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Nicolette Vaughn

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Nicolette Vaughn

  1. Happy birthday beautiful and thank you for your bright light. Hope you have a good one! Xo
  2. Spent all afternoon to fold all that laundry in my other room, put it all away then got brave and decided to go through my walk in closet and take out this! It had been stacked at the back of the closet so now I have to go through it. My once clean minimalist room is now filled with clothes all over the bed. Sigh
  3. Booked my Bermuda trip for winter and at a great rate as well! Additional Comments: 4 of my lotto max numbers came up again and the same thing happened 2 or 3 weeks ago. :)
  4. An unwanted eyebrow situation that I just resolved. Never screw with perfection. My eyebrows are back to normal.
  5. A lottery ticket and actually BEING CARDED for it! The guy's jaw dropped when he saw my actual age on my driver's license. LMAO. Yes I look youngER but not that young. And the cashier guy who was asking me was young himself. What a nice way to end the day. :)
  6. Women in this business who are fake bait and switchers attempting to make fake appts with me. After doing a google search on their number which shows all BP ads and then after doing a google reverse image, their pictures are actually of other SPs from Europe. They must think I'm pretty special after attempting to contact me numerous times. Maybe I can give them some business advice. Yes I will just jump at the chance to meet them.
  7. A special day today... a high school graduation... several awards won and scholarships provided. Pre med here you come! I'm so proud! I will miss them greatly when they go in September.
  8. Happy birthday Jafo105! I hope you have a good one!
  9. Regretting my recent eyebrow wax lol. It's itchy as all....and the redness. Where is my green makeup crayon?!
  10. Hydroquinone and a perscription from my dermatologist for Retin A. The holy grail for reducing wrinkles and sun damage. Lol
  11. Sitting in my vehicle in a parking lot ( my favourite relaxing thing to do) with the wind blowing in my hair and listening to Abraham Hicks.
  12. Being able to have time today to do what I want and catch up on the things I need to do around my place that I've had on my list. Changed the toner in my hair back to ashy blonde which suits me much better than light buttery blonde. Drank what was left of that margarita in a can that has been sitting in my fridge for 2 weeks. Lol. Those taste really good!I have too many bottles of wine and champagne at my house and none of it is opened. Lol.
  13. I don't advertise as much as I used to but I try and gear my target market to those who will want to read my website. One day I did a test... I put an ad with no pictures with moderate but not too lengthy verbage along with my website link. Those who contacted me told me they read my website and took the time to introduce themselves and went from there. They were intrigued. Many of these clients are regulars of mine today. In my personal experiences, people who look at websites and take the time to read them are in the minority. What most want to see nowadays are the pictures and how much an escort's rates are. The "rates, services, location?" type messages are all too common now. What I've started doing is taking a screenshot of my rates page and putting it in with the pictures if I have to advertise on BP which is rare now. Then I'm not inundated with rate questions and low ballers. Websites are great to have and they should be clean, clear and concise to the visual eye. It gives a better indication to gentlemen before meeting that you're professional in your business. You can be professional without a website but I've found that not having one in the past and having one can make all the difference. It separates you from all the massive amounts of ads we see nowadays on various sites. Men take note of that even though it may not seem like it but it definitely lends credibility and presence to the person advertising. I have done a few of my own websites and a few for other ladies and they were all professional looking which received many compliments from their clients.
  14. A lovely late afternoon/early evening with someone special.
  15. I will nominate you for starting the most entertaining thread and drama of the year. Thank you for making me laugh so much when I've had the time to read here. This thread is a joke. You would NEVER have what it would take to be a real Dom because professional doms will always respect their participant. Clearly you don't respect women at all. I would run from you.
  16. Well she does have a crown next to her name above and so do I. We are definitely princesses in our right. Lol. Honey you belong on the red pill site over on Reddit. You will have more sympathy from the women haters over there. Have a wonderful weekend!
  17. Happy belated birthday Barbara. Hope you had a good one!
  18. Resentful of women here, hating on women specifically service providers and misogyny all in your last post. Could you be any more blatant about it? You hate women who make more money than you. Cry me a river and get over it! You like submissive women and can't handle the fact that there are women who do have opinions and a voice especially in this business. I feel sorry for you. ..personally your opinions don't matter to me. The fact that you have gone out of your way to put down members here speaks volumes. Dont be upset when you find yourself alone in threads that you decide to generate. No one will want to partake because you're not capable of having a civil discussion without having to resort to name calling, etc. Don't get so riled up about it. Life is too short for being hateful and envious. Peace out sweetheart. Sincerely, Princess J ( my alter ego)
  19. I don't need to convince you of anything. Nor do I need to justify anything to you. Having been in business for years, I can tell you that there isn't a demand for male escorts. Now if you were to try your hand at massage, women enjoy that. Comparing a male escort's demand to a female escort's demand is like comparing apples and oranges. They are completely different. You are not going to have the same type of demand. No one is stopping you and you don't need anyone's approval. It's a niche market. No one is focusing on the negative. The point I was trying to make was that we wear many hats just as other people in other jobs deal with as well. I have many great clients but remember that there is also a trade off as we put our health and safety at risk. Obviously I am still here because of the freedom this line of works gives me and I am my own boss. I also minimize my risk as much as I can. I have spent countless hours building and maintaining a clientele. Yes it is rewarding but building a clientele takes time, money and effort. I didn't start off that way. Are you going to tell me just because I'm an escort that it's sooo easy because it really doesn't take a lot of effort? Our job doesn't end when the client leaves. Also remember the stigma attached to our job? You never took that into consideration or the way some men behave towards women disrespectfully or in a condescending way? But you know what? There are many more great guys out that I've met in comparison to those who secretly hate women and resent us. This is why I'm still here. The tone of your post sounds resentful almost as if we are living this high life without having to put much effort in and that we are complaining about it. I consciously chose many years ago to get into this line of work and it has helped me in many ways and for that I am grateful so don't insinuate that I'm complaining which is very offensive. Until you walk in our shoes for a day, you have no idea. It's not your typical type of job and I don't mean that in a negative way. Best of luck to you.
  20. The difference between men and women is that we don't have a penis that dominates us! Lol. Men in general are definitely critical of women's appearances so how would it feel to deal with someone in a session that you didn't feel attracted to? There really isn't a market for male escorts because women can get it for free whenever they want. This is the reality. Women are built differently than men in all aspects especially when it comes to sex. They are not out looking to get a "release" for lack of better words. I agree with the other ladies. This business isn't easy and although I have great clients and let some go along the way for whatever reason, it certainly isnt a cakewalk. Laundry is my second job along with housekeeper. When people think we just lay on our backs and make lots of money, it's laughable. There is so much that goes into just being a companion. And not just a companion where you just grab their money and treat the client like a product in a factory line and gone in 10 minutes. I'm taking about building a clientele that keeps returning and that can go on for years. We also sacrifice a lot of things and deal with a lot of bullshit as well. That's why we get paid the big bucks. I enjoy what I do but just to point out, nothing is ever easy.
  21. A high school graduation gift for a special young lady who was accepted into various top ranked universities in Canada and other parts of the world for pre med. I'm very proud of her!!
  22. I just wanted to wish the Father's on this site a happy Father's day!
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