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Everything posted by HUGS AND KISSES

  1. It was a fun afternoon. I am a daytime guy and really on a Saturday afternoon there aren't many options as far as strip clubs are concerned. Barbarellas is the best option on a Saturday afternoon. Barefax is dead, Pigale is closed and so is Playmates until 4 (and dead until 8 pm on Saturdays) and NuDen you need a binocular to see the stage not to mention the very open Champagne rooms at NuDen. In addition nothing short of a massive earthquake or a global nuclear war can keep me away from going to this club. Not road closures (btw, Lyon is now totally closed south of Queen to Albert) and not cameras (I counted about five in the backroom where Private dances take place) as I have been going to this club past 20 years and some girls are like family. Anyhow it was above average for a Saturday afternoon. They also had stage dances one after another (between 3 and 6 when I was there) and maybe this was a factor for the relatively large number of patrons deciding to stay on and order drinks instead of leaving soon. Also maybe because my all time favorite Kitty was there and so were her fans. But also a dozen other ladies and among them I recognized Harley (blonde cutie with love from Russia), Natasha, (sexy ebony with slim body and sexy nipples and bum) Blonde Juice, former blonde Brandi (with new hair color and style), Brunette Anna (soft fair skin coming at 4), a new blonde Portuguese girl named Vanessa (she is very friendly and doesn't mind hugs and kisses in the Champagne room), Jenna (pretty baby face and recently moved from Barefax) and last but by no means least the very cute lovable brunette Kitty Kat (Lily Collins) and a few others I didn't recognize. The following were not there and I missed them all. Bridgette (needs no introduction), Megan (now at NuDen and needs no introduction), Cin (Kitty's friend), Samantha (cute soft brunette), Very cute lovely very friendly brunette with spinner body Phoenix (I think she dances evenings only nowadays) and Layla (cute Lebanese) and last but by no means least I was hoping to see Sammy (the very friendly and compatible with hugs and kisses and very pretty long blonde/brown hair). Staff were especially friendly (to me at least!!!!) today. I had a fun afternoon. At one point I counted about two dozen patrons. Keep it up gentlemen. Please come out and support your local bar and support the ladies who btw are there to show you the gateway to heaven.
  2. Thanks Josh for the comment. This thread is meant to be about Ottawa strip bars rather than Montreal and the aim is to raise awareness for reasons of appreciation of our own bars and dancers in Ottawa and reward the bars who are still able to attract quality dancers (like Barbarellas, Barefax, NuDen, Pigale, Playmates) and also go out there and support our high quality, friendly beautiful dancers so that we can keep our dancers and even attract more and reverse the recent trend of bars closing and quality dancers quitting because of lack of business. That said, I have been to Chez Parée as recently as well (and between 1991 to 1999 as well when $6 table dances existed I was frequent visitor) and find it to be like club Downtown a few blocks away. That is one has to pay at entrance and when sited as well, and also rules pretty strict for private dances with no panties coming off in the Champagne rooms and no kissing allowed. The quantity of dancers is great however, in my view again no match for quality of dancers when compared to Barbarellas, Barefax and NuDen in Ottawa and same goes for quality of Champagne room dances in Ottawa. I also found ladies at Chez Parée more business oriented than Ottawa bars.
  3. Yes I agree Cleopatra is one bar I always visit when I visit Montreal. This is the one strip bar I have visited the longest since 1992 (for 25 years). I would say Barbarellas, Barefax, Playmates all in Ottawa and Cleopatra in Montreal are my favorite bars, It is the best bar in Montreal and very cost effective but it is only one bar and even in this bar dancers keep their panties on in the Champagne rooms though kissing is allowed and yes it is only $10 per song. Evening dancers are better quality in terms of looks and youth and class but still no match for the ladies we have here in Ottawa at Barbarellas, Barefax, Pigale and NuDen. I would say Cleopatra is in many ways is similar to Playmates in Ottawa in terms of quality of ladies and bar class and location and dancers' friendliness but at half price and more ladies. So if you like Playmates then you love Cleopatra.
  4. I frequently visit Montreal and while there on my spare time I visit strip bars in downtown area as I love beautiful ladies especially if I can hug and kiss them and exchange affection. In my recent visits to Montreal I have been to the best known strip bars in Montreal and yes they are perceived as less expensive than Ottawa (in most Montreal strip bars dances are $10 per song) however the fun is much less than half of those in Ottawa. In some bars you have to tip on entry and sitting as well even during the day and also in some bars the first dance is always $15 whenever you choose a new dancer. The rules are pretty strict in most bars as underwear don't come off in the Champagne rooms at all no matter how many songs and in most bars no kissing is allowed (which is a very tough rule for someone named Hugs and Kisses). There are more dancers in Montreal so more choices BUT I did not find many with high quality of dancers I have seen at Barbarellas or Barefax or Pigale in terms of beauty and class. There is no free buffet as we have here in almost all bars some free lunch (like Barbarellas) and in some bars both free lunch and Supper as well during weekdays (like Barefax and Pigale). I find only in one Montreal bar the ladies are as friendly (Cloepatra) where they sit with patrons and chat and kiss but in most other bars I find dancers very business oriented. The overcharge happens there too especially if they find out you are visiting from Ottawa. Admittingly there are more dancers in all Montreal clubs so it is more enjoyable to watch stage dancing but the private dances even though perceived as half price but they are not nearly as much fun as in Ottawa. So appreciate your Ottawa strip bars and private dances and come out and support these clubs and the ladies so that they are not forced to close down or quit. The City of Montreal though is admittingly much more fun than Ottawa. You can just walk on downtown streets free of charge and enjoy the beautiful scenery (I am not referring to green scenery) with beautiful women of all ages from various racial backgrounds dressed some exotically (especially in summer time) and if you wish for more then there are dance bars all over on St. Laurent north of St. Catherines and East of St. Laurent on St. Catherines (if you love Francophone ladies) and Crescent Street (if you love Anglophone ladies) all lovely and friendly and with liberal friendly open French culture. Montreal is indeed the heaven on earth but the Montreal strip bars are no match for Ottawa strip bars as most of Ottawa strip bars still rock in quality Champagne room dances, Quality of dancers, free buffet and friendly atmosphere..
  5. The day I met Kitty at Barbarellas many years ago was one of the best days of my life. She was a very friendly, very pretty. tall and slim brunette with big kind heart and still carries all these qualities more than 12 years later. She has the cutest face and the kindest heart. Kitty has always had a special place in my heart and will remain there forever. Kitty is the one dancer who has undoubtedly danced for me more than anyone else in all past 20 years I have been going to these clubs and I have had the pleasure of knowing her the longest. Kitty is well regarded and highly respected by her many long time customers and friends (myself included of course) and the day she left Barefax last year was a big loss for that bar because many former Barefax customers were coming to this club exclusively to spend time with Kitty. Kitty don't dance as often as she used to. She dances once every few weeks at Barbarellas these days and on Saturdays daytime only and usually on those Saturdays Barbarellas is relatively busy with Kitty's fans with party like environment (she also usually comes with her friend Cin who is a pretty blonde) so if you are lucky to be at Barbs when she is dancing and if you find her free (very rare as she is almost always busy with old friends/customers or dancing) then definitely I highly recommend spending some time with this true angel who by the way resembles very much the famous actress (and my favorite actress) Lily Collins. H & K
  6. I had the pleasure of meeting her 3 weekends ago. She is a very sweet girl. A total sweetheart and she is very pretty. We were very compatible (she loved hugs and kisses) and I miss her real bad. She has long blonde hair (maybe light brown) and fair skin and a very pretty face medium height in her early 20"s, maybe a bit shy but very friendly once she gets to know, however, I haven't been able to locate her since then. She did tell me she is not really a dancer but a clinical assistant and dances very infrequently (likely weekends only because she works on other job Monday to Friday) but I didn't know so infrequent as ever since 3 weeks ago I haven't been able to locate her. I went back the Saturday after and she wasn't there and I called Barbs to see if she is there twice past two Saturdays and she was not there :(. If you see her anywhere (likely will be at Barbs), anytime please PM me. Thanks in advance. H & K
  7. A relatively nice Friday afternoon at Barefax. About two dozen beautiful ladies and may be two to three dozen patrons though not enough for ladies to make the money they deserve I am sad to say some were not making any money. Stage shows one after another without any break and lovely ladies one by one entertained the patrons by coming on stage and sharing their beauties. The usual Barefax Friday afternoon dancers as I didn't see anyone new. All pretty and deserving and they came to entertain you gentlemen and take you to heaven (upstairs). The best buffet with the best FREE food from 4:30 to 6:00 pm (always nice to leave a few buck for the cook who prepares and serves this great buffet every day who btw is a very nice gentleman). This is the closest a gentleman can get to heaven in life. As I sat and enjoyed dances and I looked around and saw some empty tables and chairs I wondered where some gentlemen would prefer to be rather than this place which well qualifies as heaven on earth (beautiful nude or semi nude young ladies willing to take you to heaven and free best food in town and the drink of your choice for a few buck with nice friendly staff to serve you). For those of you who were there a BIG thank you and to those who were absent then Please come out to these bars and support the ladies (many have left the profession because they were not making money) and support your local bar (many have closed past decade because they were forced out of business). You have worked hard all week then you deserve to treat yourself on a Friday afternoon and reward the very deserving beauties too who have come to show you the doors to heaven.
  8. This is not same as having cameras in the Champagne Room(s) where at Barefax full walls separate them and each is private as opposed to Barbarellas where because of the open concept even one camera in the back room can take away the privacy.
  9. I was specifically looking for camera in the Champagne Room at Barefax last year and I couldn't see or find anything anywhere resembling even remotely a camera and I asked the dancer friend who was dancing for me to look for it and she couldn't either and told me there is none. She was a long time Barefax dancer. There may be camera(s) somewhere upstairs where CR booths are located but I very much doubt that there is any camera in the actual small Champagne room booths (numbered at more than a dozen and unlike Barbs CRs they are separated by full walls and are private) at Barefax.
  10. I am no lawyer but I don't think stripping by itself is sex work and illegal. Nor is paying a stripper if the action involves watching stripper only. As stupid as C36 is (imposed in a manipulative way by the deposed Harper regime), I don't think it bans the act of stripping or watching it. What is banned in the technical paper is paying for any sexual activity which may (or may not) follow the act of stripping like lap dances and only for those who pay (client(s)) not stripper. As for the question asked in the thread I am not a fan of mileage myself rather great looks and sweet personalities but it is logical to assume that those bars which have open Champagne Rooms like Barbarellas or NuDen have low or lower mileage than those clubs which have private Champagne Rooms like Barefax and Playmates (and if we include Gatineau then Pigale and Taboo have private Champagne rooms as well)
  11. Then my review of Maria up there is for daytime Maria. Again she is very pretty and about 20 years old and a brunette with fair skin, fairly tall and a total sweetheart.
  12. Oh I didn't know there were two Maria's thanks for clarifications. The one I had for dances was also a brunette about 20 years of age and very sweet and I saw her on two Friday afternoons. I thought the same Maria is reviewed.
  13. I am happy to read that Friday evening was fun so likely those dancers who stayed for the evening made some money. Yes Maria has danced for me too. Isn't she so sweet and beautiful inside out. We are very compatible as she loves hugs and kisses. She used to dance afternoons but I guess that she has changed to evening now as I haven't seen her past few Friday afternoons.
  14. Unfortunately CarpeDiem my reasons for continuing to go to Barbs is much stronger than yours (liking the ladies too much who I will miss than liking the staff, just kidding:)) so unlike you I can't stop going there in spite of everything. I agree with you that cameras won't make it much safer for dancers for reasons you stated very well. The fact that most dancers take me to the two chairs next to the vending machine where supposedly there are no cameras could be (not is for sure) an indication that most dancers are not happy about being recorded either. Potential issues raised so far in this thread about the possible misuse or malicious use of past recordings have concerned me as well as I have been to this bar likely more than a thousand times past 20 years. Though the fact that cameras have been there for years maybe even decades and it has never been used maliciously is a positive sign for future. I hate to be the pessimistic one but Barbs owner has proven in the past that he is quite stubborn about his policies. I read somewhere that a few years ago he was told about complains regarding his open champagne room on cerb by a distinguished cerb member and he didn't wish to listen and claimed he never heard of cerb and then said he runs a clean establishment and will not change his CR and he didn't!..... In other words this or other threads about issues at Barbs or even in-person complain will not likely change anything but again this is just my opinion and I hope I am wrong. Btw, I was told by dancers who I trust that there are no cameras at Barefax in the champagne rooms and I would be really surprised if there are cameras at Playmates though never asked anyone because I never suspected this possibility at PM considering that they have an upstairs for more privacy of dances.
  15. Well if it is not being monitored live anymore then it is of little help as far as safety of dancers is concerned. Also in an open champagne room like Barbarellas with more then one dancer in the room most of the time it is very unlikely that a dancer would be in a serious situation in my view. I think that also it is the dancer who should assess the situation and if it is not to her liking then should stop the dance and leave but that is again just my view. In summary I don't believe that there should be cameras where so called private dancing is taking place. All strip bars have been hit bad recent years for various reasons described before but Barbarellas has been hit the worst and in my view it is their own doing by taking things to the extreme like having cameras in the champagne rooms where PRIVATE dances are taking place and worse punishing dancers for that or creating totally open champagne rooms or hiring bad staff with attitudes (both daytime and evening) and not acting on customers' complains but all these again are just my views. Btw, if you are really concerned about cameras then a few dancers told me that the two chairs next to bank and vender machines at the back have no cameras. Again here I am posting what I was told and I don't guarantee its accuracy. Some dancers have preference for these two chairs and is almost always occupied so as why I suspect it may be true.
  16. I have been going to Barbarellas for almost 20 years likely longer than anyone on this board and the only reason is that for some reason or reasons they are able to attract very attractive classy young ladies but to be honest I never liked the staff there or their Cameras or their open champagne rooms (since 2008 because of the City bylaw for which they went too far but before that private dances were private). As for cameras for sure there were there up till a few years ago and they could be seen. In fact 15 years ago they displayed a notice at the check-in that they monitored champagne rooms with cameras but what I didn't know until now was that they are still there. I thought they were removed a few years ago and I have looked everywhere and couldn't see anything resembling a hidden camera but I could be wrong. I remember a few years ago when I complained about cameras to dancers and lack of privacy (I don't do anything extra or illegal either but I would like my privacy for what is called 'private' dances) I was told that these cameras are there to settle disputes not to watch over customers or monitor dancers. By dispute I mean when a customer complains about number of dances then they watch the cameras to settle dispute (we both know there are a few dancers out there in every bar who inflate the number of dances as per my experiences on one occasion a dancer asked for 5 ($100) after 2 songs but I always pay and never dispute but some don't and this is when cameras help). As much as I don't like the bar itself especially a couple of daytime staff with serious attitudes I will continue to go there but with lesser frequency as I really love most of the ladies who work there some of whom I know for years and consider them as friends. The closest to Barbarellas (in terms of young attractive classy ladies they are able to attract) is Barefax whose champagne rooms are private with no cameras so I have started going there instead on more occasions but Barefax is dead on Saturdays when I usually go out and there is no substitute for it except Barbarellas.
  17. After two disappointments on Friday and Saturday (both in the afternoons at Barefax and Barbs) I decided to go to Playmates tonight and I wasn't disappointed. Not because it was busy with ladies and patrons or a party like environment but because I was greeted by a big favorite of mine (Kim) and before that another Blonde (sorry can't remember her name) but it was Kim who I spent most of the time with drinking and chatting and lots of Hugs and Kisses (as my name implies and she loves that) I took her to CR and spend some heavenly time with her. I couldn't stop the dance until my wallet was empty and then I was only forced by my wallet to stop. Kim is a beautiful natural blonde and very friendly and me and Kim are very compatible as she loves hugs and kisses (but she says only when they come from me :)) and returned the favor. Again I can only comment on looks and personality and she is A+ in both departments. The club itself is located maybe not in best part of the city and may not be the classiest bar but is very friendly and down to earth.
  18. A quiet Saturday afternoon at Barbs (in contrast to last Saturday which was great). The only dancer I recognized was Harley but she was with her regular. Also Brandy (who used to dance here last year) was there today. A few ebony ladies who I didn't recognize. So about half a dozen ladies and equal number of patrons just before 4:00 pm when I left. I left after about 30-45 minutes as I didn't anticipate it gets any better. I was hoping to see Megan to say bye and wish her well in her likely retirement plans (not sure if still on hopefully not) but Megan was not there and also I was hoping to see my other favorite Sammy (I met her last Saturday for first time) but she wasn't there either :(. Barbs has become hit and miss these days (more misses than hits in my experience) so I take juice as my first drink and wait around for half hour before deciding if I stay and order for anything alcoholic so that I can leave soon if I wish as I drive back.
  19. On same topic as our friend r__d raised, saying that I am waiting for another dancer only works half the time for me when the lady leaves with smile. This is so cool. I remember her face for a next time visit. The other half either the lady leaves with anger or disappointed at the very least (which makes me sad and not to enjoy my time anymore). Or much worse as on a few occasions the lady persisted real bad saying that she is here now and asking me to take her to CR rather than waiting for another lady!!!!! and doesn't leave for minutes trying to convince...... This makes me both sad and angry and has happened quite a few times and I left the bar soon after. I do understand that ladies needs money to pay for bar fees and living expenses and all that but look at it from my perspective. Money is hard to come by and I have to be selective on those I am most attracted to. Weekends is supposed to relax me from Monday to Friday stressful job not to stress me further. I think it is best if the lady leaves and seek another patron who may be attracted to her or may not be waiting for another dancer. Additional Comments: Yes it is a good strategy I have done in winter times when I have a jacket and leave it next to myself (day times only of course as you need to check in the jacket night times) and then remove it when you see your favorite dancer approaching. And yes I can confirm it is very effective but sometimes it backfires as even the one(s) you are interested like a new dancer also will/may avoid you as she thinks that you wish to be left alone.
  20. Anybody knows where Sasha Love is dancing these days, if she is still dancing? She the very pretty brunette who used to dance at barbs daytime Fridays and Saturdays in the fall of last year and suddenly disappeared!!.
  21. Fridays in general is the best day of the week at Barefax but I was referring to Friday afternoon when really great buffet is served twice and for free (but would be nice to leave a small tip for the cook who does a good job and serves upstairs) and I indicated the hours and it is most lively with party environment and continuous stage dancing without breaks. Friday night after 9:00 pm is fine too but no free buffet. So snow storm preventing Canadians from pleasure activity!! Are you serious? I know Tamika for years and she is indeed a sweetheart and needless to say very pretty too but I can't comment on mileage my guess is she will have relatively high mileage especially if you keep her for long time in the CR.
  22. Another quiet Friday afternoon at Barefax for two consecutive weeks. Not sure what is happening but usually Fridays are the best day of the week in this bar. About two dozen ladies (usual Barefax ladies plus a few new faces from Toronto and Montreal) but about a dozen or so patrons between 4 to 5 pm. It was heartbreaking to see so many ladies not making money so I left soon after 5. However, I admire the bar because they continued to have stage dances one after another without any break even though there were only few patrons left at 5. Remember these ladies have to pay for the bar fee and some are coming from other cities so they have to also pay for transportation and rent and they come to work in order to see you gentlemen and give you pleasure by their beautiful looks and kind personalities. So please come and support the ladies who are there to give you pleasure and also please support the bars (all of them) or they will be forced to close down as few have done so past decade. Anyhow usually Fridays is a party environment at Barefax and the best food you can get in town (roast beef, salad, roast potato .....) and you can get the buffet twice (at noon until 2 pm and again between 4:30 yo 6 pm) and all for free. Also at Barefax the CR is most private compare to other bars in the city of Ottawa so dances are really private unlike other Ottawa bars (by private I don't mean necessarily more mileage as I don't know as I said in the other thread I only take regular dances but dances are private in terms of haviing privacy while taking dances at Barefax). In addition the ladies are nice and beautiful and relatively young as well. I don't recommend Saturdays as very few ladies work on Saturdays but definitely Fridays.
  23. There are multiple reasons as why strip bars have changed for worse past 15 years or so. One of them very well explained by our friend WhereIRoam above and that is the ease to find SPs (and yes they as said it is more acceptable by the society these days) because of internet. But in my view other factors play a role as well. 1-The price of private dance in Ottawa went u overnight in 2001 from $10 to $20. Yes contact dancing ($20) is more fun but that filtered our many based on affordability and made SPs much more competitive (price of which btw remains around $200 past 20 years (in Ottawa). 2-The ban on smoking in the bars in 2006 or so as much as I personally loved it but it drove away large number of smoker patrons. 3-The removal of privacy of dances in 2008 (by City of Ottawa) while dance price remained the same however privacy disappeared. Some like Barbarellas took this to extreme and changed their CR to a totally open concept CR and some others . I was expecting that with new laws at the end of 2014 on seeing SPs then strip bars will be back to the busy days of early century but to my surprise it did not happen as many patrons stayed with their hobby since they had already tasted the forbidden fruit and we all know once you do it is very difficult to quit.
  24. You will be greatly missed by all of us sweet Megan. I like to extend my best wishes. H & K
  25. I was so overwhelmed by the greatest (Kitty, Harvey, Sammy, Samantha) in my post I forgot to mention the ones absent and I miss as I was hoping to see them this afternoon as well. Megan (Dancer) was not there. No need to introduce Megan as she is well known as the very pretty very friendly very cute and sweet Barb dancer I am sure all Barb patrons love and exact same goes for very pretty Bridgette who is equally loved by all and was absent today as well.
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