have been in my backyard before and only left when I literally chased them out. They don't have the dog on a leash, which is required by law, and they always say they are in my yard because the dog is there. This morning they woke me up because of the noise from the leaves on the ground. So I watched them wander around, looking in my garage windows, looking at my back door...they weren't trying to get the dog out of they yard at all. They were in my yard for about ten minutes. I don't think they are actually burglars but they do seem to be really super nosey and have zero respect for anyone else's property. I opened my window and yelled at them get off my property, which I've done before. As the guy was leaving he made a point of walking over my flower bed and made a big hole in my hedge. And they took their time leaving. I called the cops just to start a file/paper trail, and I'll be getting them on video. Pissed off that I spend a fortune to live in a really nice neighbourhood and end up with creeps like this wandering around.
  22. "Mediterranean" would be a good description for her to use.
  23. Under investigation for sexually assaulting a sixteen year old boy.... http://www.torontosun.com/2013/10/22/michael-sean-stanley-alberta-sex-offender-arrested-in-seattle Enjoy your stay in the USA Stanley!
  24. Beverly Hills Cop: the scene where they had a cellular phone that was like a lunchpail with a handset on top. Glad I never had to carry one of those things around. Too bad they never made a Beverly Hills Cop/Miami Vice crossover movie!
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