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I'm sure we've all done something were we thought may be "girly" and that as men think others would laugh. Even perhaps vice versa for the woman.


Myself I admit I have a luffa, I'm sure some men are like wtf is that well its a pompon looking thing used to wash yourself. Well I love it, put a little body wash and you can scrub and clean yourself way better than a face clothe.


I've used women shaving cream at time when I run out. Same thing just smell flowery.


On occasion Bath salts or oil make the skin feel great.


Woman underwear, ok that was on a dare and yes that I must say has kinda girly. No it wasn't a thong, as sexy as they may be I have no idea how you could wear that for a day. I can't stand it when something rides up there without invitation or warning lol.


So what have you done?

Ladies I'm sure you've done tons of manly stuff?

Most popular probably would be wearing a man shirt, but what else have you done.

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I'll share something here that I would never tell anyone, I would rather squat to pee then to stand up in front of the toilet and splash all over the walls. In reality if there is a urinal I will use it, if I'm working in the bush I'll pee standing up but this is mainly at home and at work or when visiting family and friends.

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I'll share something here that I would never tell anyone, I would rather squat to pee then to stand up in front of the toilet and splash all over the walls. In reality if there is a urinal I will use it, if I'm working in the bush I'll pee standing up but this is mainly at home and at work or when visiting family and friends.


Lol I often do the same at home, plus I don't get yelled at for forgetting to put down the seat. It's also easier to find when you're half asleep and in the dark at night. Although that when you pray you put the seat down. It sucks falling in! Lol

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Guest realnicehat

Geez ladies, you gonna swap make up tips next? ;)


Totally kidding. If we were judging by 1950's standards then yes, that might seem a little girlish but its 2013. The drugstore aisles are filled with men's face creams, bodies washes and shampoos. Meanwhile the ladies are out doing bad ass shit once reserved for only the manliest of men.


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to curl my hair before I go to work.

Edited by realnicehat

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Geez ladies, you gonna swap make up tips next? ;)


Totally kidding. If we were judging by 1950's standards then yes, that might seem a little girlish but its 2013. The drugstore aisles are filled will men's face creams, bodies washes and shampoos. Meanwhile the ladies are out doing bad ass shit once reserved for only the manliest of men.


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to curl my hair before I go to work.


Your post is so funny, thanks I needed a good laugh today:)

I feel masculine when I'm in flats or sneakers for some reason, heels make me feel more feminine:)

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Good morning girlies :)


Don't worry about a thing; I personally know many men who prefer to sit instead of standing up when peeing ;) I also know a lot of men who enjoy going for pedis and manis, go for relaxing RTM massages, go to a spa for a half a day, go to get waxed, etc.


If you ever get upset and want to deal with it the "girly way", just go out and buy yourself a bucket of ice cream and eat it right from the container with a big spoon ;) lol

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Guest realnicehat


If you ever get upset and want to deal with it the "girly way", just go out and buy yourself a bucket of ice cream and eat it right from the container with a big spoon ;) lol


Men eat ice cream the same way but we don't need to be upset.

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used to be called "tomboy", my mom gave me that nickname when i was a kid because I enjoyed playing hockey on the street with the boys (was the only girl) and i was the tough one lol. Nowadays its more comon to see girls playig hockey with the boys! ;)

Thought it was funny and i liked the attention until a stranger called me "hey little boy"...omg, it was the end of it...I mean I was a girl and wanted to show it...so i let my hair grow long and no more tomboy calling!


What would be manly actions...gee i dont know...I like physical stuff...I would love to use a chain saw and cut wood lol, Is that manly or just adventurous? like it was mentionned on the OP...wearing a man's shirt with nothing underneath ;) that would do it for me!

Bianca xxx

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Upon doctors orders i have to sit to pee.......


I was told not to do any heavy lifting at all..........




Girly stuff......

Had great sx once wearing ladies lacy underwear and stockings.

Love drinks with lots of color and fruit with ghe umbrella

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I like pedicures.


I sit when peeing because it usually leads to the other thing and I like not using the bathroom more then once a day for that stuff.


I know who Carrie, Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte are, more then I care to admit. (The second movie sucked balls)


Because of work, I routinely look at magazines aimed at women. (For the pictures, I swear!)


I don't usually have a too feminine concern, but I draw the line at wearing pink, watching/reading Twilight, and reading 50 Shades. Nope, never, nada, la, nahi, noi

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Guest webothscore


Now if you'll excuse me, I need to curl my hair before I go to work.


Now that I know you can give and receive, You better not be talking cock perm? Please trim that shit ;)

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How brave you men are, lol...so nice of you to share these cute and funny stories!

My hubby is more "girly" than I am. He spends much longer pruning his feathers, extremely neat and tidy, irons all his cloths perfectly, loves bubble baths and salts, aromatherapy, drinks light beer and flavored rum.


I think men these days have over come that "gotta be tough to be a real man" attitude.


Men love to be pampered with facials, manicures, pedicures, lotions and oils. Thank god too, or might not have a job, lol..

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Guest realnicehat
Now that I know you can give and receive, You better not be talking cock perm? Please trim that shit ;)


Were I to let that grow out it would be naturally curly thank you. In fact, it would be pretty fucking weird if it grew in straight, just hanging down off my balls like a ZZ top beard.

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Miss Manners may not approve but I like to drink my beer straight from the bottle (no glass).

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I wear men's cologne and deodorant. I also buy men's razors because they're the exact same as the women's and half the price usually.

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Guest M****ella's C****s (retire

HHuuummm manly actions eh? Well let me think, I was also a tomboy growing up, I play full contact tackle football with the boys. Would get tackled, get up, get pissed and run the ball till I got a touch down. (this was just for fun so there was no padding, just in the field.) I also played simple games of ice hockey at the local rink. I was a bit of a jock when I was a tyke. Latter on I got into off road biking/dirt biking. I wrestled, boxed, and lifted weights. Keep in mind this was between the ages of 6-11 it was mostly for my own enjoyment. So nothing was done in competitive groups...


I had a dress like a boy phase where I wore pants baggier than most of the boys, loose fitting t-shirts, hoodies and sweaters, and boxer shorts over my underwear. lasted maybe a year or 2.


Aside from those I belch a pretty good belch. They can get loud. I fart...Yes I said it! I Michaella toot. sometimes I can't stand my smells. hehe no clients after I eat chili hehe. I love a cold beer from the bottle, or a cold cider from the can. I love steak, burgers, and other so called "manly foods" Oh and I love looking at attractive scantly clad women...I love boobies, and bums, and legs...I just love appreciating another woman's body. Naked girls are nice to look at...and well, ever now and then I have the urge to be face deep between a woman's....well I think that's enough...haha


I hate stereotypes and gender roles. I think that we should just be. Enough with feminine and masculine, let's just enjoy what we enjoy and not be ashamed or embarrassed by it. We are all made up of both genders so lets try to be who we are, and embrace both our feminine and masculine energies and love ourselves and others a little more today!

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A week or so after moving into my own place, I started cleaning the bathroom and when I got to the toilet, ugh disgusting splatter. From that moment on, always sat down to pee at home.

Really do like Secret deodorant-was told its just for women.

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I also enjoy getting a manicure and a pedicure, I'm sure some of you guys like that too.

I am so happy to hear this! :-D

Pedicures are the *best* and wish more guys would try them out. :-D


As for me... I have a very broad definition of what constitutes "feminine" so building a deck or taking the lead on the dance floor don't really qualify as me doing something "masculine"... But I'll throw them up here, anyway. ;-)

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Real men not only have no such stories to tell, even if they did they wouldn't share them.

Now after a hard day at work I'm going to go draw me a bubble bath and have a long soak with some Hagen Das in the most masculine way possible :biggrin:



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I have an affinity for occasionally watching "chic flicks". Last few I watched recently were The Lucky One and Safe Haven. But throw me a title and I have probably seen it.


Im not much of an alcohol drinker so when at a pub or bar or grab some from the LCBO I usually go for Smirnoff Ice or some kind of breezer or anything fruity tasting drink. Though lately I have been leaning to Ciders.

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Guest realnicehat

Now after a hard day at work I'm going to go draw me a bubble bath and have a long soak with some Hagen Das in the most masculine way possible :biggrin:




I've seen how you bathe....it doesn't get any manlier ;)





Malkovich is a pretty good sport for doing this.

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Guest webothscore

Let's just say I am able to purchase an adventurous chemise from time to time.

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