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Imagine Life without Cerb :(

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Didn't realize how much time I spend on Cerb each day, until the last couple of months when Chat went down for a day or two. Could not chat with friends for a couple of days while it was being repaired. Then in January the Cerb server crashed and was going up and down, and I couldn't contact a Girl I was interested in. Then one night Rogers Internet went down for 2 hours, The family went thru withdraw, the kids could not do their homework, watch youtube, chat with friends. I couldn't chat on Cerb :(.

I've become addicted to cerb, reading the interesting post, chatting with friends on Cerb Chat.


Imagine what life would be like if Cerb disappeared? :(

How would that affect your life ?


Also I would like to thank the Mod for a great job on keeping the Cerb server up for us Cerbie's and for maintaining a great site for all to enjoy.

Keep up the good work. And I appreciate all your efforts :)

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They say you can't miss what you never had! And that is true I agree that now that I am here everyday except when I'm away on holiday, I need to come and see what you all have to say and share my thoughts with you all. It's a great place to be.

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Its amazing the amount of time I spend on this website ... lol.

Seemed that whenever I am home near the laptop, CERB is open.


But it haven't crossed my mind yet how life will be without CERB -- I'll be here for a while longer yet.

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At this point in time, I think I will be at a loss as to what I will do if I suddenly find myself without CERB.

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Wasn't that long ago I logged in a few times and it was telling me the server was too busy for me to get on right then. Ack


That was not fun. :)

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The Cerb Server was down, and i suddenly suffered withdraw pains.

What if it didn't come backup. How I was I going to chat with my friends :(


Anyone feel the same way :)


Great Job Mod for getting the server backup ASAP.

We are glad that we have someone as technical as you.




Job Well Done. :)

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HAHA! I was! I was like what do you mean the page is broken!?


I cant get on CERB!


As someone I know aptly named it..she said its Madisons facebook.


I knew exactly what she meant, I spend more time here than any other when Im surfing the web.


Thanks Mod for getting it back up and running so quickly Im sure tons of us would be lost without it! <3


J xo

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To be honest, it wouldn't affect me as greatly as it would affect those who seem to live in the Ottawa area, in the East Coast and those out in Alberta. I live in Mississauga and I do frequent this site from time to time and there are rarely if ever any postings for Peel Region; there'll be postings for Toronto usually through one of the agencies but I am not a fan of those, so I frequent other sites to find a girl if one of my three regulars are not available, which is incredibly rare.


I think if Cerb could somehow attract girls to come to it from Peel Region I would be on here more than when I go up to Ottawa or Hull for business or to visit friends.

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Have to agree remember years ago when there was no Cerb, LOL I was more known in Toronto than in Ottawa, sure know what you miss when its not on line. Glad to see your back

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I don't have to imagine...it just happened. It sucked. Wicked withdrawal. I was totally jonesing for my fix....I even started hanging out in the other site...--shudder-- It felt like I was sucking dick for cocaine! :-D

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As I have stated in my previous post - I was at a loss yesterday when cerb was down. There are alternate sites, for sure, but they are not viable options. This is a real community we have here - a friendly environment where people respect each other and do not put each other down. It was such a relief when cerb was finally back up at night.


Thank you mod(s) for the great effort in getting this site back up. I could imagine what kind of stress you all had to go through.

Edited by Luckyme
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I don't think that I have gone a day without logging in to Cerb to read new post and to chat with old friends. I am a Cerbaholic and I admit it.

Any others?


First step is to admit it

second step is to accept it

third step is to enjoy it.


What is better then spending time with the lovely women of Cerb :)

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I have to agree with you someguy, I'm addicted to cerb. I log on daily just to read the posts of the regulars and share some pics. I've met some wonderful ladies here a few in person but more by just pm's. This is truly a unique place


I'm 406sbc and I'm an addict lmao

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Yep.... i will admit..... I am an Addict... lol!!!

I am alway on cerb! my phone, My laptop... work pc if there is internet I am here!!


Hello Everyone, My name is Tiffany and I am a CERB Addict!

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Guest T*rb***k

I have to admit I have become somewhat of an addict to CERB. I love reading the posts because they are really thought provoking and interesting. I've never started a post before but hopefully someday I might have something of interest to bring up in one.

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Guest a**4*

Well i will say i am too i log in before i go to work and as soon as i get home to catch up on posts and what ever else to read and even more will i heal from my accident makes the day a great one here on cerb....:grin:

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Chat is down again.

Oh My, What am I to do tonight.

Hope it's back up soon.

I just thought people may want to start posting on this thread again.

once they start going thru withdraw.

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This is getting worst, I'm on Cerb for 1 to 2 hrs a day. Need to keep up with the post and catch up with what's going on with Chat. I've become an addict to this community. Making lot's of new friends and chat buddies :)

It's fun and a great community. Any one else feel the same way :)

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Stumbling upon CERB was one of the best things that has happened to me this year. I love the community spirit here & making new friends. My first SP experience was a cerb lady who made me feel like I was the center of the universe.


I will probably never forget that first experience, but I'll keep the details private of course. My meetings with other cerb ladies have all been fantastic. I hope this site lives for many, many generations!


I also appreciate the work that the admins/mods put into this site. Thank You VERY MUCH!!!!


My 5 cents worth. Hal

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Finding out about CERB has been a real joy. I have been able to meet some really great ladies and friends. There is a real sense of community and support for one another. I log on each morning before going to work to catch up on new posts and try to log on whenever I'm on my breaks to see what I've missed. I don't know what I'd do if CERB didn't exist. It has helped me a lot in finding some wonderful ladies to spend time with. I love the threads on a variety of subjects that have been very helpful for me to fully enjoy the hobbying experience. Everyone here is kind and respectful and almost like a family. I'm thankful for being told about CERB by a fellow member. I love it here. ;)

Keep up the good work Admins and mods.

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Guest ChantalSummers

Indeed a very special sincere thank you tp the mod who puts a lot of hard work into keeping cerb operating to be so warm and friendly environment. Personally I know my life would be very different without it. Meeting clients through makes me feel more comfortable and secure. Its awesome to be able to chat about likes and dislikes before meeting.

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Cerb has become a regular part of my day now. checking post. responding to threads. Flirting with woman. Keeping up to date with my cerb friends thru chats at night. Reviewing recommendations an ad's too see who I would like to see next. Looking at all the sexy pictures that are posted each day.

Yes I spend too much time on here, but it's entertaining and fun. :)

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Totally agree that CERB is an awesome and special place, a unique spot on the Web.


Over the years it's provided an amazing place to discuss all-things-sexual with people who are deeply informed, thoughtful, and more inclined to share helpfully and as honestly as they can, than to strike some silly posture or try to score points (the bane of most discussions on the 'net).


I've made some new friends, and met some wonderful ladies up close; others I continue to admire from afar.


And CERB has helped prove to me that the world of sex work is full of decent, regular folks who can look out for each other. You find the whole range of humanity here, though the less community-minded types get thankfully filtered out over time. If you really wanted to show someone that sex work can be healthy, and that clients and providers can interact in a positive, supportive, and respectful way, then CERB would be high on the list of exhibits.


Thanks to the mod, and all the good folks who make up the community. I'm enjoy my time here immensely, and I continue to learn a LOT. Here's looking forward to tomorrow and beyond.

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