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Kimmy --report him to the mod. And then just ignore him. IMO I wouldn't even give him the pleasure of a debate.


Best wishes.

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no. I've told some and haven't told some and the end results spider out in different ways. it's not every ones business. I'm pretty sure that buddy isn't telling his wife he's partaking in his dirty lil pleasure.


I actually have a similar theory of how my job is a lot cleaner and safer then picking up some random stranger in a bar

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Come to think of if, turn his argument on its head and tell him you need to know his and his wife's sexual history for the same reasons he is bloviating on.


To both you and Serena, you have nothing you need to explain and definitely nothing you need to defend.

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Guest Ot**w***og****n

I would forward his PM to the Moderator(s) and ask them to have a look at it as to CERB policy violations. This type of behavior on his part is quite contrary to the overall flavour of CERB in my view.

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Hello kimmyxoxo:


You are totally within your rights here and not being unfair at all. The client on the other hand is being very judgmental. He has no right to assume that he has any knowledge of what it is to be you. Further, in my humble opinion, this would be an indication that he does not respect personal boundaries.


In short, I am in total agreement with the comments thus far: report him to the moderator.


Take care,


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When they step all over your boundaries, this is a big red flag. None of his business and I would make sure if you have not, report him.


Take care and keep safe sweetie!



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Kimmy and other ladies,


What you do in your personal business, is just that, "your personal business" not mine or anyone else's. I'm to see ladies for the pure erotic,sensual and sexual time together.


I'm not there to know everything about your own personal life, and I expect the same back. It is all about discretion both ways, and I frequent Sp's and Ma's because that is what I want, discretion,make love and NSA.


I find the attraction to Sp's and Ma's a lot more comfortable in my life because ALL the women are all very professional and discrete.


Getting myself checked every 4 or 6 months a year, the evidence speaks clearly that the women I meet here, Sp's and Ma's are all very clean, so it is a safe venture for me.


I would never and have no desire to seek out women at bars. Furthermore the gent that posed the question to you had "no right" to even ask in the first place, I personally would of told him where to get "OFF".


To answer your question "Are you being Unfair" You were more than fair even to respond to him.

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I think if you met a guy and began a relationship it is unfair to him that u hadn't told him that u are a sp. not in an unclean way but I know if I found out my girl was an sp I would be really hurt. However if He was in the know it gives him the option to decide if he's ok with having a girl friend who --ucks for a living. Me personally I have a girl who is an sp and because I know it's for a living and not pleasure I'm actually more hurt if she were to bang some guy after the bar just for shits to me that's cheating. Hope my opinion helps u.

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Unless I am wrong, this was a possible client who was asking questions that he should not ever ask. Even my best guys would never ask the type of questions he asked (well they can ask me once they know me, but watch out for my answer if I don't want to disclose). This has nothing to do with SO in a relationship. This is totally stepping over her boundaries. RED FLAGS.

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None of his f------ing business!!!

Your private life is yours just as his is his

According to his "logic" then, only single women should be SP's and single guys should be clients

or do all women he sees have the right to know that he sees professional companions and all the companions he has seen

If his concern is about sexual health, everyone is responsible for their own sexual health, not for everyone else's.

I just wouldn't debate him, put his email address in your blocked sended list, don't talk to him again

His question and comments completely inappropriate and he is wrong

My late night ramblings


Edited by r__m__g_uy
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I wouldn't have been so polite and would have told him to mind his own God damn business! Report him to the Mod. You are under no obligation to answer these types of PMs. Why not ask about his sex life if he were with an SO and see how he likes it?

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Hi i do not think it is any of someone else's business what you do in your personal life and as someone who tries to at least be somewhat friends with every person i meet, be it SP or co-worker, any person should never ask a question and then force there personal opinions on any one else. I do think that honesty is important in any relationship and i hope when you find someone they will be nice and understanding so that you can tell them whatever you want without fear of any backlash.


Have a great day

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Thank you everyone for your overwhelming support and your sweet msgs!

It's really awesome to have such a great community like this.. Wish I had joined earlier!


I appreciate all the love!: )



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You are going to get alot of people commenting some comments will be positve some may be judgemental, some somewhat negative. The thing to remember is they all are just opinions, anothers point of view and only become relavent if you make them so.You are the only master of your life and only you can control it. All the outside noise is just that, choose to listen to it or just tune it out. Please don't let anyone influence you in a negative way , all the best.

Edited by cr**tyc***es
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When they step all over your boundaries, this is a big red flag. None of his business and I would make sure if you have not, report him.


Take care and keep safe sweetie!





Could not agree more with this statement! I feel this type of person is one that could cause a lot of issues for you or another lady. BOUNDRIES are key here! If you gave him a simple answer as you did, it should be dropped right there and then, but how he continued on after that sends red flags of someone who does not know the meaning of respect, boundries, or possiably the word NO.


Someone like this, I sometimes give them a wild and crazy answer to throw them off thier game, or simply say " I do not discusse my personal life!" Then I say to him, "please do not make me uncomfortable like this again in the future, or I will choose not to see you again"

Then I would report him...

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You are not being unfair at all! The fact is, this person has crossed the boundaries by asking this question and making this statement, you have every right to do what you deem most suitable.

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