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Everything posted by Athos

  1. I realize that reviews and recommendations are different in both form and purpose. Having said that, though, the "don't post anything negative rule" here tends to work. It seems to me it works because this is a community with active participation. I look not just at recos, but at the number of recos and the consistency over time. Then I look at the lady's posts and albums to see if she seems like someone I'd be interested in meeting. All in all it works fairly well. I'd echo roamingguy's comment, I have yet to have a bad experience with any lady recommended on this board. With respect to other boards it often seems that there are far more over the top fabulous reviews, which I didn't find justified in the least, and other negative reviews which seemed mean spirited and motivated by spite. Sometimes I left seeing a lady scratching my head trying to square what I'd read with what I'd experienced. Others may disagree, and that's fine. But the reco system supported by active community participation seems to mean that, as a hobbyist, I have an excellent sense of what a session will be like.
  2. Gallows Cove, Newfoundland. There's got to be a history to that name!!
  3. We've all hit our funny bone, right? Well a few years ago I whacked mine on the corner of a counter really hard. So I'm staggering around the house clutching my arm and waving it up and down in extreme pain. And then I pass out. Evidently it's not uncommon for extreme bangs on the funny bone to send the body into shock and the person passes out. O.k, it's embarrassing enough to pass out because of your funny bone, but I also cracked my skull open on the way down when head met corner of coffee table. Trip to the ER to be sewn up.
  4. It strikes me that one of the issues is conflating commitment with sexual monogamy. Sexual monogamy has become defined as the single most important element of a relationship and the primary, if not only, indicator of commitment. It seems to me that there are so many other dimensions of commitment that this doesn't necessarily make sense. This is why to many of us seeing an escort is much more acceptable than an affair, precisely because the affair raises the possibility of undermining so many more elements of the relationship, whereas a visit with your SP can more easily be limited to the physical dimension. Porthos
  5. well, I think the important parts in that vow are love and honor. The "obey" part really has no place in a modern relationship, but if we want to be traditional I think that was something the woman had to vow to the man, but not vice versa. I see SPs. But no one can say I don't love and honor my wife, and after 25 years you also can't say there isn't huge commitment. I've committed to spending my life with her until I die. Nothing about seeing an SP alters that. Porthos
  6. You're quite right, they won't change, but they'll continue to complain about what they perceive to be bad service!!
  7. The absolutely stunning Ms. Emily Marie .... I love this pic!
  8. X is tough ... How about Xai Xai, Mozambique
  9. That one comes from a lawsuit in the US where a woman spilled a cup of McDonald's coffee on herself and successfully sued for millions on the basis that there should have been a warning the contents were hot. That on it's own makes you go mmmmmm!
  10. It might be that Christmas bills are paid off and income tax refunds have arrived. Although women shedding winter parkas for outfits that show off their delicious form does fire the imagination and stoke the desire!
  11. What you describe Backrubman is very much my situation. I expect my marriage would have disintegrated into bitterness and recriminations years ago. There would have been too many feelings of disappointment, unfulfilled expectations and resentment. Instead we are heading into our 25th anniversary, have 2 great kids, and our relationship is strong. Iin some ways we've even become closer over the years, but lover is no longer part of the equation. Does that make me sad ... Sometimes. But I come from somewhat stoic stock. It is what it is! We've stuck together, didn't cut and run, raised a family, and built a life. Is it everything I hoped it would be 25 years ago. Probably not, but it's pretty damn good. Seeing the occasional SP doesn't change that, in fact it's made it possible. Is this rationalization. Absolutely, but it doesn't make it any less true. Porthos
  12. Building on the English version of Lisbon and staying in Europe: Nice, France
  13. Iqaluit, bringing things back to colder climes!
  14. It's all a matter of perspective: Standing facing the lady: tits Standing behind: ass Looking at her profile: both equally Porthos
  15. I would think this would be the best idea. Ask a client you trust. I'm sure you'll find no shortage of clients who would be willing to come over and spend some time enjoying a fashion show/photo shoot, prior to a session. Personally, I think it would be a very hot prelude to the session. Oh, and coincidently I just bought a new digital SLR ... Just saying!! Porthos
  16. Why choose ... It's all perfection, and clearly god or evolution's (no need to definitive about these things) absolutely finest work!!
  17. I was lucky enough to see Katherine this week while she was visiting St. John's. She has been reviewed many times, and all the accolades she has received are totally deserved. Simply put, this woman provides the most intense sensual experience I've ever had. At one point she told me to lay back, and that "this is where you get to be treated like a king". And boy was I ever! This woman is an incredible combination. Extremely sexy, passionate, intelligent, and committed to providing the highest level of satisfaction. My only regret is that I hadn't booked longer than an hour. In that hour though, Katherine gave me an incredible hedonistic experience. It was non-stop sensory overload, which included some things I hadn't experienced before. She also gave me a glimpse of some future possibilities. I'm reeling just thinking of it. At one point in our session Katherine looked up at me and said, "you know, Kings get to give orders as well". True, but there was no need. I was enjoying total satisfaction from an incredible woman. And that's a session with Katherine. Total satisfaction!!!
  18. For quite some time I only hobbied when I travelled. Hobbying close to home has it's own challenges, particularly in a small town. However you proceed have fun, and please report back. Porthos
  19. Welcome Tokan. I hope you enjoy yourself. Ottawa is of course a great destination. You might also consider Kingston. A little closer than Ottawa with some excellent providers. Check out the recommendations in the Kingston section. Rachelle Reigns and Jewel are both ladies I'd love to see next time I'm in that area. Porthos
  20. The Queen probably care that much either ... Garment tags with hidden RFid tags in them .... That is really irritating. I had one pair of jeans that kept setting off every store detector I went through. At Zellars one day they nearly did a strip search to find out where I was hiding the stolen merchandise. I said only if I could choose which check-out girl did the search!! Toilet paper ... The double rolls are the biggest con ever. Porthos
  21. There are lots of different reasons why married people hobby. Everyone's story is different. For some, they may hobby because they are profoundly unhappy in their relationship. For many of us, however, that may not be the case. I've been married for nearly 25 years (to the same woman even) and i love her very much. We have kids, and a mutually satisfying relationship that is supportive and very close. However, that relationship no longer involves sex. That is o.k.for her, but not for me. I have no desire to leave her, but have discovered that hobbying provides a wonderful way to find physical intimacy with some wonderful women and preserve my marriage. she would be devastated if she found out, so I am very careful. I've often wondered why, given we are all participating in a hobby that many in society don't condone, that there often is a bit of a judgmental tone expressed by single hobbyists towards those that are married. This hardly seems the place for those sorts of judgements. Porthos
  22. What's in a kiss? ... just about everything worthwhile in the world!
  23. In over 15 years of hobbying I have only had one or two sessions like what you describe, and of course I didn't repeat. But then again my attitude is somewhat different. While yes, it is a business relationship, and I am the client, it is a business relationship like no other, in that it is based on physical connection and intimacy (or at least it is for me). That's what I'm paying for. The intimacy that goes along with great sex. Any business relationship ... Any professional business relationship (cause this isn't like popping out to the corner store to pick up potato chips) -- has to be based on a set of reciprocal relationships. This is especially true in this biz. If I want intimacy and a GFE then I have to provide some as well. The great thing about this is that no matter how unimpressive I may actually be, I know that a very hot lady is going to give me the fantasy of being impressed and wanting me as much as I want her. now that is a good deal. over the years I now hobby with an increasingly small group of women. With my ATF, when we get together, it is professional, yet also has all the excitement, intimacy, and genuine passion of long time lovers. We are friends, sexual partners, and I pay her. Perfection. Porthos
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