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Pet Peeves -anything and everything -but respect CERB rules

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Peeved at myself for my judgmental attitude, and wasting so much of my school years learning proper English.

Apparently English is too difficult for the masses (as a first language).


Solution : Burn all Dictionary and Thesaurus books, and update online to accomodate daily changes in Newspeak.

Phase out all grade schooling (waste of taxpayer money).


Hear this almost everyday :


"If you axe me I'll tell you."

(strike me with wood chopper, to make me talk ???) :shock:

(if axe means inquire, then is ask short for ass kiss me, to make me talk ???)


"I didn't have nothing to do with it." (what's a double negative ? never learned simple math either) :?

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Guest S**a*Q

#1 Online Peeve-


It drives me nuts how people shorten every word online now so it's just an acronym-hell filled paragraph, that I... who speaks good english, doesn't understand a word of it...




Took me forever to write that out actually hehehe


Oh and the caps things makes me crazy too... I agree with others in that means they are YELLING!

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I have several. I would have to say my biggest is people who don't use their turn signals. I also have a problem with people who say no problem after I say thank-you. Do they not know how to say your welcome. I also hate being in the 10 item or less lane at the grocery store and seeing someone with 20 things in their cart. I guess they can't read.

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Guest f***2f***

OMG...Thursday I almost lost it and went postal!!


where I work there is a driveway that leads past the front door and up to the parking garage (which we pay dearly to use). I pull in off the main street and there is a car facing me blocking off access because of the way he has positioned the car (or simply not bothered to position cause he doesn't give a fuck about others). He is dropping off his SO at the door...OK so I wait patiently...he glances at me but makes no attempt to move the car...he and his wife finish their conversation (grr) then they have a kiss (grr, grr) then she collects her purse, package, looks in the mirror to adjust her hair (grr grrr grrrrr), gets slowly out of the car, he rolls down her window and they chat (I can't make this up) I am stewing....then she saunters toward the door....turning every few seconds as they wave to each other (grr, FUCK, GRRRR)....I LOSE IT AND LEAN ON THE HORN....the guy looks at me like I'm the most ignorant asshole in the world...."Hello, I'm waiting to get by you and get to my workspace you ignorant inconsiderate cocksucker!!" (I'm thinking)

This is the best case yet for retroactive abortion!!! :ablow:

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Guest s******ecan****

I read every post, its amazing how many have to do with driving (a few even mentioned public transit ....so much for that as the solution to our problems lol)


:confused: I hate the drivers that take stupid risks (speeding, close call lane changes, tail gating etc) just to try to make up a little time getting somewhere around town. How often do you end up right behind this guy/gal at a light later on or just a few car lengths behind them as they turn into their destination?...all that risk for just a few seconds of extra arrival time.


:ablow:Corner store.....line up of 6 to 10 people getting milk, paying for gas etc...all being held up while some guy/gal checks 15 frickin' loto tickets and then buys and plays a few scratch an' wins before moving on.

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I was just reminded of a really big pet peeve (no pun intended): people who drive around with their dog(s) unrestrained in the back of their trucks. You can be the best f**king driver in the world, unfortunately there are plenty of the other variety, as well as the unexpected, that put the pet at serious risk of death or injury.

Also, leaving a pet in a locked car on a hot day. If you think that cracking the windows open an inch does the trick you're just stupid. Please try it yourself if you don't believe me. Seriously go ahead ..... make sure to lock the doors ..... and don't worry I won't interfere ..... dumbass!

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I was just reminded of a really big pet peeve (no pun intended): people who drive around with their dog(s) unrestrained in the back of their trucks. You can be the best f**king driver in the world, unfortunately there are plenty of the other variety, as well as the unexpected, that put the pet at serious risk of death or injury.

Also, leaving a pet in a locked car on a hot day. If you think that cracking the windows open an inch does the trick you're just stupid. Please try it yourself if you don't believe me. Seriously go ahead ..... make sure to lock the doors ..... and don't worry I won't interfere ..... dumbass!


I'm with you on that one! Every time I see some poor dog locked in a hot car, I think to myself, I should break in and steal their dog, they obviously don't care about it.

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I'm with you on that one! Every time I see some poor dog locked in a hot car, I think to myself, I should break in and steal their dog, they obviously don't care about it.


in that case I would call 911

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I was just reminded of a really big pet peeve (no pun intended): people who drive around with their dog(s) unrestrained in the back of their trucks. You can be the best f**king driver in the world, unfortunately there are plenty of the other variety, as well as the unexpected, that put the pet at serious risk of death or injury.

Also, leaving a pet in a locked car on a hot day. If you think that cracking the windows open an inch does the trick you're just stupid. Please try it yourself if you don't believe me. Seriously go ahead ..... make sure to lock the doors ..... and don't worry I won't interfere ..... dumbass!


I'm with you on that one! Every time I see some poor dog locked in a hot car, I think to myself, I should break in and steal their dog, they obviously don't care about it.


in that case I would call 911


Lets save the puppies....the next time i see one locked in a car or in the back of a truck..i'm saying something...poor dogs...

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Lets save the puppies....the next time i see one locked in a car or in the back of a truck..i'm saying something...poor dogs...


I am with you on that one 100%


I saw a woman once lock her dog in the van, and I told her wtf are you doing its hot out. Her reply? I am only going to be gone a few minutes:rolleyes: I said wtd its hot out and that twat just walked in the store

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Here are few that irritate me,


The passenger who constantly insists on changing your pre-programmed radio station and scanning other channels when your driving.


The guy on the construction that changes your Rock station to stupid AM call in talk shows.


I guess I have a thing about my radio being on station



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In the course of looking for something else, I found this collection of peeves - nice list. Thought I'd update it and allow some of our new friends to perhaps get a chuckle or two or add to it.


Still on the driving theme, those marvels that need to make a left or right turn and 'need' to occupy two lanes - thus slowing you down. Not like they have a wide load or anything...just plain inconsiderate. Yup, happened to me again today. :-o

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ignorance and intolerance - I can't stand it but I don't know why



idk how you can say you cant stand ignorance and intolerance when youre in fact unable to tolerate ignorance lol.

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People that swerve to the left suddenly before they turn right. Seriously? You actually passed a driving test?


People who tailgate me no matter how fast or slow I go. If I speed up, they catch up with me. If I slow down they slow down too... WTF? Grow a pair and pass me already you moron. I'm not a sheep herder!


Always waiting at the Doctor or Dentist. How come I have to show up on time? What exactly makes you think that your time is more valuable than mine?


Blatantly misleading, dishonest and/or unfair marketing and general business practices such as:

- "Real bacon flavour!"

- Charging me to receive my bill in the post instead of via email- and then charging me for the internet... WTF? Really? I have to pay you for your bill?

- "The price is as low as..."

- "Lasts up to..."

- Less cashiers and more self-serve check-outs - no price reductions... less tellers and more charges for IBM and internet banking... increased flight prices because of high gas prices - gas prices go down, no decrease in airfare...

- "Recommened by Doctor's Associates" (Doctor's Associates Inc owns Subway).

- Offering a new package with lower rates and keeping me with the higher-priced package just because I "didn't ask".


...Big "hooray" for capitalism!


When I'm standing in line at the grocery store, another cash opens, and everybody runs and pushes to get to it first. You see the same behaviour waiting in any line... pushing, butting, racing... That's really very disgusting when you think about... I'm afraid to think about how these people might behave in some kind of disaster scenario... seriously.


Whew! Gotta catch my breath now...


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Guest f***2f***

Oh there are so many pet peeves, about bad drivers mostly,especially in Ottawa. Here's a by no means exhaustive list and not in order of what pisses me off the most.


1. People who drive too slowly on the Queensway in any lane but especially in the outside lane (and refuse to move over to let people by)


2. People who slow down or apply the brakes when changing lanes or approaching their exit. You merge smoothly into the other lane people, sometimes that means accelerating but it never means sharply applying the brakes...there are a shit load of people behind you!! Apply the brakes when you get on the exit ramp...that's why they call it a deceleration lane!!


3. People who don't signal when turning left or worse who signal at the last minute when you could have chosen to go around them if only you'd known, but now you're stuck behind their stupid ass while half the traffic in Ottawa is blasting past in the inside lane...grrrr


4. People who suddenly decide to stop without pulling over or not pulling over far enough to let the rest of us by.


5. Cops who pull someone over and block traffic.


6. Cops who stand with their hands in their pockets any time but especially when at the scene of a major snafu and refuse to realize that traffic needs to be directed. It's beneath them now to direct traffic or something.


7. Cops who look like bags of shit in their uniforms...no hat...open jackets, shit hanging out of their pockets...generally looking unprofessional.


8. Snotty cops who think they have to lecture you on any given topic..."just give me the fucking ticket and fuck off ok!? I know the law and I broke it so let me go on my way and you go and have a shitty fucking day!!" (IF YOU WERE ANY SMARTER YOU'D BE LECTURING AT CARLETON!)


9. Stuck up people who when you look at them smile and say Good Morning pretend they don't hear you or look at you like something they just scraped off their shoe and then ignore you.


10. People who don't give a shit about anyone else in just about any given situation.


11. People who are fixing the National debt at an ATM, taking half an hour, while the rest of us pleebs who only want a quick withdrawal stand and stew.


And that's just the people that pissed me off this morning!! ha ha:sm185:

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Guest s******ecan****

11. People who are fixing the National debt at an ATM, taking half an hour, while the rest of us pleebs who only want a quick withdrawal stand and stew.



I always wondered what these people were doing! Well at least someone is working on the problem.

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Guest f***2f***

I once got behind an elderly woman who had never used the machine before and finally asked me to help her. I didn't mind that at least she admitted she didn't know what she was doing and I could help her get it done.:grin:

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Some things that bug me from time to time:


Parents that spoil their children believing that discipline is mean, and cater to their every whim.


People who think they're all that...especially when they are not.


The self absorbed who need all the attention 24/7, but give none back.


Family. Maybe yours is ok, but mine drive me bonkos most of the time.


The fact that I have never been out driving on a nice summer day, a car goes by playing music with a kick ass stereo, and that the tunes are any good. Seriously dude, you look like you live in the gym, eat steroids for breakfast, own a tanning bed, have a $5000 stereo, and you're listening to the Backstreet Boys? Where did I put that gun?


Poker. I gave up hope for most of society when this became TV worth watching.


Speaking of TV, 'reality' television.


Homers and jingoistic sports fans that don't understand the game. Your team doesn't suck, the refs were not against you, and there is someone else out there just as good trying to win as well. STFU please.


Rogers cable. I rarely watch TV but please, do you have to be arseholes and make me scroll through all the channels I don't have?


Why the iPod Touch is $400 and the iPhone is $800 without a contract. Does that one chip cost an extra $400? Fuck you!


Those who own the all-wheel drive vehicles with huge snow tires and every other safety feature known to man, and are driving slower than everyone else when the roads are only a little greasy. One snowflake shouldn't make you cut your speed in half.

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Guest Ou**or**n

There should be 'express' ATM machines. Take longer than 2 minutes and they eat your card and freeze your account. Now maybe farmer Bob will stop using the ATM to renew the mortgage on the farm.

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Warning - this is a rant.


I agree with so many of the posts.


But, seeing as how I ride a bike year round my major peeves are to do with car drivers who potentially put me in harms way.


One example only - I'm riding in the inside lane of a two lane street. There are parked cars to my right and there is traffic (buses, trucks etc) in the lane to my left.


Some "person" walks out maybe 50 yards in front of me to their car and to open the door. I make eye contact and think everything's OK and then, when I'm about 10 yards away the stupid f***er opens the car door.


This happens mostly at a Private School which is on the street I travel to get to work.


I am a very careful rider - constantly checking over both shoulders and I obey the traffic rules.


I've been "doored" and I've been "clipped".


I weigh about 150 lbs.


I'm no match for the behemoths that people feel they need to drive - big car, small dick.


Get with the programme folks.


I have a very small carbon footprint.


How's about you?


Told you it was a rant.



Regrettably, I have to ride my bike on the basis that every car driver may kill me on account of

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I was just reminded of a few more...


"Red licorice" - Licorice only comes in black.


"Baby carrots" - no, they're not really mini carrots - they're big ones cut a sculpted down to that size and shape (baby carrots aren't actually my peeve, it's that people argue against it)


"Liberry" - it's "library".


"Orientate" and "orientated" - it's "orient" and "oriented"... I can only argue this one a little because the "new and improved" versions have actually made it to the dictionary now.


"PIN number" - P = personal, I = identification, N = number... PIN number = Personal Identification Number number... it's just "PIN".


"Yous guys" - "yous" isn't a word - "use" and "yews" are, but not "yous".

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Guest S***e

Lately, for me it's been politics at all levels be they municipal, provincial or federal...always in your face here in Ottawa. Enough said.


Old Spike

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Guest C****** K***e

1. The guy at the gym who actually has the insolence to ask you if he can just "use that machine for 5 minutes to finish my last set". Um, dude, wait your goddamn turn just like the rest of us. You're not special, you're at the Y.

2. People who don't wipe down the gym equipment. Just because I'm all sweaty does not mean I'm ok with absorbing your ass sweat.

3. Misuse of apostrophes. Also every other travesty of language. You didn't "seen" anything, trust me.

4. Being given music to learn for a concert the next day. How this can happen to me regularly, I don't know, but it does. (I just got told I'm playing 6 pieces in a benefit concert tomorrow, and I won't get a chance to look at the music until right before the concert. So not impressed.)

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