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Everything posted by Athos

  1. Well, for me, yes. I'd find that unattractive. And quite possibly for the woman as well. I've known several women whose natural breasts were so large that they were causing them other health issues, particularly back pain. They both had breast reductions and were much happier for it. But it's very much a very personal and subjective choice. Porthos
  2. Do you think I could get away with giving one to my uptight, overly religious sister and tell her it's a decorative crystal object d'art to be displayed on the mantle-place!!!
  3. The opportunity to see Emily Rushton's latest lingerie purchase .... OMG!!!!:icon_biggrin:
  4. I'm wondering if Shelly is referring to the labour disruptions with baggage handlers?
  5. Which was when? Possibly not too long ago! Apologies to the OP for a little ribbing. In answer to your question there are several massage parlours where you can find what you are looking for. Executive Bath on Ellice and Broadways are both good bets. It's been a while since I was in the Peg, so I can't suggest ladies or comment on current service levels Porthos
  6. I'm easily confused! Especially when thinking about boobs and finishes! :redface:
  7. Given this is posted in the Winnipeg massage section, perhaps the OP is looking for a massage with Russian finish?? The other possibilities are just a bit too much to contemplate :icon_eek: and leave me very, very confused. :confused0024: Porthos
  8. Those are all excellent examples. I'm not sure I have answers for all of these questions. But in general, I'd agree with some of the other comments in this thread. It's all about context, the strength of a relationship, the expectations between the two people, and how serious the issue is. I don't think individual relationships between two people are also subject to lots of ambiguity and uncertainty in communication. Questions aren't always posed for a truthful answer, and silence isn't always an option. Anyone shopping with their partner and asked whether an article of clothing looks good/makes them look big/etc., etc. knows this to be true. In general, I tend to believe that the more serious the issue is, the greater the need for truth, although frequently the more difficult it is to be forthright. (the exception for this is, of course, all hobbying related activities which justifies no end of concealment). This is why truth often tests relationships in ways that nothing else can. So, in the examples you mention, I don't think concealing how serious a family member's illness might be, or sugar coating a diagnosis is correct at all. Having said that, it could depend. Would you be totally honest with a child about their parent or grandparent's terminal illness? Or would some "sugar coating" be warranted. Again, context becomes important. Health care professionals are under a legal obligation to be truthful in communicating information. It actually really angers me when I hear about health care professionals not being completely forthcoming (although again I do understand the reasons ... but it seems to me that the law and taken away that "choice" from them). In general, each person has to judge the situation they find themselves in. And to be fair, we sometimes are very self-centered when we aren't being completely truthful. I remember a girlfriend I had years ago, who early on in our relationship invited me over to her apartment for dinner. Great, I thought. This is moving along nicely. She then served me the most hideous meal that one can imagine. Emily Rushton has heard this story, so she can verify that it was pretty horrendous. I wasn't sure what this dinner meant. Was I being dumped, and this was the final wrath being handed out, or did she really like this and thought I would too. Well, I ate every mouthful and said it was delicious, in the hope that sex was still a possibility for the evening. As it turns out, it was good thing I ate it. Because sex was on offer!!!! Now, had I been honest, I think I would have been dumped and probably waiting for wrath to be dished out at a later date. Porthos
  9. Fundamentally we are social creatures. It is through our relationships with our friends and families that we form our identities and we find validation. It's how we define ourselves. Sometimes when we ask a question we're really not seeking the truth, but rather validation. It's always a risk, and sometimes it's a test of friendship: do we get a lie, the truth, or some version of the two. Sometimes absolute truth isn't nice or helpful. That's why it's called brutal honesty. And in my view, if we engage in brutal honesty all the time, then we probably are failing as a friend, spouse, etc. that's why people who are brutally honest often are lonely people. Of course, in their view it's everyone else's fault because they can't deal with the truth. No one, in my view, can claim the right to be the absolute judge of truth. Look at the ladies on this board. All sorts of different body types. Not all of which are attractive to me. But I'm not going to pronounce judgement over too large or too thin, etc. Cause one thing is clear ... I might not think that outfit looks good, or that body type is attractive, but it might be just what someone else considers gorgeous. Sometime being judgmental gets wrapped up in claims of honesty. It really is about context and the strength of the relationships of the people involved. Porthos
  10. I actually don't think most people want the truth. It hurts!! People want the highly massaged version of the truth.
  11. Sticking with my adopted home of Newfoundland: Renews
  12. A very pleasant lunch with good friends!
  13. I loathe yard work and gardening ... I like the fruits of it. Having a nice bbq in a well cared for garden. But I have no patience for the task and don't enjoy it at all. If I have to be outside, I'd far rather be hiking or camping somewhere in the wilderness than looking after a lawn. Porthos
  14. We're lobbying hard for a Monday or Friday to create the possibility of a nice long weekend!
  15. So many people in the Highlight of the day thread talking about the fabulous weather. It's snowing here in Newfoundland!! Porthos
  16. Received the latest Jo Nesbo mystery delivered to my kindle. Looking forward to starting it.
  17. I want this lovely in on my rooftop garden
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