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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/12 in Posts

  1. 8 points
    I just posted something in a reco for a first time visitor to Ottawa. This has been an issue as long as I have lived here and has cost us the company of many outstanding women. Here is the post: "Ok, I've gotten several PMs telling me how wonderful XXXX is and thanking me for the reco. Wondering why they aren't adding to this? I'm asking for purely selfish reasons, I want to be sure she is here so I can see her again! Here's what one PM said about her: "Thanks for your XXXX review. I met her tonight and she was a gem. Like, you she managed to slip on a hat without my realizing. I was totally stunned when I found that it was already on. She's remarkable!" This applies to anyone, not just Yoko. If you like a girl be sure to tell everyone. Some of them will leave town early if they are not busy, others will not return. It's crazy not to share info about a good provider, even if it makes her harder to see. At least she will be here to see eventually!" Come on guys, this helps everyone. It's a no brainer! Please????
  2. 5 points
    GOod post! :) I've heard some gentlemen say they don't write a reco so they can try and 'keep a lady for himself'. But not letting others know how great your SP/MA is will NOT keep her all for you, it will put her out of business!
  3. 4 points
    With all due respect, why would you publicly reveal a lady's incall location (good or bad)?? What about *discretion* for her and the gentlemen who decide to spend time with her? Generally, those details are only shared on a need to know basis.
  4. 2 points
    This place is valuable to me. Maybe more than it should be -- its bedrock is just commerce after all. But nevertheless, a great place where I can speak with a unique part of me that doesn't have anywhere else to play in my life right now. Awesome, awesome people. Thanks.
  5. 2 points
    All I know is this: I am made up of matter and energy that has been recycled countless times and that has travelled all across the universe to make up who I am today. When I die, the particles that make up my body will disperse, take on new forms, and serve other purposes, both for sentient beings and beings whose sentience we have not yet ascertained. Even as I live, the matter in my body is shifting, changing, cells are dying off and new cells are taking their place. My body never stays the same body- my mind, too, never stays the same mind. I often find myself pondering the significance of the notion of 'self'. Everything that I am is interdependent with everything else in my world- the food I eat, the ideas I encounter, the people who make up the society of which I am a part. Without any of these things, I would not be 'I'. So when it comes to death, the question of an afterlife is simply, 'does this consciousness of mine continue beyond the death of my physical body?' And where to? Will it encounter new context in order to create a new sense of self? (As I strongly doubt the notion of a fundamental self, or soul) My guess is no, but I'm open to the idea of being wrong. No matter what, I will find out. My preference, though, is that it would not. As much as death is frightening, I imagine that my small human perspective is too frustratingly narrow to be tolerable for an eternity. The law of conservation of mass is, I think, satisfying enough for me as a way of making sense of my own death. That I am and always have been a part of something much larger than myself, wholly natural and scientifically observable. Perhaps it lacks inherent meaning, but I find the existential creation of meaning to be an entertaining craft project on those lonely nights. </armchairphilosopher>
  6. 1 point
    Disclaimer: I realize that the majority of you are paying for a sexual service and that your needs should be met within the boundaries of the escort in question. That is the service I am providing. However, that being said, I would like to call attention to what I like to refer to as "jack-hammering." This is basically extended penetrative sex and nothing else. You may be convinced that good sex requires only penetration and stamina--as well all know, women want a man who can last (I hope you can sense the sarcasm there), or perhaps it is purely selfish on your part, you do want to get your money's worth after all. So you pound your paid sex partner, over and over, squeezing in every possible available second. In which case, I am not a blow-up doll. I am not an object solely for your use. Keep in mind, I do not think it is a problem, for example, if you would like to simply pay to receive a blowjob, provided you realize the skill and time involved in administering a good blowjob. And I do not think penetrative sex itself is bad. But if you are interested in engaging in a full range of sexual behaviour, please realize that "sex" does not simply equal penetration for as long as humanly possible. After awhile it is painful, un-stimulating and rather boring. If a woman is not turned on, she doesn't create those delicious lubricating fluids that can make penetrative sex so wonderful. So take the time to pay attention to things like kissing and groping and licking and nibbling and so on. If the first thing you're going for is penetration, you have skipped so many amazing, naughty fun things to do to one another. While we are providing a very intimate service, aimed at generating your pleasure and satisfaction, we have emotions, and physical limits. So keep that in mind the next time you're with your favourite lady. Happy pooning!
  7. 1 point
    The thing about recos is that you don't have to write a story....a few words can go along way. All you have to say is something like: I highly recommend this lady. Yes it's that easy.
  8. 1 point
    I have a pair- they were pretty cheap, hard plastic with a little marble inside. They feel really neat! I find the sensation subtle but very pleasant. They're definitely a fun incentive to dance! (As if I needed any other incentive to boogie.) The only problem is that since I purchased the cheap, hard plastic kind, I can hear the marble clicking around in there when I walk! It's not terribly loud, and I imagine it would sound louder to me since they are in my body and I'm slightly paranoid of people noticing and wondering wtf that clicking sound is emanating from my vagina, buuut- now I only wear them around the house. I think I'd like to get a pair that's better made, because the idea of wearing them around in public is pretty exciting!
  9. 1 point
    wow, i was just about to ask the same question as it is close by work for me. could you pm me more details?
  10. 1 point
    There used to be a place on Dalhousie St, many years ago, I wonder if the old-timers remember it? And is it the same place, reborn?
  11. 1 point
    Just heard this song again, think it was Crosby, Stills and Nash. Anyway, the words gave me pause, after getting whacked by CA last year, and then t-boned yesterday (when a driver blew through a stop sign) I thought, crap, I was supposed to meet one of the great ladies at Cerb in the afternoon. Well, that went out the window as I spent close to 4 hours in ER getting checked out. The good news, dodged another one, the bad news, was stiff (and not in a good way) and sore. However, still survived, the car is a car, and that is why we pay insurance, and I am still able to give lots of hugs, kisses and licks. Whomever you decide you want to play with today or tomorrow or after that, play like it is the last thing you might do!! Love the One You're With!
  12. 1 point
    I am writing this as one who has also been " attacked" on the web. And I would have to honestly say that you should have to have your own experience with an individual before you judge or have pre-conceived notions on them. If these ladies are all bad, then eventually will be worked out in the wash, or otherwise then their reputations will stand on their own. I have no idea of the said rumorers here you all talk about, and do not wish to know. But like all things in life, have an open mind, and enjoy the moment!
  13. 1 point
    Congrats my friend!! You are invaluable to this board and are a part of Cerb and what makes it so great! You will forever make me smile and laugh so hard till I cry! I think drinks are in order to celebrate this momentous occasion. LOL!
  14. 1 point
    I agree about Tom Brady, but he did not have a good game today, for once this year the defense won the game.
  15. 1 point
    That I am extremely bored these days.....in time this too shall pass. Peace MG
  16. 1 point
    Prediction....hmmmm, hopefully there will be a good movie on. If not there's WFN (World Fishing Network) or I'll get a DVD RG :-)
  17. 1 point
    Well well well, have we got a treat for you today. Come visit today and receive a 60-minute session for a door fee of only $45 (regular room rates apply). Experience the ultimate in sensuality and relaxation. Each session includes a nice, long, full body massage, and then the fun begins with lots of sexy, slippery bodyslides...then I help you to release all of that...tension...you've been building up all week ;) I stand 5'2, and at 135lbs I've got curves in all the right places. My soft skin is decorated in some of the most beautiful tattoo work you'll ever see...come on over and explore for yourself You can reach me at [email protected] or by calling (NO TEXTS) 613-695-8005 See you soon!
  18. 1 point
    congratulations Old Man! :D You like me, so :P
  19. 1 point
    To speak from the other side, I offer this opinion. Juggling personal and professional lives is no different whether a lady tours or is local to a city. Life happens whether you are in one city or on the road, and lets be honest WE have all had to cancel at one point for one reason or another, I have and its a part of life. Things come up on both sides its something no one has any control over so we must just learn to accept it. I'm on the road 22 days a month, and yes if something happens at home, I cancel my trips and leave - family first and foremost ALWAYS. I would expect anyone that i spend time with to have the same priorities. We as companions off companionship and lasting memories, not brain surgery so this is a case where real life takes precedence. This is a luxury to indulge in for some men, for others it is a way of life. For some ladies this is a business and for others it is an occasional fly by night endeavour. I reference is no way to describe a ladies level of professionalism a reference is about safety END OF STORY.(a reference is given from one lady to another, when you provide the ladies contact info to the lady you wish to visit) A recommendation on the other hand is something written to vouch for a ladies accuracy in how she describes herself as well on the experience you provided to you. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and the experience provided is 99% based on chemistry. Each lady is different and what works with some will not work with all. The best way to find what you are seeking is search the ladies you are interested in, follow their preferred method of contact and communicate - if she wants to know about you, tell her as well in return if you have questions that are not answered on her website, now is the time to ask in a respectable manor. And just maybe you should take a second look at where you are finding the ladies you visit with, if the only web presence they have is on CL or similar and they don't advertise her (its free too, so the cost is no excuse)That being said I am sure there are some reliable ladies there, but do you really feel like TOFTT every time on that site? If they dont know of this site, tell them....No one will refuse free exposure from a welcoming site and positive place. This board is about positive feedback and discussion. If the lady you are interested in has no feedback, do as others do and ask about her - some people need a nudge to post the recco or they forgot. Others will PM you as they want to keep their date private. Possibly no one has met her either, if she is new that is also a possibility. If someone notifies you to cancel on either side, I look at it as a sign or respect, sometimes no notice can be given due to the nature of the situation.
  20. 1 point
    I've come to realize in the past few years that what most people consider things necessary to happiness and feelings of acomplishment, not just for their lives but everyone's life (marriage, or relationship, home, kids etc) are not right for me. I'm single unattached, rent, no kids. And I'm happy and content And seeing ladies in this lifestyle is every bit as fulfilling, satisfying and happy (actually more) than any relationship I've been in RG
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Thanks for the Heads Up!! I was on the way to SJ and decided to spend the night in Fredericton.
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