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Nathalie L

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Posts posted by Nathalie L

  1. Thank you, everyone! The some(ee)card below isn't entirely accurate, I do have wonderful friends, but it made me chuckle nonetheless.


    The best birthday gift came for me today. I was notified that my Brazilian visa was approved for my trip on August 11th. I'm so, so excited. I'll surely see some of you before I leave, but for the rest, see you in September! <3!



    • Like 1

  2. Best birthday gift ever: the Embassy of Brazil approved my tourist visa application! That was the last piece of the puzzle. Omg. So excited. I'll be gone from August 11th - September 8th!


    *jumps around excitedly* ahhhhh!

    • Like 4

  3. Do you enjoy the feeling of a woman's fingers inside of you while she's pleasuring you? Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to be taken slowly and sensually by a woman who is wearing a dildo and harness?


    Anal play and prostate massage are something I enjoy providing to my clients. However, I'm not a dominatrix by any stretch of the imagine. I'm a queer and bisexual switch that enjoys pleasuring and being pleasured, no matter what the activity.


    Here is an excerpt from one of my recommendations about anal play.


    She took her time, gradually building from one finger to two, then a butt plug, and finally a dildo, eager but patient, assertive yet gentle, and unbelievably intense, especially as she worked away with that last toy. I honestly can't say who was more aroused, her face was hot and flush, so attentive, and utterly focused on my experience, my pleasure. Although exposed in many ways, I felt safe and in control because Nat is, more than anything, caring. A unique woman. By Blue_Eyes56





    $460/ninety minutes

    $520/two hours

    $660/three hours


    *please note that I do not offer one hour appointments


    To book an appointment, please send me a PM or e-mail at [email protected] with:

    - your first and last name

    - your telephone number

    - the desired date and time of your appointment,

    - a reference from another independent SP/MA

    and finally,

    - a little bit about yourself...



    Nat xox

    • Like 4

  4. Whether a lady would decide to see a man under those circumstances would be up to her, as well.




    I agree! I don't think it would be up to Mod or the Council to decide whether an allegation was likely to be true or not, or what is or is not assault. However, if the lady has filed a police report and if the police lay charges, that would be significant.


    It would definitely be significant, but those instances are very rare. Even when an SP/MA is assaulted and/or robbed, it is rare they will go to the police for help given the stigma involved (both the stigma of sexual assault, and of being a sex worker). Also, the police cannot lay charges against someone without their personal information, which the SP/MA might not have as a result of this type of verification process.


    I'm really against anyone being the gatekeeeper of information that could protect me.


    As you've clearly stated, there would be no obligation for an SP/MA to see a client simply because he was a verified member and she could still request all of her own information. However, as Icebreaker stated, there are definitely those few vocal folk who might feel differently.


    There is an SP Only forum here on CERB where the ladies can, I assume, share amongst themselves information/screening about bad dates. Would there be some legal liability on CERB's part if it had a member's personal information and a bad date occurred. While CERB certainly doesn't want bad dates, I'm sure it doesn't want to be drawn into police investigations either and could be if it had member's personal information and accusations of a bad date took place. What if a case also went to civil court, CERB might be drawn into a court case they don't want either (sorry but I can see the litigation potential here). It's a possibility that CERB itself would have to consider


    Very true. I can definitely see this type of situation arising depending on the circumstances and it would be important for CERB to consider this.


    Also, in terms of the SP Only Forum, it is precisely in this type of forum that information could be shared rather than with the police in the event of an assault. I worry CERB/MOD or Council (or whoever was the gatekeeper of said information) wouldn't provide the client's information for that section. Most SPs/MAs wouldn't go to the police, but they would definitely post the information there to warn other providers.


    I don't mean to be obsessed with the gatekeeper stuff, and of course, it is always up to the SP/MA in question to perform their own due diligence when screening, but I worry anyway.


    In terms of negative reviews, the general environment on CERB, the civility we have here... I really like it. However, I haven't really been on the other *erb boards much and focus most of my energy here. I can't really provide much input but from what I've heard from other providers and clients, CERB is has a good policy in terms of reviews/recommendations.


    Simply put...if cerb moved to a verification process that required me to provide my real identity, my account would be closed immediately. I like my anonymity.


    To be clear, in Samantha's OP she clearly states not all members of CERB would have to provide this information. Some users would still remain anonymous if they wanted to be. Only those willing to provide their information and pay a membership fee would be considered verified members. There would be two types of members on CERB: anonymous members and paid verified members.


    You could still remain anonymous to CERB if you wanted to.

    • Like 4

  5. I'd call it a simple preference rather than a fetish.


    When does a preference become a fetish, anyway? Yeah, I know, that's a blatant hijack...


    I was thinking the same thing. We all have a 'natural' preference for certain physical characteristics, even if those preferences aren't always politically correct (I can think of many examples).


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think a fetish is when, whatever the characteristic is, it needs to be present for you to enjoy yourself (sexually and emotionally). For example, if you have a fetish for balloons, you can't get off without them. Or if you have a fetish for green eyes, you can't have sex with someone with blue eyes, etc.


    Perhaps some of the kinkier folk on the board can help.


    But yes. Hijack. Oups.


    In response to the OP, I don't think it's a fetish at all. Beauty is beauty. Period. I've met gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous, women of all size. <3

    • Like 5

  6. Thank you to everyone who has responded so far. It's been really helpful to read your comments and has definitely provided some insight on how I could handle such a situation in the future.


    Perhaps the best thing to do would be to recommend they not read my recommendations if it causes them unhappiness and move on from there. I should probably also mention that although I'm a paid companion, the experience I have with everyone is different. I don't want to insinuate that they are more special than everyone else because that wouldn't be fair/true and could do more harm than good. Also, I shouldn't have to lie to appease someone's insecurity about my lifestyle, chosen employment, etc.


    Perhaps the undercurrent of such comments about recommendations is a hope that the relationship can become more than what it is currently. Or a desire to move beyond the negotiated realm of an SP/client relationship. If that's the case, then obviously there is nothing I can do.


    I'm simply not sure what's expected of me in those moments. I care deeply about people and it upsets me to think my lifestyle causes people harm in those moments. As many have expressed, it isn't my problem, and while I agree I definitely find it hard nonetheless. I'm empathetic, what can I say?


    I think I get lost in my own thoughts when I start thinking about the complexities of these relationships we have on CERB. There are so many layers to our interactions!


    I wouldn't change any of it for the world though. I absolutely adore this profession. I love interacting with people, making connections, and even in these more difficult moments I still learn so much about others, and myself. It's a great way to live.

    • Like 4

  7. Thanks for you input so far. It's great to read that for those who have posted so far, reading recommendations doesn't ruin the fantasy or cause sadness/jealously/insecurity.


    I guess I just don't really know what to say when people bring up the topic of my recommendations. For example, when a client tells me they don't like reading my recommendations because it reminds them that I'm an escort, or it reminds them that I also host other guests... what am I supposed to say? What should I say?


    I try and explain what I mentioned in the original post, but I don't want to ruin the experience for them either. It's a terribly awkward situation. Is part of the GFE a maintenance of the fantasy of exclusivity? That seems impossible to me and would involve blatant lying which seems really unethical.

  8. While I was walking along the street today I noticed a younger person having difficulties with their groceries. They were juggling three bags on each arm and rotating them around rather frequently. It's impossible to get a good grip when everything is that heavy.


    When I caught up to them, I offered to take some of their bags at least partway home. I was in a rush, but it turns out he lived only a block from my place. Great coincidence!


    Pay it forward.

    • Like 3

  9. I have a love/hate relationship with my iPhone. I have access to my entire life on it. I have DropBox (a file storage system where I put all of my important school related documents), my calendar, the internet, iMessage, texting, e-mail, and I also have access to Facebook, Twitter, a really good camera...


    Without my phone I feel naked. I went to the Nordik Spa yesterday for 6 hours and left it in the locker room. It felt great! I definitely missed it though. I wanted to share my happiness with some people that couldn't be there with me physically.


    While I sometimes feel chained to my devices (I have an iPad and laptop too), they also facilitate relationships (i.e. long-distance relationships) that I wouldn't have otherwise had. I think the problem comes when those texts/e-mails are expected, rather than viewed as a gift; when a lack of those texts/e-mails are internalized as a lack of desire to be 'in touch'. Sometimes that's not the case... sometimes life just happens, or sometimes you simply want to disconnect. That needs to be respected, absolutely.


    I've had the most EPIC misunderstandings via text! It's very true that I sometimes misunderstand expressions, words, or input a tone of voice that isn't accurate. It usually works out though :) I express myself very well via text (texting or e-mail) and really appreciate being able to be thoughtful and take my time when I respond.


    I think some people find me weird when I'm face to face and I say "can you give me a moment to compose my thoughts?"... and I literally make them wait an entire minute while I think.


    I definitely understand the desire to speak on the telephone though, and I love that too. In fact, I love FaceTime! It's an application on the iPhone similar to Skype :D! Skype rocks my socks off too...


    Ok... I'm obviously into my technology. My rant is over ;)

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