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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/09 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    WOW!! Jasmin Thai is one seriously beautiful woman! Everything I had heard didn't prepare me for what I was in store for. She opened the door and I couldn't believe my eyes. Tall and thin and dressed in an angelic little number I stumbled dumbfounded into the room. She quickly informed me I needed to be naked to make her happy and she helped get me that way. I helped her out of that cute lil number and we got to know each other. I spent a while earning my handle, her pussy is sweet and tasty. She suggested I stand at the side of the bed so she could return the favour and I tried to position my self so I could watch in the mirror but this hotel put it so that couldn't be done. She obligingly got some pillows and knelt down, it was like watching a porno with us in it, she seemed to feed off it and really went to town. Those gorgeous eyes kept locking onto mine as if to say she couldn't get enough. Serious oral skills ...... quivering just thinking about it. I had to have her so we dressed the lil guy properly and went to town. MPOS with great enthusiasm and I was a quivering mass of protoplasm in record time. I'll never get the picture of her ass during doggy out of my head ...... for a very tall thin woman she has an amazing tush. Hell, she has an amazing everything! We had a nice chat, her trip here went well and she plans to return. Her english is way above average, has a great personality and a great sense of humour. A dream girl in so many ways ..... *sigh* She is here Thursday so I wanted to throw this together quickly in case anyone wanted to see her. If you've never seen an asian woman and only ever want to try one once, JT is the one you want to see!!! :-P
  2. 1 point
    I've noticed a lot of folks on here referring to our most famous descriptor as "hobbiest", which has always bothered me (being the geek that I am). The -est modifier on a word is typically used with an adjective to reflect the "most" of that quality (e.g. "funniest joke" or "angriest man"), whereas the -ist extension is used to denote a person who engages in some activity (e.g. "socialist" or "optimist"). So if someone is the hobbiest hobbyist, I wonder what kind of qualities they would exhibit? :-)
  3. 1 point
    It is not a black and white issue. Most men will have a problem with their partner being intimate with multiple clients and then coming home to them. Most men are jealous and can not or do not know how to really handle the thought of their partner being intimate with others -while having a 'relationship' with them. We have to face something head on - as clients we do not know how or what our female consorts go through physically and mentally to cope with this 'job' and therefore we as men are at a disadvantage from the get go when an opportunity arises to entertain a 'relationship' outside of SP/client with one of our lady friends. Though it may be easier to date - there are aspects of this world that will scare or disturb us men if our lady friends choose to open up to us - and that will affect the eventual relationship. In my opinion, for this to truly work, there has to be a tremendous level of mutual trust, understanding, maturity, openness - attraction in and out of the bedroom and from a guy perspective - one has to look beyond the profession and look at the person behind the SP persona. Ultimately, it is the person that really matters - not what they do to generate income. And to level the playing field - us guys need to get some insight into how you ladies cope with your daily grind to perform this 'job'. Only then would we stand any reasonable chance of participating in a 'normal' relationship.
  4. 1 point
    I disagree, but that is just me :-) I TOTALLY agree!!!
  5. 1 point
    Just got into a conversation with a friend who's an SP who believes her barrier to finding true love has to do with her chosen profession. I am not suggesting she try to date a client, but I told her I believed there are more open-minded men out there than we think. The problem is finding the right connection.
  6. 1 point
    Well, Joe, would you hobby in a house? Would you hobby with a spouse? I think you'd hobby in a chair, but would you, could you, anywhere? Do you like long legs (or gams)? Are you a hobbyist? (I think I am!) :grin:
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