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Classy SPs

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I?m looking for recommendations of SPs in the Ottawa area, or who visit regularly, whom exudes class and offers a great GFE. Any ideas? Please feel free to send me a PM if you prefer.



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I?m looking for recommendations of SPs in the Ottawa area, or who visit regularly, whom exudes class and offers a great GFE. Any ideas? Please feel free to send me a PM if you prefer.


Seriously many many of the wonderful ladies in Ottawa or visit Ottawa exudes class and offer a great GFE.


A more specific request would include some characteristics of a lady you find attractive. This helps us narrow down the large scope of possibilities.

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Seriously many many of the wonderful ladies in Ottawa or visit Ottawa exudes class and offer a great GFE.


A more specific request would include some characteristics of a lady you find attractive. This helps us narrow down the large scope of possibilities.


agreed, tell us what you're looking for besides the wonderful GFEs available in Ottawa...looks, body-type, character etc.....dont be shy! Proper definition is your best friend on these boards! the recommendations-threads are a good tool as well :-)

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Guest s******ecan****

CERB offers all the tools you need to find what you are looking for. The review section, the albums, public profiles. Just browse the site and enjoy, its the best research/homework you'll ever do!;-)

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Yes this is one of the reasons this board exists. Just read and read some more and than ask questions, but more than likely you will find exactly what you looking for by reading. But remember (YMMV your mileage may vary).you may not have the same experience as the guy before or after you. It's a lot about chemistry you may find a lady with all your attributes but your personalities my not click. And always treat the ladies with respect, i believe this goes a long way. ;)

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I'm not a hobbiest ... just a former SP.


I have met Annessa and think she is one of the coolest, funniest, craziest women I have ever met.


She is incredibly intelligent, hysterically funny and very sexy.


You can't go wrong with Annessa!

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look over the recommendations in the reco section then read the ladies profile and if they have a website check that out to see what services they offer.:butt:

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I'm not a hobbiest ... just a former SP.


I have met Annessa and think she is one of the coolest, funniest, craziest women I have ever met.


She is incredibly intelligent, hysterically funny and very sexy.


You can't go wrong with Annessa!


I have to agree, while I've only met Anessa socially, I can attest that she is quite the cool cat, with a wicked sense of humour and a beauty that goes beyond skin deep not to mention that she can really belt out a tune!


Classy is really a subjective measure and a state of mind, both are tough to measure but this board is full of many women who are worthy contenders for the classy moniquer.

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Unlike Mandalay and CowboyKenny, I have not met Annessa myself but if you read her posts and view her profile (especially her pics) you will see her kindness, intelligence, class and beauty. How could you go wrong. I will be seeking her out as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

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Agreed there are many, but you definitely can't go wrong with Annessa. I have seen her on a number of different occasions and she is by any measure a class act.


Gorgeous eyes, great personality, great legs, great sense of humor, gorgeous eyes, and great legs. Plus she has great legs. And gorgeous eyes. ;-)


I haven't heard her sing, but she apparently has won some awards.


Sorry ... I'm a little giddy tonight after stripping wallpaper all day.

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Agreed there are many, but you definitely can't go wrong with Annessa. I have seen her on a number of different occasions and she is by any measure a class act.


Gorgeous eyes, great personality, great legs, great sense of humor, gorgeous eyes, and great legs. Plus she has great legs. And gorgeous eyes. ;-)


I haven't heard her sing, but she apparently has won some awards.


Sorry ... I'm a little giddy tonight after stripping wallpaper all day.


next date we have, KF we should strip wallpaper together...I guarantee it will leave you more giddy that your most recent experience. lol


all joking aside, you guys, and gals are great, you all make me feel like I'm doing what i do right. And to me, thats the most important thing in this industry.....reassurance :-)


however now I'm faced with a huge problem....my head has grown so big due to ego-inflation in this thread that i fear I may not be able to get through my front door for tomorrow's outcall!


j/k ;-)




*huggs to u all xoxoxo

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however now I'm faced with a huge problem....my head has grown so big due to ego-inflation in this thread that i fear I may not be able to get through my front door for tomorrow's outcall!


Better your head swells than your butt...now quit drinking and go to bed! ;)

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Better your head swells than your butt...now quit drinking and go to bed! ;)


sadly there was no alcohol in my possession this morning....would have been nice tho, lol

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Thank-you Mandalaybay, Cowboy Kenny and Kubrickfan for your recommendation of Annessa. Based on what I have read from fellow Cerb contributors and Annessa herself, she has definitely captured my interest. I am very choosy about who I see and take the time to read posts by hobbyists and SPs alike. A particular body type is important to me but so is chemistry. A SP can have impeccable soft lines and skin but her attitude can quickly ruin my interest and make for a long, or short, encounter.


So, to be more specific. A classy lady should be confident in herself. She dresses sexy but in a way that reveals her great curves through form fitting skirts, pants, shirts or blouses. Her hands and feet are clean and manicured (love the French manicure), and her hair is silky smooth and fragrant (ok, it doesn?t need to be fragrant; clean is acceptable :) ). I also believe a classy woman is articulate and well spoken. Swearing and chewing gum with ones mouth open seems can kill the mood quickly.


A good sense of humor and class goes a long way in providing a memorial encounter.


I?m also a sucker for black or brunette hair, I miss the runway strip (when did this go out of style?), short and slim (spinner type) form, and a need to please.


Thank-you again for your input and recommendations.

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By classy, I think you are also looking for someone who is professional and discrete in public, does not discuss other clients at dinner, doesn't answer her cel phone during social time to book other appts, dresses discretely (i.e. not in stripper platform shiny gold strappy shoes and sequins -- not that there is anything wrong with that), minimal makeup, doesn't show up drunk, isn't loud or coarse or vulgar in speech, can converse on a wide range of subjects including politics and literature, anything else??. :mrgreen:

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By classy, I think you are also looking for someone who is professional and discrete in public, does not discuss other clients at dinner, doesn't answer her cel phone during social time to book other appts, dresses discretely (i.e. not in stripper platform shiny gold strappy shoes and sequins -- not that there is anything wrong with that), minimal makeup, doesn't show up drunk, isn't loud or coarse or vulgar in speech, can converse on a wide range of subjects including politics and literature, anything else??. :mrgreen:


wow great list! I think you pretty much covered it all! lol

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By classy, I think you are also looking for someone who is professional and discrete in public, does not discuss other clients at dinner, doesn't answer her cel phone during social time to book other appts, dresses discretely (i.e. not in stripper platform shiny gold strappy shoes and sequins -- not that there is anything wrong with that), minimal makeup, doesn't show up drunk, isn't loud or coarse or vulgar in speech, can converse on a wide range of subjects including politics and literature, anything else??. :mrgreen:


Pretty good list, add honest and reliable and keeps their commitments and I think you've got a pretty concise break down.

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By classy, I think you are also looking for someone who is;

1. professional and discrete in public. Annessa icon14.gif

2. does not discuss other clients at dinner. Annessa icon14.gif

3. doesn't answer her cel phone during social time to book other appts. Annessa icon14.gif

4. dresses discretely (i.e. not in stripper platform shiny gold strappy shoes and sequins -- not that there is anything wrong with that). Annessa icon14.gif

5. minimal makeup. Annessa icon14.gif

6. doesn't show up drunk. Annessa icon14.gif

7. isn't loud or coarse or vulgar in speech. Annessa icon14.gif

8. can converse on a wide range of subjects including politics and literature. Annessa icon14.gif


A couple of my own,


9. carries herself with pride and confidence. Annessa

10. has high respect for others. Annessa

11. is tolerant and invites differing views. Annessa

12. speaks with knowledge, wisdom and intelligence but is youthful and exciting. Annessa

13. would look great in sweat pants, sweater and double socks, but boy can doll up nice. Annessa


And I could likely go on. In short as many have said all these girls have something special to offer and it really comes down to what interests you. But if CLASS is high on your list? Look no further. Annessa icon14.gif



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Although I have never seen Annessa professionally, I have met her and I can see why there are so many complimentary posts about her.


Annessa is certainly a classy exotic beauty - and she's smart and funny!


And if you want her to sing for you, she has the voice of an angel (but I'm not sure singing is on the menu - that might just be reserved for Karaoke).

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Thank you to everyone who helped me out here. Over 1,300 views on this thread but only a few recommendations clearly places Annessa on top of my "must see" list. Even though Annessa doesn?t consider herself a spinner, I am also a sucker for long legs. Now for the rendez-vous; this is the hard part.

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Thank you to everyone who helped me out here. Over 1,300 views on this thread but only a few recommendations clearly places Annessa on top of my "must see" list. Even though Annessa doesn’t consider herself a spinner, I am also a sucker for long legs. Now for the rendez-vous; this is the hard part.


Why only a few recommendations? Because I think a lot of people don't like to get into "lists" or "comparisons" or whatever, because you will always leave some deserving people out and thereby risk hurting their feelings and pissing them off. And who wants to do that to any classy SP?


So, in addition to those mentioned, sure, there are a number of classy SPs besides Annessa. Who probably haven't been mentioned here for the reason just noted.


Annessa's certainly one of the most popular in that category and all that has been said about her here is true. So, if you start there, you won't be disappointed.


Once you do some exploring on your own, I'm sure you'll find others. They're out there.

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Perfect.biometrics .though we have never met..I have enjoyed the forthright and thoughtful input Annessa has made on CERB.



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I'm sure YS, that there is no doubt in anyone's mind that there are plenty other Classy SPs on this Canadian board besides me, lol

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