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Religion and the hobby/profession, is there a conflict?

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If you don't believe in God and evil or heaven and hell or you find a discussion on religion versus hobbying offensive please scroll away from this thread to another as the thread title is very clear this discussion may not be for everyone. The mods can of course remove this thread too if they find it offensive. This thread was in fact inspired by a recent thread that touched me quite a bit.


All religions that I know of, forbid sex outside marriage, and it is crystal clear that paying for sex is forbidden too. This thread or question is directed towards those who believe in God, heaven and hell (not necessarily religious people likely hard to find around here). Do you see a conflict between your hobby (or if you are a provider, your profession) and your beliefs?


I will be first to answer.


Never saw a conflict before as I used to believe in evolution rather than creation. Beginning to rethink my beliefs as I don't find all my answers in that theory. As for hobbying I have this perception that as long as both sides are willing participants and the money exchanged is used towards positivity like paying for education, or to better the lives of selves or family members I can convinced myself that it is not a bad deed but if any kind of exploitation involved, including knowingly seeing forced or pimped or demand services provided not willingly or for the need of money for harmful things (like drugs) or jeopardizing the safety of myself or providers then it is a great sin. Disrespectful or bad treatment of providers, also qualifies as a sin.


This is of course a perception (like my perception of pay for Date rather than pay for sex concept) which I have for myself to convince myself to continue the hobby and many may agree or disagree with it but I am aware of the fact that there is no such distinction in any religion about paying for sex. So for those who do believe in God and evil and heaven and hell. Do you see a conflict between your hobby (or your profession if you are a provider) and your beliefs.

Edited by Capital Hunter
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Atheist here so no comment on religion one way or another but rather a general comment on human nature. Humans are very good at justifying their behavior to avoid cognitive dissonance. We might feel guilty about something one way or another but we eventually re-write our personal narrative in such a way that our actions are always consistent with whatever individual code it is that we adhere to.


Ultimately we want to do what we want to do and usually can manage to come up with some way to make sure that we're not the villain of the story. No two people interpret scripture the same way just as no two people have the same set of morals.


Perhaps Aleister Crowley had it right.


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law."

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I pray to God because I believe in a higher power. I follow a religion (a bit loosely) because I was born into it. I try to live like a good human being because it feels wrong not to.


For some reason, I've been able to separate parts of my life with little to no effort. So as long as the person I'm seeing is doing it happily and in their own free will, I'm fine with seeing them.

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I believe there is good people and bad pleople...

I believe in being a good person as the one that doesn't do things to hurt others... Yes there is evil... The evil of evyous people, the evil of people that is ready to step on others to reach goals...

Wether there is a devine being to judge us... That I am not sure of...

I do not believe in religious institutions... Such as churches as they are run by human beings like you and me... Normal people that can make mistakes and judge others with unjustice...

I believe in not harming others... What I do as an MA brings happiness to many...



Great topic for discussion ;)

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Piano, how can you be sure that she is doing it happily and on her own free will. If I could be sure 100% then I would have no conflict or issue with it either since it would be like having a date with a GF.

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I am spiritual not religious. I have trouble with other people (namely humans with flaws like any of us) directly us how to live or not to live. We each have a compass inside us that leads us to do do what is right FOR US! And what might be right for us may not be acceptable or right to others. Our intuition, heart and instincts are never wrong as long as we remain quiet enough to listen and accept them as part of who we are.


To me, what I do is a God given gift and I embrace it. Until I did, I always felt like I was missing something or could be happier. Work was always...well, work. As for those who partake, I believe that every person has a right to be happy, to be sexual and to be touched and appreciated. I believe they have the right to pursue this as long as no one is being hurt by it. Don't ask, don't tell, turn a blind eye...this all falls into that. I believe that a hobbyist getting his or her needs met through an SP/MP is happier and more content and brings these feelings back to their primary or central relationships, whatever they may be.


To be THIS is spiritual and Godlike....to religion it is unacceptable but then again, so is much of what "religion" does.


The only thing that matters at the end of the day is how someone feels inside their heart. I believe God wants us to be happy and our internal compass is there to help. If you're smiling at the end of the day and feel great with that spring in your step, you are listening!

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I'm Wiccan.


Heaven and Hell doesn't exist.

Nor does it condemn pre-marital sex.


Wicca/Paganism actually approve and encourage sex as it's consider a form to worship whatever deity you believe in (as long as it's consensual of course) because it open your senses, chakra etc.

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Hello capital hunter:


In regards to sex outside of marriage etc. I think the Wiccan believe might be the exception.


The question you pose is very complex because it deals with how people fundamentally see their relationship with religion and God. You will probably receive a wide variety of answers from a vast array of prospective. There is something remarkable that I have noticed here on CERB and indeed with most long-term service providers. A deep sense of humanity, and awareness of the person and their situation in life that goes considerably farther than what is norm. I suspect this is also true of long-term clients.


This very thread is an excellent example. Such an unbiased and open question is not likely to be found on face book. No matter how it goes. It shows that the spirit [or spirits as the case may be] is integral to this community of people.


Take care,


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All religions that I know of, forbid sex outside marriage, and it is crystal clear that paying for sex is forbidden too. This thread or question is directed towards those who believe in God, heaven and hell (not necessarily religious people likely hard to find around here).


Although you did say this topic is not for me as I do not believe in God, I am curious where in the/your bible it clearly states that paying for sex is forbidden.


This question is not meant to be disrespectful, I am honestly curious.


Also, after reading Malika's post I am considering becoming a Wiccan :)

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The movie The Sessions says it's okay:



As long as you have a healthy, balanced approach to paid companionship I think it's a fantastic and constructive supplement to one's life.


If there's a religion or god that disagrees, then I say they've got the problem. Not me.

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Piano, how can you be sure that she is doing it happily and on her own free will. If I could be sure 100% then I would have no conflict or issue with it either since it would be like having a date with a GF.


I would call it a reasoned assumption. The SP I've seen a few times either is a very good actor at smiling and acting cheerful, I'm very bad at empathy or she really is at least content with what she's doing. Judging from her posts here, the time shared talking to her in person, I'd hope would be good enough to rule out the first two scenarios.


Many, if not all the SPs here seem to be in this industry in their free will. Although I should put this as a disclaimer, in my definition, that includes doing this to pay the bills as any other person would take up a job to do the same.


But even if I had that 100% certainty, it wouldn't be enough for me to do this long term. I'd like to find someone, settle down, and be a one woman man. (People please don't read into this as any sort of criticism or anything remotely like that).


But getting back to the point of the thread (I just wanted to answer your question, not derail this thread), my religion definitely does have rules from what I understand against all of this. But if their is a God, and if I ever see him by the pearly white gates, and he asks me why I did it...I think I'd respond by saying is was a design flaw, talk to the creator.

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Many, if not all the SPs here seem to be in this industry in their free will. Although I should put this as a disclaimer, in my definition, that includes doing this to pay the bills as any other person would take up a job to do the same.




I would have to agree with this statement 100 percent. If you do think that someone is being taken advantage of it is then your responsibility/decision to stop seeing that person. We can not stop what other people are doing but we do have control of our own actions and that goes hand in hand with me wanting to be a good person/my spiritual beliefs. I think it is bad to speculate about a persons situation if you don't have the full story. I like the saying from the horses mouth.


I know that for myself I'm trying to better my life. It doesn't matter if someone agrees with it or not, agrees with how I got into this business or not. I'm happy with the decision I made and that's all that matters to me.


I know that bad stuff happens and there's situations where ladies are taken advantage of and that's too bad. I really feel for the ladies in that situation and I hope the get the help they deserve. But what about the other side of the spectrum where there's happy willing girls who actually enjoy what they are doing in the sex industry.


I would think that it is very hard to live with the feeling that you may be taking advantage of any lady. I don't think I could go forward with the hobby, if I was a gentleman feeling this way. For me I look at this relationship as mutually beneficial and I wish nothing but the best for all the ladies here on cerb.

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Do you see a conflict between your hobby (or if you are a provider, your profession) and your beliefs?


My short answer is no, I don't. I also make strong distinctions between God and religion. I wrote about this when we had a similar discussion in February, and my thoughts haven't changed since then.

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Meatbeater I am certainly not an expert in bible but I believe bible has forbidden sex outside marriage so unless we marry providers for an hour then that too is forbidden. Someone who is expert in bible may like to explain where directly sex for money is forbidden.


Nobody speculated about anybody's situation but not any point to close eyes and say that everyone in this industry is on her own free will. I screen as much as I can to see those who are happily in it but unless we have a crystal ball it is impossible to be 100% sure.


I did mention in my original post that if both side are happy with the paid date then that is all fine (you are preaching to converted), though pointed out all religions even ban that.


Piano I loved your last paragraph. That has been my thinking too that if they want to burn me in hell for what I do (which I doubt it as God is about love not hate and burning) then I say I was given this sexuality and feeling of wanting. Then whoever gave me that is responsible for my actions. But it is my responsibility if I knowing exploit anyone or take advantage of anyone or purposely harm someone and for that likely I deserve to be burned in hell.

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I don't have the energy to get into a big long discussion on religion and the Bible; however I would just like to throw this out there.


Wasn't Mary Magdalene a prostitute who was Jesus' best friend and possibly eventually his wife?


Good enough for me. :)

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I'm no Bible scholar by any stretch of the imagination, and I would be what you call agnostic. That said, I don't think there is a conflict between this lifestyle and religion. But I'm sure the institutions of religion (Church) would frown on this lifestyle. But going to Church doesn't make one religious, some so called Church going people I have found to be the most intolerant, unforgiving and unreligious people I have met.

What is important to me is how people treat one another. I try my best to treat others with respect, and I'm sure God, if he does exist, would like us to treat one another with respect. As for this lifestyle, it provides the companionship which we all need, and because we pay a donation, it allows the lady to pay bills, put food on the table, pay the rent etc.

I know lack of companionship is not all it's cracked up to be, loneliness sucks, and I'm sure not being able to pay your bills sucks too. This is a consensual mutually beneficial lifestyle and I certainly see no conflict with religion...but that's coming from an agnostic


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I don't have the energy to get into a big long discussion on religion and the Bible; however I would just like to throw this out there.


Wasn't Mary Magdalene a prostitute who was Jesus' best friend and possibly eventually his wife?


Good enough for me. :)


Mary Magdalene was not a prostitute actually. There is nowhere in any of the four gospels mention of her being a prostitute or a sinner of any kind. In the apocryphal texts, those are the texts that were left out of the bible, she is even a more prominent figure than she is in the New Testament. She should be revered in Christianity as a great prophet.

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There is certainly a conflict between this lifestyle and what the bible has to say about prostitution.


But that being said, if you have tattoos, play football or have a round haircut you're also in violation of biblical directives. Hell, just Leviticus alone is enough to send every single one of us to hell.


Everyone who is religious picks and chooses which parts of their book to follow. There's no possible way to take a literal interpretation of it and still exist in a modern society what with the thousands of weird and often conflicting edicts. So why treat seeing escorts any differently? Just add it to the list of hundreds of other parts of the bible that you're currently ignoring. Or do what I do...ignore the whole thing. ;-)

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Thanks for all responses and keeping the debate positive and respectful. I think all that was needed said already. I may change direction a little bit as personal choice and stick to very few providers whom I know for sure are in this happily and by choice and drop the variety slogan.


Anyhow on the more humorous side if hobbying is forbidden and there is heaven and hell then I would rather be in the company of some sinful sexy ladies in hell rather than covered nuns and bearded clergy in heaven.

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Guest t****ster***ke

most religions have a fairly rigid dogma that dictates/polices behavior, often in a way that is not consistent with the origins/principles of the faith the religion was founded on. christianity, for example, made numerous concessions (paul's letter to the corinthians being one of the more significant) which were almost diametrically opposed to the teachings of Christ, in order to "normalize" the religion within the climate of the time. The sermon on the mountain is one of the first moments in human history where women are addressed with similar respect to men, but paul bargained that away, essentially creating dogma that demanded a woman only worship god or Christ through their man.


So for me, my faith has no issue with what two consenting adults do, especially when there is not a committed third party unaware of the interaction, because my faith relies only on my sense of right and wrong. my original religion, however, looks very poorly on my cerb-related behavior, as religion feels very comfortable judging me on its own :)

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Guest A** L***

I'm going to reply to this thread before reading the rest of the posts. I want my OWN opinion to come across not the opinions of others which all are 'right' and valid to that person.


Good question, first off. I was raised within a certain religion, a strict one. I am a non-practicing person of that faith or any faith for that matter because my rule of thumb is they are just 'different numbers to the same place'.


The main thing I learned from my religious upbringing is to be a good and honest person. To have a good heart, treat people with respect. Don't intentionally hurt another.


BECAUSE of my upbringing it actually made me LESS likely to judge another person's choices. Who are WE as people to judge anything??


Is what a hobbiest or SP do considered a sin? Honestly, I have no idea, but if it doesn't FEEL wrong, then personally, I don't feel it is. (According to my upbringing it would be considered 'wrong').


I personally don't even like the word 'sinner'. There are so many things in this life that are considered 'sins' or 'wrong'. The only thing I feel is wrong is judging another without knowing their story or why they do what they do. No one is able to do that, no one should judge. Simple as far as I'm concerned.


I have basic morals and a good heart. As far as I'm concerned, that's all I need. And I'm perfectly okay with that!!!


What a topic!! Got my mind going!!



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Is what a hobbiest or SP do considered a sin?


A sin, naw.......


I look at from this perspective.......


'Love your neighbor as yourself '


who was it that said this anyways??? Oh yeah...I believe it was the Christian faith..


that is why I'm a confused horny guy... :)


guess I've been loving many SP's that are my neighbor's.


Carry on folks with the thread, you can see I have no conflict what you're ALL up to here. :) LOL

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The movie The Sessions says it's okay:



As long as you have a healthy, balanced approach to paid companionship I think it's a fantastic and constructive supplement to one's life.


If there's a religion or god that disagrees, then I say they've got the problem. Not me.

I said all that I ever intend to say regarding religion and the hobby on the religion thread. I will say however, that The Sessions is an excellent flick featuring the great wm. Macy and Helen Hunt's most excellent naked middle aged bod.

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There is certainly a conflict between this lifestyle and what the bible has to say about prostitution.


But that being said, if you have tattoos, play football or have a round haircut you're also in violation of biblical directives. Hell, just Leviticus alone is enough to send every single one of us to hell.


Everyone who is religious picks and chooses which parts of their book to follow. There's no possible way to take a literal interpretation of it and still exist in a modern society what with the thousands of weird and often conflicting edicts. So why treat seeing escorts any differently? Just add it to the list of hundreds of other parts of the bible that you're currently ignoring. Or do what I do...ignore the whole thing. ;-)


I have to agree with Eric on this.


Anyone can skew their religion to say it is ok to do, to get what they want. I don't necessarily agree with that, but so be it...to each their own.


I grew up going to church every week and stopped pretty much when i started going to Uni, since i was making my own decisions by then. But i went for the sake of my Dad and i lived under his roof, so i didn't really have a choice. But he wasn't strict about anything at home, just you had to go to church. I never believed in having to go to church to be with GOD, you can do that anywhere, if he's listening to everyone?!


In the case of Christians, not sure where in the bible they mention going to see a prostitute is a bad thing but it def objects to a prostitute. I think the main issue is that the man is committing ADULTERY when seeing a prostitute, which is a big sin in the bible.


Religion can be a funny thing, especially when it comes to saying what is acceptable or not...people pick and choose. Some accept gay marriage and others don't, some accept or will see an SP and others condone it.


So this is kind of why I live my life, my way and not follow anybody, less problems that way lol. I try to treat people right and think i have good morals, but if i end up in so-called Hell, so be it


Curious, why have you gone back to religion CH?

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