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Jasmine Rain

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Everything posted by Jasmine Rain

  1. The government can't stop Nigerian scams so to expect scams to stop in this industry is just silly. It is up to you - the client - to do your homework, not support those who use fake pics but "look close enough like her and gave good head so it is ok, and start supporting the tied and true. This will basically eliminate any possibility of being scammed. Add in reviewing and you are now helping out the community as a whole. Personally one of the reasons I like screening with a board handle is because accounts have to active. Which means the men I am seeing, I am also making sure they are giving back. That is how community should work in my humble opinion. More working communities, less people being scammed.
  2. ^^^^ Nail hit firmly on the head with that one. I will add to the men. READ!!!! Just because a form has a place for first and last name doesn't mean they are required fields. Just because a form has a place for employment doesn't mean that is the main type of screening she is looking for. I offer employment screening but my preferred method is an active online social media/board account and 1 SP reference. No text apps and last name is optional. So don't go based on the form, read first to know exactly what she requires. I give options because not everyone has an SP reference or an online account. Doesn't mean I like to screen that heavily. Lastly - please remember this is actually an industry of discretion but not anonymity. There is a difference and people confuse the former for the latter. If it is too much for you not the be completely anonymous, this may be the wrong hobby for you. Do discretion, you should be good with doing your homework and research on a legit professional companion and have no troubles.
  3. I agree with you there! It is a breath of fresh air and a welcome change from most of the people I debate with. I love disagreeing with good peeps. Makes for great debate and discussion. Hey wait, does this mean we are setting a "good" example? You know I can't let that hurt my big bad bitch rep. LOL
  4. If they are, then of course all the power to them. You just had two ladies say right here that they were not. How many more do you think are doing these things when they don't want to and are just remaining silent out of fear? Is that really what we want for the industry? Is that really want we want to promote? I know I know don't
  5. This is my big concern with this push for more and more proof. Remember ladies, what is on the net stays on the net. No matter what you do, it will be there, so DON"T do anything you are not comfortable with because of pressure from men. There is already enough women are doing by force not by choice that we don't need to add more to that list. There is a push by a red board member to make women provide video proof. He goes on to the point of saying legit providers like me are contributing to fakes and scammers because I will NOT provide video proof. It is a line designed to play on your moral compass and uses that to force you to do something you don't want to do. The funniest thing is, they can be faked as well. And if a provider is not capable of editing video, then that can be really harmful, since you can't then blur out tattoos or other identifying marks, etc. This may not harm an SP now, but 5 years from now when you have quit and that video gets found, you are screwed. There are literally hundreds of case a year where people are screwed because of past shit posted online. And to be honest, if homeland security can stop ladies at the border by figuring out their personal stuff with their online escorting stuff and these ladies don't show their face, then I question why guys can't just do their homework as well instead of pressuring ladies like you to do something you are not comfortable with.
  6. ^^^^ and see as lovely as that is, thinking about the men, all that does in my opinion is enable men to continue to NOT do their homework. You did something that as you said, you didn't want to do. And feeling the pressure from gentlemen being scammed you changed the way you feel comfortable doing things. When really, men should be taking responsibility for somethings themselves first and then if scammers persist, then we can offer up more ways to help. But the buck needs to start with the ones shelling them out. It is their hard earned money's, it is their risk, it is their desire and it is on them to control their penis, not the other way around. How do you stop bait and switches? Stop saying she looked good enough at the door or the pics looked enough like her. How do you make sure you are not ripped off? See a known legit provider with a great rep. But Jess...what about the new girls that are unknown? Guess what sweethearts, you too have to put in your time, your effort and do your homework to present yourself appropriately. You will get calls no matter what. So stay professional and you will have reviews in a matter of tic tocs. We don't have to proof this or change that, or do more here of less there or any of these suggestions that keep coming up. Men - Stop walking in the door of a fake and report it. Start supporting the tried and true. Ladies - Come out if gates in a professional manner, keep up your professionalism and if you can't, take a break. If both sides did this all the time, every time - we would have less of these fakes winning out in their battle to scam.
  7. I have regulars where we will flip sometimes. It will be all about me, or all about him and then we have plenty of mutual sessions. What you did for her was awesome. It is sometimes better then physical gift being given. Good on you.
  8. Because I am not here to PROVE anything. I provide selfies and pro pics, a website, a professionalism and that is enough. I am not making videos for guys to jerk off too, I am not using kidnap victim pics. Plus, everything I put on the internet stays on the internet. No matter what. It does not go anywhere. I am not being pressured into adding more and more of myself on the net because some guys can't do their own research. If it is too much work for you to verify me yourself, with all that I have offered to you to use in your screening against me, then it is too much work for me to jump through hoops to prove myself to you. Drives me up the wall sometimes seeing this BS. You guys have review sites, websites, pics, GIS, etc and that is still not enough. Guys see tits on an ad on some stretchy site, call, book, see the B&S in front of them, still stay, pay and then get pissed when it is not what they wanted, come here, complain and then jump on the bandwagon that we SPs need to do more so they don't get scammed. But yet guys will research for 6 months, check every review, consumers reports, look at warranty options, etc just to find the best fucking flashlight. LMAO It makes so sense to me. Basically, my opinion is, call me or don't. I don't give a shit. I do enough of my own work, I am not here to do yours too.
  9. For the record, I am not offended by the TOFTT reference but as a hobbists I may have been slightly offended that someone wants to be funded for what you guys have been doing here for each other for years now. And I can see how some ladies would get offended at the term. Some don't want to feel like a piece of meat. We know this and to them, that term, the idea behind it, is offensive. Some women are offended at being called fat. As a larger woman myself, I am not. You may not feel it is or should be offensive but clearly it was to some. So because of that, we are going to take our ball and go home???? I mean seriously, how many guys have a hard enough time funding their own hobby, so let's fund someone else's???? The "idea" was silly even if it was just mean to be "fun" which again I don't believe is the case. And I am sorry if anyone was offended by my opinion but I personally think anyone who asks for hand-outs either needs education or therapy. Which is what I think this is. Asking for a handout. That is just me. Kind of like the SP who posts on Twitter about all her financial troubles with hints to being willing to accept "help" but not directly asking for it. People play all kinds of games like that. The Go-Fund Me site has hundreds of people just asking for a hand-out and it is disgusting how people in society have turned into online panhandlers. This post reeked of that. It did not come across as a fun discussion to dream about. It appeared to me and clearly some others, to be a thread about wanting a hand out to TOFTT. And BTW - I was directed to this thread like I have been to others. Just putting that out there. Some people feel how they feel about things Roaming. You know this. You see him as posting an idea for discussion, others don't. Others often read between the lines. There is no way in hell that if this thread went the other way and guys got on board, that he would refuse being the one funded to TOFTT. Which is what is in between the lines in his post. Just look at the title for crying out loud. - job opportunity??? Come on. Anyone who has been online for a nanosecond can see what this truly is. OP - I am sorry you feel negativity targeted but I don't understand why. People don't agree with your "idea". Disagreeing is not negativity targeting, neither is multiple people disagreeing. Clearly you have some support so post away. Explain further if you feel you must but you can't come here to post and think that everyone is going to blow you sunshine kisses and give rainbow hugs. Not everyone is going agree. You say it is not for you, I don't think I believe that. It is what it is.
  10. Wait wait wait!!! I am only half way through my first coffee, so let me get this straight. You want to be the TOFTT guy whereby men on this board give you money to screw other women and report back so they know if they should try them???? I mean I get your point, someone has to try out new unknown providers. I totally get that. Has been happening since the dawn of time. I guess my question - why are you so special that you should get funded for this when for almost 20 years that Lylas has been around, guys have been doing this with their own money and sharing for free with the rest of the guys here. I guess I am just trying to figure out if you need some education on how the world works, or some therapy to help with the naracism. Maybe I will try to figure it out after my second cup of coffee. Certainly too much to figure out with only one cup in me.
  11. See I disagree. The extra low rate should be a dead give away. It is not a lure if you know that is mostly a scam. That should be your first tool at screening. And Leo's List has the price right in ad title to make it even easier. I don't get frustrated at the low B&S ads because a) if you go bargain shopping then I am not the escort for you. So my price has already weeded you out which means less work for me b) if you keep falling for those types of ads then hopefully you learn fast. If not, I don't feel sorry for you. There are so many tools available to men. I can spot fake ads from a mile away. If you guys think with the right head, weeding through ads should be a piece of cake. Unless you are an Asian lover. Then you may have a real hard time.
  12. 100% of the time. That is a big number. That would mean that in the history of sex work, a CC was never ever ever ever ever used for verification. Ok. Remind me to take your post seriously from now on. LMAO
  13. Do you also shop on amazon without reading the reviews on and off the site? What other online "shopping" do you do, where you just buy whatever it is based on the picture? I can set up a product page of whatever you want. what's your CC #? LOL Come on folks, it ain't that hard. The Internet has been around a few years now. We all should know how to shop properly to avoid disappointment. And Ya - please don't throw numbers around like they are fact. OP posted the percentage in the gosh darn title. Maybe we need a "yes I thought about my post before hitting reply" checkbox or something. But then since most don't read our ads before contact, I don't think it would really have the desired affect. Yaya - I'm a little moody. But I do mean it all with love I promise. Just having a hard time with rediculousimess this morning.
  14. Says the woman with the hot sexy avatar. LOL Grace is awesome as well, but I think we need to add you to this list as well.
  15. I see it as a confirmed appointment, and based on his reply, he did too. You did nothing wrong. Except maybe waste more time trying to explain to someone something that they will never understand. His mentality is clear. You are a hooker. You don't deserve his respect. You don't deserve the same respect as a wife, or GF, or any other business entity. Hookers are meant to be there when requested and required and if he can't make it, well too bad, so sad. That is the business. That is your whoring business that you choose. Not his fault. Fucking ass, is my opinion. The passive aggressive way he was writing. The bigging up of himself while trying to put you down, the deflection, the protection. It is all a recipe for disaster. The threat to book you another way, the BS about his phone and anonymous nature of it. Triple Portaled??? Give me a fucking break. I bet he just googled that to say it in text. My advice, list him in the BCL and move on. I have 3 other sites I list on other this board. If you want to PM, I can share. Also, as most people know by now since I have just a loud mouth about it, screen. Screen, screen, screen. I know screening is scary. Women are afraid they will not get business, and I will admit, there may be a bit of slow period in the beginning when you make your adjustments. But it is soooooooooo worth it in the end. Men can't even talk to me without going through my site first. I list no email addressed, phone numbers, etc. The one email address I have listed for BP ads has an auto-responder that gives men directions on how to communicate with me since they clearly didn't read the ad. By the time the person gets to me, actually talking to me, I have weeded out 80% of the time wasters, non-compatible clients, etc. 80% of my work is done and I haven't done a thing. It takes away the frustration that builds over time with dealing all that BS. That in itself is worth screening. In my opinion. I don't text with anyone other than established regulars. Also, I find that because I screen, I take up to a week or two, to screen. I can take that time to get to know likes and dislikes with the client. Makes 95% of my appointment to never feel like "work". Sorry, this happened to you. In my opinion, you were not wrong at all.
  16. I am naming Cat (St.claire) for today. I think the list of reasons would be way too long to list because she has so many great things about her. So I will just say - she is awesomsauce!
  17. Car insurance. ugh.... I hate adulting.
  18. I know I am on this screening kick if you read my other threads and posts as of late, but again, I will use this thread to show the importance of screening. I am not a YMMV chick at all. If I can't perform the sexual acts that I enjoy, I just don't bother booking. I know this sounds strange coming from my end, but I truly believe that if both parties took a little bit of extra time, in the beginning, a lot of the BS issue that both sides complain about would not happen. I also think that more women should not be using the YMMV excuse and simply refuse the client outright if there is an issue. If you advertise that you offer ***, and then when the client shows up, you see his "package" and you don't like it for whatever reason, which let's be real is usually a fear of STD or hygiene, based on the look. Instead of saying no, I would be saying - Cya! Don't get me wrong, I understand that some women feel they can not do this, they need the cash, they need that appointment, so they do what they can. That is a topic for a different day. However, in an ideal world, YMMV would not be a thing at all. It would either be false advertising or refusal of client booking period. I hope that made sense as to not offend anyone.
  19. That is a great way to handle it! Much better than going YELP, Reddit and other sites complaining about why the driving range doesn't allow the payment pay that you want, stating how they are purposely making your life hell because you had to waste time and gas, how you nephew got all distraught and scared he would never be able to smack a ball and whatever other lame rubbish that could be thrown in there. I think that is the big thing that most of us escorts are trying to say when these threads come up. If it doesn't work for you, just move on. Bringing up thread after thread after thread with the same tired excuses simply shows a lack of respect for us and in quite a few cases, it is a bullying attempt to get escorts to change ways that help ensure their safety.
  20. Wait, wait, wait. Sorry, I know I am becoming the bain of your existence here but I can't just let this ridiculousness go on. Jumping on the bandwagon? So anyone who does not agree with you is "demonizing you"? Really? Can't be that you are behaving the way people are saying. You have how many people in this thread alone telling you how your attitude towards us is arrogant, passive aggressive and in some case just downright rude and condescending and yet you say you are being demonized? No sweetie, you are being called out. There is a difference. Secondly, no you don't respect the screening process at all and you do object to it. The first part of ALL screening is getting personal information such as real name and real phone number. The reference, board handle, work verification, that is all a choice for the escort to extend her screening, but the screening starts with PERSONAL INFORMATION. Debating that, saying that personal information sharing should be a last resort, when in fact it is the FIRST, is objecting to it. How does that not compute? Third, you are also giving those rubbish excuses. You are a good client because got invited back to see other escorts? I am sorry to say but I personally, and I am not alone, have you on my Do Not Book list. Simply from your post history. You are a person, I would decline. That is how screening works. You say you are a good guy, would be a good client but I personally do not think so. Maybe you are with others, but you would not be with me. Escorting and screening are not just about physical safety. It is about emotional and mental health, safety and comfortability. I think you are arrogant, misogynistic and I truly feel you are or have some type of narcissistic personality issues. Reading your post on this and other topics as given me a glimpse into your mind and I would never book with you. Don't worry, you don't have tell me you would not book with me either. I already know. You don't like me. You don't like strong women who counter you. So it is equal in that regard. It is just proof that the "but I am good guy" line is a rubbish excuse, just like the author of the article said. I would get into the rest, but Cat covered it. She hit the nail on the head with your lack of providing anything relative other than your objections and disdain.
  21. If you feel that we are being hard on you for being more concerned about bringing up the lower risks to men when we are discussing the higher risks to women and therefore the need to screen, then you go ahead and take only that from these last 3 pages. Really shows where your head is at. But I will ask since you have repeatedly said it now, where in that article was the "tone" was not to your liking? Where was the author being rude, insulting, or anything that you accuse her of? I mean other than using the word rubbish, which was used in comparison to our risks. She was polite, shared a horrible story of what was done to her, and then went on to debunk some of the rubbish excuses used with her. Which when compared to our safety, some of the excuses are actually complete rubbish. It seems that is your big beef. That she wrote an article about her own experiences and her own opinions on her own site and she used the word rubbish. And because of that, you feel the need to dismiss or diminish our need to talk about safety for us, by reiterating over and over your lower risk level. Honestly, that is like the lone white guy explaining to a room full of black men, that one scary time he got pulled over by the police. And you wonder why people think and feel the way they do about you? Really? I didn't think it was that hard to figure out but to help, I will let you in on the secret then. Your narcissism is showing.
  22. I never dismissed your risk, but you don't need to call an escort. As stated, it is a luxury item for you. Take your risks or don't but you are making implications in your posts that I and other escorts are somehow responsible to make your risk level one that you can handle. With, maybe unbeknownst to you, comments that undermine what risk level I am willing to take. Plus, it is really hard to agree to disagree when you do indeed imply that my way of doing business is wrong. How many times do we read, like below, the threat of lost income, lost client? How many times are we all lumped in with that one escort that may have done something to a person one time 20 moons ago? It is all in attempts to dissuade a system that is helping us lower our risk level. You admit that more violent actions happen to women so I have to ask, why can we not sort out our risk level before we get to the lower risk level issue that you as men have while purchasing a luxury. Why the need to insert your risk level at all at this point in the topic of discussion? And I will even take it further and remind you that you and your fellow HOBBYISTS, not lobbyists, have boards like this one to do so much research that is almost laughable that you expect such an unequal sharing of information. This is not an "anonymous" business. That is a misconception. Privacy and anonymity are not exclusive in this case. As I have stated, I have clients come into my personal private home. Where I live alone as a single woman. My clients come in and sit in my living room, they look around my house at my family pictures, art and decor from around the world, they discuss with me things about my life. This is all open to them. This is all a sharing of information. It is equal. That is the service I offer. You think I am going to be stupid enough to offer that to "john" with text app # 555-555-5555 because he assures me he is a good client? LMAO Come on now. Except we are not having a discussion. You are making passive aggressive threats of lost business to ensure your needs are met. That is not a discussion. That is an attempt at power and control. I am not losing you as a client because you were never my client to begin with. Remember, a client is not an actual client unless he has actually seen the woman and repeats. Which means that he is accepting of her screening. The point of most screening is to ensure that 90% of uselessness, don't make it past the door. The other 90% are not compatible anyway. I "lose clients" on a regular because I am too old, too fat, too expensive, too unavailable, too {insert next issue here}. The list goes on an on. I am not compatible with so many hobbyists, so what? And I will say that your argument is rubbish as well because if we applied that same logic to service level, then you will see how all these "discussions" are more about pushing a standard that men want that intern leaves an escort open to harm. Would it be fair to continue to have these "discussions" about say GREEK, or CIM WS for example? If day after day men complained about how their needs for release in a woman's mouth are not being met. How for how much they pay they should be able to release where they want? How there is a risk to pregnancy so escorts should ensure the client is comfortable by disposing of said sperm internally instead of leaving it in a condom. Because escorts will want to use that get pregnant and blackmail their clients. LOL, It is all rubbish. It is all complaining because it is not what you want, when you want, how you want. That mentality comes from a place in people that I find, I want nothing to do with. I want my clients to feel comfortable. I love the feeling of knowing and holding their trust, and being able to develop that trusting relationship with them. If that can't happen, I wish you well often with a referral for someone else to try. Do you want to know what I get back most of the time? Some sort of Fuck you, or being called a bitch or cunt or some other insult being tossed at me. All that tells me was that I made the right choice to stick to my guns and screen. Because it works. It works for my business regardless of whether you don't think so. Screening is a system that works. Which is why more women are doing it and being successful at it. Will I maybe miss out on a possible good guy? Sure, but you are equally missing out on a possible great escort? So again I am left with asking, so what? Am I safe? Am I seeing the clients that I want to see? Are the clients that are seeing me, comfortable with me and enjoying their time with me? Am I with a client who equally wants me to feel safe and comfortable? These are the questions I feel are worth asking and discussing. Not why won't you just see me with a text app, because I am a good client to have and you can take my word for it? Ummm, I think not. Thanks.
  23. I post stories on my blog. My lastest: Double Education (cue the porn music) http://jessicarain.com/members/double_education/
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