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I was talking to a dear friend here and we were both reminiscing about things that we once enjoyed... but sadly, time and tide have left them in their wake.


It's another list... get ready.


1. Wax Lips

2. Sweet 'n' tarts

3. Pixie Stix

4. Pop Rocks

5. Cold pop in a glass bottle dispensed from a machine with a cap opener on the side

6. Sponge toffee

7. Evel Kneivel

8. 45 rpms

9. HiFi's

10. Televisions that were furniture, and had to have channels changed by getting up and turning the dial.

11. All beer in stubby bottles

12. Transistor radios

13. Gas under a buck... a GALLON.

14. Sean Connery as Bond, James Bond

15. the Hibachi

16. The Six Million Dollar man

17. The Monkees

18. KTel

19. New Wave

20. G.I Joes tall enough to kick Ken's ass!!!

21. Tahiti Treat

22. Vernors

23. Lick'm'aid

24. The Red Barn

25. WardAir


You are up!!!!

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I feel like I've been missing a lot not being born...




Thank you Old dog, I needed this!

Edited by Grass_Hopper
Just turned 29, BTW...

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You can still get beer in stubby bottles! I forget the particular brand, but back at Laurier, everyone drank it.


Personally, I really miss the television from the 80's. And also, can I just say, kids movies these days SUCK. Kid's movies from the 80's are so much more fun. Kids actually swear, get into trouble and kick ass. I'm thinking specifically of the Goonies and Monster Squad.


1. Snap bracelets

2. Thundercats

3. Jem and the Holograms (I had super awesome pink Jem and the Hologram sweatpants)

4. My Pet Monster

5. Bonkers

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heeeere kitty kitty...nom nom nom :-) *licks lips*


strangeley the reference has been brought up three time this week amongst friends....gotta wonder about who thought of the idea for that brown furry alien with a phalic nose.....?

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Ed Sullivan show

Red Skelton show

Wiley Cyotie and Road runner

licorice cigarettes

Western movies

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When cars didn't come with CPUs more powerful than my first real computer...

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The huge, bushy tails that squirrels and chipmunks had when I was young!

Disco Roller rinks

Black satin pants

That powdered sugar in little plastic containers shaped like fruit.

Dad's chocolat chip oatmeal cookies


Mixed tapes from the boy who had a crush on me

Spin the bottle

Makeout parties

A minute of heaven (when you went in the closet with a boy for a minute)

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Mixed tapes from the boy who had a crush on me


Okay Meg... I wholeheartedly agree with this one...now the art of the mixed tape for a girl that you were madly crushing on is a lost art. You actually had to buy the 45, borrow the lp, or be amazingly lucky with the radio. Then you had to make sure that the songs were in the right order.... and then you had to get all creative with the outer case. By all rights it was truly a labour of love... I bet that one 90 minute tape took about 10-12 hours to put together!!! Hand drawn hearts, your best writing (not the chicken scratch you normally used), the labels had to be perfect AND the tape had to be MAXELL gold, not some cheapo BiWay hissy thing.


a few more:


Going to A&W in your car and having the waitress attaching the tray to your window complete with the frosted glasses of root beer.


Having all my friends in the same town...


Monty Python's Flying Circus


Saturday morning cartoons...


card table forts




the Caramilk mystery...

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Old Dog...you soooo get me

the mixed tape was the ultimate! I remember sitting by the radio with my kenmore combination record player/radio/DOUBLE cassette deck waiting for the perfect song. All of my friends were sooo envious cause I could record from cassette to cassette...ah; the olden days!


Monty Python....the movies rocked!!!! The Life of Brian - loved it!

Edited by Meg O'Ryan

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Old Dog...you soooo get me

the mixed tape was the ultimate! I remember sitting by the radio with my kenmore combination record player/radio/DOUBLE cassette deck waiting for the perfect song. All of my friends were sooo envious cause I could record from cassette to cassette...ah; the olden days!


Monty Python....the movies rocked!!!! The Life of Brian - loved it!


Meg... I was the master of the mixed tape. I didn't hurt that I worked in a record store when I was a kid and could get any single I wanted, but man oh man I made some creative masterpieces. The biggest talent was knowing exactly when to hit the pause button to start and end the recording....


As for the Pythons... BRILLIANT!


more Britcoms I miss...


Some Mothers do 'ave em (starring the Phantom's own Michael Crawford)

On the Buses

Man about the House (the original Three's company)


Jeebus... I am retrograding here... soon I will comb up the sides of my hair, bring down the front and do a Flock of Seagulls look... with the complimentary rat tail in the back!!!

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We just had a lot more hair... than we do... now.One thing I don't miss is what was then known as Hockey hair, or by the Latin term "Mulletus Doofus"


The 80's ... yeah I miss em. Great music... and I could fit into a pair of pants with a 31" waist and 34 leg...

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For those who had them... the Montreal Forum pressed hot dogs ! I know the machines sold at auction but where did they go?

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Saturday morning cartoons - Transformers, GI Joe, etc.


The original Nintendo, does anyone else remember Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt?


Report cards


Your first crush


Acid wash jeans and Michael Jackson videos...before he went crazy.

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Going to A&W in your car and having the waitress attaching the tray to your window complete with the frosted glasses of root beer.


My parents had their first date at a drive-in A&W!

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Hawaiian Punch & The Pop Shop


I loved both of those!!!!


The Pop shoppe used to rent out abandoned gas stations with big service bays to store their pop!!!!


And Hawaiian Punch??? It was either that or Koolaid or Freshie...does anybody remember Freshie???


My parents had their first date at a drive-in A&W!


Carrie... I think the town that I grew up in, in southwestern Ontario had one of the last authentic "old school" A&Ws. You drove up, read the menu, flashed your headlights (not your headlights Carrie, the car's!!!) and the waitress would rollerskate to your car and take the order. She would return on the skates with the order!!! That one closed in 83 or 84.


What about those old mom and pop variety stores with the popsicle freezer and the popsicle splitter on the counter so you could share the other half with your friend???


Hostess potato chips in the big bag with two or three individual bags (variety pack) inside!


Adam West as Batman *biff* *bam* *pow*


The Night Stalker with Darren McGavin


Carol Burnette tugging her ear as she finished her show...




Cheesy 80's horror movies (pretty much anything starring Bruce Campbell)


Marcia Brady

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The Partridge Family

The Carol Burnett Show

The Sonny and Cher Show


Pet rocks

Shag haircuts

Platform shoes

When you could flick your lighters at rock concerts

When you could smoke.... at rock concerts


Seeing rock bands at the Chaud

(The Chaudiere on upper Alymer Road - anyone remember the Green Door?

That's where we went before it closed and we had to upstairs to the Rose Room)


Drive-in movie theatres

When it was still safe to hitchike

When we could get into bars underage


When the worse thing you could get from unprotected sex could be cured with a treatment of antibiotics (pre-Herpes/Aids days)


When Victor Newman had black hair on Y&R


When most NHL hockey players were Canadian

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