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BenDover last won the day on January 19

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142 Excellent


About BenDover

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    Senior Member

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  1. does anybody have that much time on their hands
  2. garbage. next ‘she ‘will want your visa number
  3. because a wildebeest may answer it …. 🫤
  4. walk through the lobby like you own the place everybody at a hotel is anonymous ask at the desk where’s the elevator if you have to if you see someone you know say ‘ hey i’m visiting my cousin here he’s in town for work ‘ or some other bullshit there’s nothing to be nervous about
  5. i doubt you’re seeing that girl at the door lol
  6. interesting. pics look real and ad seems written by a human , not the usual bla bla
  7. that rack does Not indicate asian 💁🏻‍♂️
  8. search the pics ? as we know there don’t seem to be any east indians working hrm, and those amateur style pics with face and bush are usually a fake ad also no leolist / date shown
  9. not sure if this is the same one discussed but i saw her years ago , her pics look white but she’s light black ( it says mixed) , she was nice but a bit young for me . those are the same pics from 6-7 yrs ago , give it a shot i guess ?
  10. i’d work at fucking burger king on younge st if they’d send me there 2 weeks a month
  11. holy shit i was looking at toronto escort websites today making plans , all 10/10 models at $250 / hr. 😱🙏
  12. i’m going to toronto in a couple weeks and probably going to need an IV to replace the fluids in my body when i get back 👍
  13. looks fake the board with the date looks like photoshop trickery
  14. doesn’t look real but reverse search the pics and text & see if there’s any answer
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