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About SamIsDTF

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  1. I met with her for the first time recently. I was a no show for our first engagement but she was willing to meet me after we had a brief phone chat. Agree with what others have said. I would add that she plays it safe (from head to toe) to minimize her (and your) risk of transmitting STI’s. She seems to be a responsible, respectable provider. I would highly recommend her to all who aren’t looking for a true GFE.
  2. Also curious. But there are red flags. I’m inclined to think she’s a scammer.
  3. For me, it’s all about counting calories. I’m not a fan of any diet that requires restricting certain food groups. Everything in moderation. Set gradual goals for becoming more active. That said, sometimes a person needs to participate in a formal diet program to stay motivated. To each their own.
  4. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
  5. I sent her an email but didn’t receive a response.
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