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Everything posted by Manluvsex

  1. Too funny, but informative! Sounds like having a toolbox with 3 different appendages would be best for all occasions.
  2. Manluvsex

    IMG 3296

    Amazing shot of a gorgeous lady!
  3. Bowie was always ahead of his time with his music, personas and genres. Will always hold his Ziggy Stardust dear to my heart. What a performer and great person. He will be missed.
  4. CATO and Needfun, Great selections. MLS
  5. http://www.sheknows.com/love-and-sex/articles/1031967/why-sex-with-a-redhead-is-the-best
  6. Manluvsex

    Peek a boo. What a tight little bum you have my dear!
  7. Manluvsex

    Wow. You have one hot bod!
  8. I have been at this for about 5 years and still feel a bit of a nimrod. Although I am a little more relaxed about meeting a new SP, I still often get the jitters as I wait in my car, usually way too early for the date. Most of the women I have met more recently have quickly put me at ease and helped me have some very exciting encounters. One of my earliest -- pre Lyla -- days, I would look for SPs on local newspapers, the ads for which were pretty sparse and dodgy to boot. Based on the basic stats and about 10 words of description, I chose one SP. Contacting went OK, although the communication was very cryptic in our information exchanges. Chose and hour and arrived on time. Needless to say the strip motel was a low-end 2 star max. The door opened and my SP was on her cell...for about 5 minutes before she acknowledged me. I didn't know what to do with myself so I sat on the edge of the bed, feeling a sense of dread coming over me. The delay allowed me to take a quick look around and the place was a mess and smelled heavily of cigarette smoke. So she finally got off the phone and abruptly asked me to undress as she did expeditiously, lying back on the bed with an absent look in her eyes. I immediately realized that the lady looked nothing like her written description and seemed at least 10 years older than expected. Our laborious tryst was interspersed with cigarette smoking, snacks and answered phone calls. Not unexpectedly, junior was having a hard time getting it hard. She continued to operate on me in a purely mechanical way, which did not help my situation. After a short while she criticized me for not getting my appendage erected in time. This was a real turn on -- not! She then started looking at her watch and cell phone intermittently, all the while touching me like I was a three day old fish. She then got up to go to the powder room and came back fully dressed. She invited me to get dressed only 30 minutes into our 1 hour meeting. Sending out the door confused and dejected she smiled at me -- for the first time -- and said she hoped to see me again........ (When hell freezes over!) Live and learn, my experiences have only got better and better over time and especially since I joined Lyla and using the great recommendation section and other helpful commentary by all members to guide me on my sensual voyage.
  9. (QUOTE=Peachy) "I have asked about how a clients job or certain project is going. However, I never ask where they work, or the department they work in. I only ask to take interest in them and what they are doing." I agree with Peachy on this point. It is one of my pet peeves to be asked exactly where I work on a first visit. I don't mind answering the sector or the type of work I do, but find a question about the name of my employer to be too personal. In other aspects of my life, I don't like to be asked what I do right off the bat, as I do not define myself from this is not how I define myself. Sometimes it is also a less than subtle way of categorizing people, which I prefer not to do.
  10. Hannah Star comes highly recommended.
  11. Manluvsex

    I could imagine a good use of that chair in your company.
  12. Manluvsex

    spinner hstar

    So flexible. I can do that move too....in my dreams!
  13. Manluvsex

    Love your choice of lingerie. Very sexyyyyyy!
  14. Simply gorgeous. Your evident confidence is very sexy!
  15. Manluvsex

    Love those kinky boots and your sweet little bootie to boot!
  16. Happy Birthday Waterrat. And thanks for your contribution to the board. All the best in the coming year!
  17. Happy Birthday Loneskater and thanks for all your great work on organizing socials. All the best in the coming year!
  18. Men should be respectful at all times. It is a privilege to be allowed to be so intimate with a woman...
  19. Happy Birthday Notch and thanks for your contribution to the board. Lots of pleasure and fun times in 2016.
  20. Great thread and article BCGuy. Consent is very much related to how well you know your sexual partner and how well you communicate together. In general when it can get tricky in most cases is when you don't know your partner well or where expectations with regards to intimacy are not clear. In the heat of the moment, we may forget to look for signs of agreement to what is going on. It may be better when a situation seems even slightly ambiguous to stop and ensure that consent is there for both partners. As there are various levels of intimacy, it may be necessary even to have a quick conversation to clarify what is acceptable and what is no, before going there. Consent is a shared responsibility. Where there is pressure of any kind or when a person is under the influence, it is almost impossible to have clear consent. Given the context today, it is up to the man to be cautious about assuming consent, in any but the most clear situations. Even when people have been together for a while, consent is still extremely important and we must not take it for granted or as a right that does not require our partner's consent.
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