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Reuben Sandwich

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Everything posted by Reuben Sandwich

  1. Well it has all been said about Claire so I would just as soon sing it, to the tune of Chuck Berry's "Little Queenie" I got lumps in my throat When I saw her comin' down the aisle I got the wiggles in my knees When she looked at me and sweetly smiled There she is again standin' over by her record machine Lookin' like a model on the cover of a magazine She's too cute to be a minute over seventeen Mean while I was thinkin' She's in the mood, no need to break it I got the chance, I oughta take it If she will dance, we can make it C'mon Claire, let's shake it Go, go, go, Claire Heavens Go, go, go, Claire Heavens Go, go, go, Claire Heavens Repeat refrain....
  2. If it's Friday it must be shawarma. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. Outside building a deck. Planning some warm up time. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. Thanks for all the good vibes and wishes and one special hug.
  5. So it's the end of a week and I had made plans to see Claire early on in the following week when in chimes Ms. Wilde with news that she will be visiting from Montreal over the same time period. This being such a busy time of year (damn work) that my only alternative was to see if we could facilitate a combined get together that would be amenable to all. After enquiries were submitted, both ladies agreed and we met at Claire's place for a couple of hours. Although I have know each lady for a while, this was their first meeting, so we put on some Lana, took in the view from the balcony, had a hot snack and then put aside the pleasantries for some naked pleasantness. Admittedly this was a bit of an ego trip for me but I would fall all over it again in a heartbeat. Perhaps next time, less balcony and more hot snack. So when opportunity comes knocking, bust down the jambs.
  6. I always had a thing for Bugs Bunny in drag. One smart, funny bunny.
  7. The last ticket to the Ottawa Christmas Social. Good thing I did, otherwise my entry would have been "20 kg. bag of sand"
  8. Reuben Sandwich

    Well I will honestly concur that your honing skills are honorably enhancing your honey charmed hotness.
  9. Reminds of the old FTD advert "Say it with flowers". Except now you can say it with Flicka's Posted via Mobile Device
  10. If you head a few minutes west to Bell's Corners there is Paradise Spa or east slightly more to CMJ or Angel's Touch. All MAs and well worth the trip. Posted via Mobile Device
  11. Well you did speak for me here. Won't Worry Carry On As Usual Getting caught by the cops is the least of my worries.
  12. Did someone say "Intoxicating"? Posted via Mobile Device
  13. Hi Kassi. Welcome aboard the Good Ship cerbipop Posted via Mobile Device
  14. 1) and 2) Nervous laughter if I could not detect the source. Must use other senses then hearing. Hello darkness my old friend I've come to fart for you again. Like a scent softly creeping Left an odour while I was sleeping And that smell, like tiny rain drops fell Upon the fart of silence.
  15. +1 for more LR polls Posted via Mobile Device
  16. "Who was it pulled the engine off my neck? Nobody." Posted via Mobile Device
  17. Having a coffee, bagel and Mars bar after the first hockey game of the new season. I don't need the energy, just a habit. I have a more interesting habit to ful-fill this Wednesday afternoon. Posted via Mobile Device
  18. I'm not very good with my boob alphabet but check out Aspen Wilde's profile and I'm sure you will be pleased. I believe she will be coming to Ottawa soon. Posted via Mobile Device
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