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Samantha Evans - 2000 posts

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Tonight I would like to honour, no, honour is not enough.


I would like to DEIFY the Goddess known to us all as Samantha Evans.


Tonight, Samantha reached a milestone - her 2000th post.


Rarely do you see a person that has such incredible insight, such amazing knowledge and such a wonderful way of conveying her thoughts into prose.


Samantha is, without a doubt, one of the finest people I have ever encountered; I am proud to say that she is a dear friend and even prouder to say that I love her like a family member and even more than bacon sandwiches.



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Congrats Samantha ! You are an amazing personality and contributor to this board !


I look forward to many more posts, more adventures in our Croation penis warmer business, and more input and advise to all us fellas at the FB BBM lodge... ;)

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Guest S*rca****sid

Congratulations Samantha! You are a major influence and part of this board. Keep up the good work!

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Well done Samantha. Each of your posts is worth 2 or 3 of most others' so really this is 4000! Or, you know, 6000. Ah, never mind, all I'm trying to say is that if I'm skimming over a thread there are a certain few avatars that make me stop and read. Yours is one of those.


Congrats again.

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I'm a bit taken aback. I hadn't noticed that I was near 2,000 posts. I hadn't paid much attention to how many posts I'd written. Still, in life the milestones that end in zeros do give me pause. I've been a member of CERB for just over four years, with a couple of hiatuses. I've learned more here than anywhere about my profession, my colleagues and the gentlemen who honour me with their support, company and friendship. Participating in this board and our serious as well as playful discussions is a priceless part of my working life. Even when I feel dismayed, annoyed or saddened by some of the things we talk about, every day I also read things that lift my heart and restore my faith in humankind. I'm pleased to contribute to this community. Knowing that I have your faith and respect is deeply moving and I am grateful to you all.


Thank YOU, everyone!

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I have to say, my initial reaction is... 2000 posts? Is that all? It seems like far more... but then, I'm probably just making an assumption based on what Samantha brings to the community here, rather than actually counting stuff.


Thanks for all your contributions, Samantha. We appreciate them all. More!

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Congratulations Samantha! I know that I am always more likely to read a thread if you've posted. I look forward to the next 2000!

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