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me ranting


We live in a generation that have access to a lot of technology and it's more then awesome. But...it does have some downfall by time.


A couple years ago,good digital camera were really expensive, therefore pretty much only photographers would buy good camera, but now they are relatively non-expensive and more and more people buy some. And they think that since they are now armed with a camera, they are photographer and all 20 years old woman will want to strip naked in front of them!


I am sure that some people are honest and really want to geniously take some pictures to help a lady for her portfolio and too improve his own skills. But...a lot of people (especially man) have "bad" intentions. They will ask to take your pictures, claiming they want to help you...the thing is a lot of them actually keep those pictures for themselves in a more pornographic way(aka wank to them) and this is WRONG.


So please everyone, unless you ACTUALLY are a photographer, or part-time one, have some pictures to prove your skills, do not say that you are a photographer and say you can take pictures. It is just rude and impolite at the end, because I can also be a photographer and take pictures of my cat and my pigeons.


So unless a lady ask you to take some pictures of her...better keep if for yourself


end rant

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A good photographer can take an excellent photo with the cheapest of cameras.


Someone like me couldn't take a decent photo with the most expensive camera.


It's not the tool, it knowing how to use it.

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A good photographer can take an excellent photo with the cheapest of cameras.


Someone like me couldn't take a decent photo with the most expensive camera.


It's not the tool, it knowing how to use it.



Very true. Thought my rant was more directed to those that think since they have a "good" camera, they are photographer. Not the ACTUAL photographers



@Angel Starr


yes I love a couple of pigeons. Jezabel and her mate, not sure how I will name him. I am feeding them to become killer pigeons or poop on the head of people I don't like. Though now they are getting greedy and always want to be feed...I swear it's awkward as hell when I am working and getting all in actions...and you have 2 pigeons literally staring at you

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Guest **cely***r***ne

HaHaHa! Great evil plot lol ;)

I used to have pigeons when I was little ^.^

sorry for sort of hijacking the thread...back to the topic at hand,


I once had an experience where a client said they were a "professional photographer". This was when I first started, so being naive I agreed to a shoot with a promise of a burned CD with pictures. This was last August, and I still havent received my pictures :(



Very true. Thought my rant was more directed to those that think since they have a "good" camera, they are photographer. Not the ACTUAL photographers



@Angel Starr


yes I love a couple of pigeons. Jezabel and her mate, not sure how I will name him. I am feeding them to become killer pigeons or poop on the head of people I don't like. Though now they are getting greedy and always want to be feed...I swear it's awkward as hell when I am working and getting all in actions...and you have 2 pigeons literally staring at you

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Geez, the old photographer angle (no pun intended). Seems like if I had a dollar for every guy (and girl) who has contacted me offering to take pictures of me, I'd have enough for a down payment on a house by now.


I have been offered to be photographed for free, in exchange for sex and of course for payment. I would say only 1% were actual professional photographers who had a website with samples of their work or references. The rest, just some horny dude with a camera.


Seriously though, I would suggest that if someone offers to take pics of you for free or for payment, make sure you ask them for the flash card, download the pics onto your computer and wipe the card clean before returning it to them. There is enough software out there you can use to clean up the background on your own. Then you have control of where and how the pics are used.


As for professional photographers, I suggest sticking with those recommended by other SPs, people with good reputations who are actually going to deliver the product they promise.


Which reminds me, I am overdue for some new pics. Luckily I have some SP friends with good cameras who do know how to use them. Off I go.

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Guest gagagaga

this is the oldest game out there. If a person asks/offers to take your pic, ask to see his portfolio. A photog's portfolio will have both face and full body shots of a variety of models in many different settings. Most importantly, each pic will have his logo/name within the shot.


And of course the number one rule, if you have a weird feeling, don't ignore it...RUN!!!

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These amateurs are refered to in modeling circles as GWC "guy with camera" and are a pain in the arse! They make it difficult for us legitimate guys. I've seen what some of these hacks pass of as their portfolio and it's laughable, most of them have no clue or skill. I'm certainly no expert, but also when presented with a request that is beyond my skill or ability as photographer I'm upfront with my client and refer them or suggest another photog whom I trust and know will deliver. As in everything there's always a few bad apples out there to spoil the bunch!

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...ask them for the flash card, download the pics onto your computer and wipe the card clean before returning it to them...


Ideally, use your own camera, but that isn't always practical.


Some cameras also have internal (non-removable) storage and methods of secreting away selected photos.


Use your own flash card if you can.


Erasing flash card doesn't always completely delete the information on it and it can be "undeleted".


I guess the best bet is what you and others have advised, stick to the pros with a proven track record.


And it that doesn't work, there's always the attack pigeons!

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Guest W***ledi*Time

I'm a "guy-with-a-camera", and have been, in one form or another, for decades. I started off with a Brownie, graduated to an all-manual TLR, through Polaroids, 120's, film SLRs, point-and-shoot film and digitals, now a digital SLR. Strictly recreational, although I've made a few dollars in contract journalism. I don't truly know what I'm doing - compared to serious photographers.


When I wanted to indulge my inner Ken Marcus a while ago, I offered to pay the lady her regular hourly rate for the time of the photo session. She agreed to this. This being the digital era, she had the opportunity to censor the results - anything she didn't like, she could delete on the spot. She got a copy of the photos, I got a copy for my "private use" (I'm a guy - which means yes, I wank to the pictures - you were expecting what?). In this case, she knew me well enough to trust me not to make commercial use of the photos.


As a general rule, if I were not getting a copy of the photos, I'd not be interested in investing in new outfits, acquiring a venue, all the setup and planning time, etc etc. I'd still be tempted to do it as a favour if I were ever to be asked, but I wouldn't be willing to pay for it, and I wouldn't likely put the same preparation into it unless I was to get souvenir images for myself.


If such a photo session had turned out to be an unproductive disaster, the lady had at least been paid full-value for her time.


If any such photo session is a success, the lady has not only been paid fully for her time, but she also has new "free" photos - not professional quality in my case, but good enough to be quite eye-catching, and to attract compliments on Cerb. (Heck, if you take hundreds of frames, you're bound to get a few very nice ones - even if it's through sheer dumb luck.)


There's nothing like having photos of a favourite lady that you've taken yourself. After all, as a photographer, with a little work and luck, you can successfully capture her as you see her - as she is to you. The lady is reacting to you during the photo session - and you're (ideally) someone that she knows, and is relaxed and comfortable and open with. The photos may not be the same quality as her professional photos, but, for connecting to her heart and soul, they can beat the pro-shots hands down. The exact same sort of results seem to shine through on many of the photos I've seen on Cerb where one lady has taken photos of another - personality often shines through in such a situation, in certain intangible ways that are not easily duplicated in the pro studio. (And of course I want to make it clear that I'm in no way knocking professional photos!! - I envy them.)


If the "guy-with-a-camera" is up-front, honest, and hard-working, the result can be truly win-win for both parties. As others have pointed out, if the guy is none of these things, the result is likely to be considerably less than ideal.

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Guest s******ecan****

I once took some photos of a lady I visited with but I never asked for anything in return and we used her camera. I can't imagine a lady allowing a client to photograph her with his own cell phone or digital camera seems like a sure recipe for unpleasentness.

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I think WiT presented an interesting point of view, as usual. I am also a GWC and like to take pictures, but only do so when the trust is there, and with the lady's approval.

As for the point of view of the OP, I agree that one should be extra careful when dealing with GWCs. As for any type of photography modelling, the model has certain rights, and must make sure they are respected.



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"Geez, the old photographer angle (no pun intended). Seems like if I had a dollar for every guy (and girl) who has contacted me offering to take pictures of me, I'd have enough for a down payment on a house by now."


I get those all the time. Grrrrr


Which reminds me, I am overdue for some new pics. Luckily I have some SP friends with good cameras who do know how to use them. Off I go.


See you soon. We get to try out my new toy on someone other than myself and flowers!!!! :milleunenuit:

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I once took some photos of a lady I visited with but I never asked for anything in return and we used her camera. I can't imagine a lady allowing a client to photograph her with his own cell phone or digital camera seems like a sure recipe for unpleasentness.


I could only see this working if the lady had her own camera, and the client and the lady had an established enough relationship to trust one another. She could if she felt comfortable enough to do so, let the client photograph her with her camera, and once over, the camera stays with the lady.

Most important, is that there is mutual trust, the lady knows the gentleman well enough to let him photograph her

Second is the gentleman knows a little something about photography

But for the most part, for the lady's privacy, unless, like I said, there is trust, a lot of trust, it's something to be avoided...hire a professional photographer

My 2 cents

From a guy who's photo work is mostly pictures of fish caught LOL


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Toonie, WIT, Scott I don't think you guys fall in the GWC category, not in the least. GWCs usually try to finagle TFP or trade of service and hound the models in question. The scenarios you describe sound much more professional and honourable and with ladies whom you already have an established raport. If the lady approaches you or you offer to pay a sitting fee, then you could hardly be considered a GWC! GWCs usually just cast a wide net and wait for someone to bite.


In the end it all comes down to trust, I always provide the lady with the camera raw photos, but a good percentage of my work involves photoshoping to correct lighting, create textures and fixing small blemishes and other final touches, nothing to deceive just to improve on an already great subject. This is always done with the understanding and trust of both parties. So while it's good advice to keep your hands on the masters, it's not unreasonable for an accomplished artist to want to touch up the photos.


My whole point earlier was that the random GWCs who are persistant can be annoying and in no way meant a slight to the shutterbugs of CERB

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I once had an experience where a client said they were a "professional photographer". This was when I first started, so being naive I agreed to a shoot with a promise of a burned CD with pictures. This was last August, and I still havent received my pictures :(


Has it really been that long??? I am so sorry Angel I have been meaning to give that disc to you every time I see you but I have been a little busy using it myself.:handjob:




I am not nor have I ever been a photographer...and I am not actually the "guy" in question. Ha ha

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