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Everything posted by castle

  1. Anyone know what time Ashley usually works until? Saw her there today but it slipped my mind to ask her. PM's a little out of my way so I wouldn't usually go unless I was fairly certain she's there (finished work early today.) Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Actually I was there today (Friday) and saw her. And I know praising Sally isn't actually contributing anything new to this thread, but good Lord! Everytime I think she can't anymore, she invariably still manages to surprise me somehow. Posted via Mobile Device
  3. The Harper Government. Oh wait.....this is the villains we LOVE thread isn't it?......never mind lol. Posted via Mobile Device
  4. I've been letting my goatee grow for quite a while now. So it's pretty long. I keep the stash trimmed though as it makes it easier to eat that way....plus it's probably more pleasant to kiss. The boys are kept shaven though. I figure if I'm with a lady she probably won't be sitting there making out with my chin....nor would I want her to be....that would be weird lol. So if my chin doesn't look like something she would want to eat off, well no biggy. My balls however, that's another story...I figure the more inviting they appear, the better ;)
  5. Personally I think they can be very attractive on the right lady. Even considered getting dreads myself for a while lol. Not sure why but there is a certain "youthfulness" about them that I find appealing. I guess it reminds me of my school days when my whole social circle had the "punk/goth/hippie,etc" thing going on, many of which were girls I never got with because I was painfully shy. A lot of face palms and "missed opportunities" lol. So for me there is that fantasy element to being with someone who has dreads and/or tattoos and/or piercings or who is just otherwise "alt" in some way. Posted via Mobile Device
  6. Also depends on what kind of atmosphere or "ambiance" you prefer. I've always been partial to places withh a more laid back atmosphere and not so much the "party" atmosphere. For that reason Pigales has never done much for me. But I guess it's all a matter of tastes and a lot of people seem to like it. Try out Pigales, if you're like me and find it too busy and are looking for something a little more laid back you can always venture across the street and try out Taboo. They're really the only 2 clubs in Gatineau anyway and conveniently located across the street from each other. Posted via Mobile Device
  7. You should take some advice from Bruce Campbell. He can't start his day without waxing his morning wood.
  8. Yeah I hate when that happens too. But thankfully it's not all clubs that discriminate that way. I know for a fact Taboo in Gatineau doesn't discriminate against age. And I think the Playmate in Ottawa doesn't either.
  9. I just saw . A pretty entertaining horror flick. A few too many cheap "jump scares" IMO and visually I found it borrowed a little too much from the tired "found footage" genre (even though it's not actually a found footage movie)......but those are minor complaints.....overall I thought it was a pretty interesting and different take on the whole werewolf mythos.
  10. I've always had a huge crush on Linda Hamilton in pretty much any stage of her career. Yes, even in T2. Even though in that movie she looked like she would probably just pistol whip me before proceeding to throw me around the bedroom and have her way with me....leaving me lying in the corner, naked, shaking and traumatized in the fetal position (....but honestly, that's probably part of the appeal lol) And in her more feminine, demure and cute roles, she's just absolutely charming. She's made some unwatchable movies and tv shows VERY watchable ;)
  11. A little Indy horror-comedy called "Teeth" - it's billed as "the most alarming, cautionary tale for men since Fatal Attraction". I found it to be twisted and hilarious and oh so entertaining. Harper and Mackay would just LOVE this one lol.
  12. No offense intended but I can't help but feel that that's pretty irresponsible advice to be giving folks. Just ignoring it and hoping it goes away doesn't do much good in my experience. It may eventually be as you're stating here, just one of those laws that LE doesn't even pay attention to (if there even such a thing). But as is the case when any new law passes....you can bet your ass LE officials will be pressured to "make a few examples".... whether they want to or not. And with all the press this bill has been getting so far....you can expect those examples to be given press coverage as well. The conservatives are going to want to show off their "win" after all. Those caught will be charged as "sex offenders" and portrayed as such. Put in the same bucket as pedophiles and rapists. In my opinion it'll be this way for the first little while at least until all the public attention dies down and it becomes "old news".....then maybe LE will start looking the other way. My advice to gentlemen would be to start collecting the numbers or email addresses of your favorite ladies now. Any ladies you have not yet met but would like to, I'd suggest contacting them and discussing rates and services NOW before these 30 days are up. Because once this takes effect, the only communication you'll be able to have is to set up a meeting time and place. If I understand correctly, any communication regarding rates and/or services will get your ass handed to you. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I'd rather be paranoid then end up on the front page or the paper, lose my job, and give my poor old grandmother a heart attack lol. Just my 2 cents.
  13. I LOVE Penny Dreadful! That and Hannibal are probably my two favorite shows on right now. Eva Green never fails to blow my mind lol. I thought it was a travesty that she didn't get even nominated for an Emmy for PD. That séance scene.....insane performance! Also really liking the Strain. I found the first couple of episodes to be duds but stuck with it because I had read the books....glad I did. It really picks up about a quarter of the way through the season.
  14. From everything I've been reading about 4K it doesn't really seem to be worth it yet. It seems "most" movies and programming is still in 1080p format....so I think a 1080p tv would still be a wise investment for the time being. Maybe in several years when the majority of things are 4000 pixels it'll then be worth it to get a 4K tv at a lower price. But thanks for the heads up though! Until I read your post I didn't even realize there was such a thing as 4K ......yeah I'm a little behind the times lol. But it's something to consider for a few years down the road. And thanks to everyone else for their tips too!
  15. Thinking of upgrading my television to a 75" jobber. Currently have a 12 year old 50inch tube tv that I'm sitting approximately 9 feet away from with no issues whatsoever. I live in an apt that is set up in such a way that that's the maximum distance I can get from my tv. The new one will obviously be a flat screen, not tube, so I figure that'll add about another foot of distance. Anyone have any input on if 10ft is a good distance to be watching a 75" tv from? I tried looking online for the answer but no luck. Would hate to buy it, have it delivered, only to find out the picture looks like shit 'cause I'm sitting too close lol. Thanks all!
  16. Just saw The Equalizer with Denzel Washington. GREAT movie!! My only real complaints were two scenes which featured 80's action movie clichés, which normally wouldn't bother me because I love those types of movies.....but in this case they felt kind of forced and unnatural considering the rest of the movie takes itself seriously and isn't like an 80's action movie at all. But overall, aside from those 2 minor moments, it was a great time at the movies!
  17. In my experience, on average you're looking at a $20-30 bump for an outcall. Which isn't really a big deal. One thing that to keep in mind and I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet, but if doing this type of electronic funds transfer before hand, make sure it's with a reputable, trustworthy SP (and there are a lot of them). Either someone you've met before and have a rapport with or someone with a lot of recommendations/reviews. Otherwise it would be way too easy for someone to just take your money and not show up.
  18. A few years back I did see one of my regular SP's on my birthday. And I did get a little surprise present waiting for me when I got there (nothing service related though). Just something she'd gone out of her way to get for me which touched me. During our session she did fulfill a particular fantasy of mine but she would have done that anyway. My Bday had nothing to do with it. Here's the thing though. When booking I never mentioned it was my birthday nor did I ask for any special treatment. She knew it was my birthday because there was one of those "Happy Bday Castle" threads started that day here on cerb....so a couple hours before our appointment she went out and got a little something for me. Personally, and these are just my feelings, no judgments here, but as an adult I would feel very uncomfortable, asking for, or expecting any kind of special treatment on my Bday, I stopped doing that when I was about 12 lol. I wouldn't ask that from anyone from family, friends, or coworkers, let alone SP's. Posted via Mobile Device
  19. Not trying to stir the pot or anything but in defense of the OP, he just said he was looking for a recommendation for a great bbbj....he never mentioned "the best".
  20. I thought that whole thing was so ridiculous. They're afraid of children seeing something as natural and nurturing as a female breast on a movie poster but apparently a handgun (whose only purpose is to murder other human beings) is perfectly fine. I'm not opposed to handguns being used in action movies but their logic kind of escapes me in this instance lol.
  21. This being the "summer blockbuster" season I thought it would be interesting to talk about some smaller, lesser known or "Indy" films that are coming up soon. The ones I'm most looking forward to are: The Salvation - A Danish western starring Mads Mikkelsen and Eva Green. I'm a western junkie and this one looks great! - A Canadian horror-comedy. This just looks like a blast! One of those "leave your brain at the door" kind of movies. Harkening back to the "grindhouse" days of cinema, with maybe a touch of Teen Wolf thrown in for good measure (the movie, not that awful tv show lol). Warning, the link is to a gory R-rated "redband" trailer. - Black comedy with Michael Keaton playing a washed up movie star who was known for playing a superhero called Birdman, and his career went to shit after he left the role (sound familiar? lol). Some definite autobiographical undertones with this one. Looks pretty damn entertaining. - Lastly, another western. A Japanese remake of the Clint Eastwood classic. A combination of the western and samurai movie genres. It was released last year but I don't think it's been released this side of the pond yet. Seems like an interesting take! So are there any lesser known or smaller scale movies you fine folks are looking forward to or have seen recently?
  22. Currently working my way through the books. So definitely looking forward to it! Anything with Eva Green grabs my attention.....not even so much because of her physical appearance but because she is a crazy talented actress. HUGE fan of hers.
  23. A shark grows legs and proceeds to run around singing songs and eating everything in sight. My day is officially complete.
  24. Bought my first tablet a few days ago. Just the experience of being able to watch porn in bed has made the purchase worth every penny lol. I'll tell you what, it's a hell of a lot more comfortable than jerking off at my computer :p (Yes I know I could have also gotten a laptop but those blasted things hate me.)
  25. I can attest to this fact. I was literally in awe of her skills! Truly, she delivers a jaw dropping experience (no pun intended) ;)
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