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Everything posted by Oldsofty

  1. Anyone have any recommendations on clubs aka spas or ladies in Edmonton area
  2. Any spas and escort records sherwood park area and or edmonton
  3. OK Asian ads on Leolist 2 people in total many multiples of ads..... Dt Halifax pretty girl rushed service somewhat overall OK.. Bedford location not OK and overall not good.. judge for yourself approx 10 ads only 2 people..
  4. They moved away 6 plus months ago.most likely won't be back to stay..
  5. Great to take a trip to Quebec or France without leaving home Halifax..I say this for Super Hott Kamilla go see her!!! French beauties ..Keep it coming
  6. Anyone take one for the team or is it our Asian downtown hotel girl with numerous ads
  7. Hello visiting CB the weekend anyone going there..Especially Nadia ..
  8. Shes back the Asian girl advertises all the hot 20 year Olds white girl in Pic for the most part... all the same location as before ask ethinicity half Asian and Caucasian one example Kelly 20 Kayla 20 Bambi 20 Candy on LL now if anyone experiences anything different chime in..
  9. She is absolutely gorgeous .. kind.. and a must see..already recommended in that category as well..Lyla Strong!!
  10. Jada teen freak any info advertises everyday answers texts says leaving room in previous review is not the truth..
  11. Pic are nice but suspicious..any info 416 area code
  12. New girl in town former YFL she says in ad ..tried for apps too busy however no good or bad reviews Whats up do share
  13. Any idea if this is only fans something says incalls no number
  14. Any info ad says first time in Halifax
  15. Yes she answers text however I find lication a little sketchy.. hence $
  16. Hello I don't get it is she bookable or what is it??
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