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Everything posted by cat

  1. Darling Urban Cowboy, Your's is not an uncommon complaint and there are things you can do on top of the steps you've already taken that will change the way you handle the tidal wave of work you deal with on a daily basis! I don't suggest a little blue pill at your age as it's better to address the underlying issues first. The first is your health... Before you start blaming testosterone, you should look at adrenal fatigue. Adrenaline is one of the life hormones without which all other hormones fail. Google it and you will see that stress will exhaust your adrenals and it can be reversed simply. You are already doing some of the necessities but adding a adrenal supplement such as Adrenal Stress End from iHerb.com. http://www.iherb.com/Enzymatic-Therapy-Fatigued-to-Fantastic-Adrenal-Stress-End-60-Capsules/2158#p=1&oos=1&disc=0&lc=en-US&w=adrenal%20supplement&rc=206&sr=null&ic=15 I recommend this supplement wholeheartedly! Also don't rely on your MD to be able to identify if your adrenals are actually struggling unless it's life threatening. The scale which they compare to doesn't recognize an under active adrenal unless it is almost completely shut down. If this supplement and lifestyle changes doesn't help then go to see a bioidentical hormone specialist. The tests these MD's start with are not covered by OHIP but their subsequent visits are. These doctors, imo are the only doctors trained to treat us in a holistic wellness mode. Traditional MD's and Endocrinoligists simply do not receive the training needed to understand the orchestral integration of hormones in our day to day lives. If you would like more information about doctors in Ottawa, pm me. Whatever you do, DON'T TAKE SYNTHETIC HORMONES. Insist they prescribe bioidentical. They may try to tell that the natural isn't safe, consistent or effective but if you do the research you'll see that the risks of synthetic far outweigh the benefits. The second issue at hand is time management! For this I would strongly recommend three books read in this order... 1. Getting Things Done by David Allen. There is also software that can be added to your MS Office and free tutorials online to help you habituate yourself to stress free productivity. This book has changed my life. 2. The 80/20 Principle by Richard Koch. This principles in this book should be taught from kindergarten forward. Amazing! 3. The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss. You will either love this book or hate it but either way it will change the way you look at how you spend your time. Most non-medical ED sufferers ignore the actions they could take to alleviate their symptoms and reach for a quick fix but trust me, it isn't the answer and will only worsen over time. Educate yourself on the real issues at hand and then rectify them... cat
  2. CERB's very own Luxe Mulvari! http://www.luxemulvari.com smiles, cat
  3. Darling Old Dog, You officially hang out with us SPs WAY TOO MUCH! This is hilariously too accurate! You are the only man I know that can take the chaos that is our day and make it something that makes me spew my wine out my nose and giggle thru the burn! kisses, cat
  4. Cats are always around, even when you don't see them often! Look for the sunniest spot in the house and there she'll be, soaking up the rays and watching you to see if you are going to come and give her a scratch. ;) My email is always active and answered! smiles, cat p.s. Having met SPJ, I'd for her as well! WOW, what a delicious ball of angora!!!
  5. Luxe Mulvari! http://www.luxemulvari.com... smiles, cat
  6. I find it interesting that no ladies have chosen to respond here. Perhaps it's because they share my view about cybersexing with new clients; it's a no no. 99.9% of the requests are complete wastes of huge amounts time. Just my experience. Not something imo to be encouraged with a provider you haven't met yet, it will most probably leave a most bitter taste on her tongue. If this is something a man craves, he should seek out a cam girl... cat
  7. Does without an orgasm count? I went 8 years during my 20's. I had a battery addiction and couldn't orgasm with a clitoral stimulation of a vibrator. After a house fire I didn't replace my toys but it took 8 years for a vaginal orgasm to finally happen. I only use power toys sparingly now... cat
  8. ROTFL! I remember the a la carte days all too clearly! A hh was a bj ONLY $150, 1 hr was 1 sog ONLY $260 and then the fun started! Want a blowjob too? That's an extra $100. Want her top off clothes off? Extra $50! Panties too? Add another $50! You want kisses? $100 more. With tongue? $50 please. You want DATY? That's $100. That's $710/hr. BBBJ? The girls that offered it, it was an extra $500, no cim. Greek? I charged $100 per inch girth and $50 per inch length. And this was agency policy no less! All inclusive is an industry term that means you are going to get a bj/fs with nudity imho. The fact we add in kissing, daty, msogs and other extras is bonus. The internet allows women without any kind of industry training to work and many don't have the common sense of a breath mint so they give it all up for pennies on the dollar and that is their choice. But this business has a way of catching up with them. They get used up, spit out, it shows quickly and they feel it. Every experience SPs take part in has a cost/benefit ratio, whether the hobbyists chose to acknowledge it or not. There is no such thing as no restrictions, all inclusive. A woman's body can't sustain that kind of wear and tear. We place a premium on the things that we know have a physical cost or pace ourselves accordingly via pricing and service packages... cat
  9. This is my career. I didn't start out thinking it would be but it is the path that I have stayed on. I have had times where I left and explored what the rest of the world lives like and I have always chosen to return because I just don't fit in the square world and I'm good with that. It started out as a means to an end when I was 18 but when I returned years later, again as a means; the end was a very long way off so I put on my big girl panties and made a commitment to honour my responsibilities and I'm not yet there and still here. I now realize that even if I won the lottery tomorrow, I would still entertain. It justifies in my mind what I spend on lingerie, shoes, nails and scotch! Joking aside, like Jessica I am not a good monogamous SO and I recognize that. My work allows me to stay balanced and whole while taking care of those that I love... cat
  10. There is no way to separate the two and there are already effective laws on the books for both. Human trafficking is trafficking whether it's for a field worker, house keeper, machine operator or sex worker. No need to change them, simply enforce them. If anything, our trafficking laws victimize the sex worker even more. They are arrested, held in detention then deported while still owing the broker that brought them in for the visa and other costs which they will never be able to pay off once they are back home. And in all honesty the numbers used to support changing the human trafficking laws are so outlandish it's staggering. Once again the Steven Harper gov't proves how truly out of touch they are... cat
  11. I love good porn, I really do. I have a file of J/O material and loads to stimulate any and all inclinations but I have actually only used it with 1 client on 2 occasions. Why don't I use it? My official party line is that I don't need it. If I need porn to get a client onboard then I'm doing something wrong. I don't have a tv in my playspace or my massage studio because once I have a guest in there, I want to have his entire focus on what we are doing, not some fake moans and bad soundtracks in the background. The reality is I'm already ADD, bring a tv into the mix with anything on it and I will get distracted. When I am focused it is magical, anything less is a waste of my time and his money... cat
  12. For me, a racing pulse is stirred more by the tone than the words themselves. The velvet purr combined with hot moist words delivered anywhere near my neck area will send shivers throughout my body and goosebumps appear in the most delicate places. Whispers first of want, then carnal need primes me for the action to follow. Words with hard C's seem to ring my bell more than soft s's. The one thing that really doesn't work for me is being commanded to come more than is humanly possible. If you are here for a play date, know that I will come as my body allows and doesn't follow direction of that nature. The words "Come for me again" dries me out quicker than a sun shower lasts in Arizona... cat
  13. Lock, Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, Snatch and Rock'n Rolla are my all time marathon faves. X-men, Shameless, Dr Who, Angelina's Hackers, Girl Interrupted, Tomb Raiders and Salt. Oceans 11 thru all of them! I also love to fall into TedX series... cat
  14. 15 minuets isn't long enough to get to know you enough to know whether or not we should actually be naked together. I have a 2 hour minimum for a reason. If it isn't fun for me then I'm not playing. I do understand there are those on a limited time frame but I genuinely believe that they never get out the door in 15 mins thus they should take a 30 min option offered by those providers that specialize in in shorter visits. I just don't get 15 min sessions... cat
  15. A more efficient method is to leave a message with appropriate times to call back or a DO NOT CALL AFTER time. Not leaving a message leaves a question mark. Providers often get ripped online for not returning calls so they may assume you need a call back. Just leave a detailed message about what is acceptable in your particular case and it saves everyone in the end... cat
  16. Authenticity in everything I do. It's what I strive for; to stay in the moment, feel it, taste it, smell it and not think, just do no matter what I may be doing... cat
  17. I don't think assumptions about his motivations are necessary. His inquiry isn't that off base as I have had young female providers ask me the very same question because they couldn't understand how I could command double what they asked and book more calls than they did. It's comes from the naive view that great sex is only for the young by the young and is a belief held until one day you look in the mirror and you're not young anymore but still sexual! Let's allow him the opportunity to grow a little bit in the awareness that great sex is ageless and starts in the brain, not the body... cat
  18. An interesting question, I look forward to this discussion! I'm mature and have no issue knowing what my time and service is worth. Every guest has an ideal provider in mind, some prefer younger providers because they are more visual; others prefer a woman who has experience and can take an encounter into deeper connection territory. Age has nothing to do with what a provider considers fair when it comes to considerations; clients determine what they want and decide if the fee is worth the service they are looking for. Obviously there are enough men out there that realize maturity brings a certain element to the equation that is worthy of their patronage... cat
  19. Or she lost her virginity at 12 and considers the early start "experience"... cat
  20. Perhaps it's because we are bashed everywhere! The problem is that if a provider doesn't want these kind of details "out in the open" then it shouldn't be anywhere for any reason. I don't care if you are getting pm requests, if your provider doesn't want that information disclosed you are betraying her trust by doing so even in a pm. If she doesn't want that information in her reco then she doesn't want it discussed and shouldn't be in pm or a private area. It's one thing to have information exchanged between hobbyists but please know that it's easy for someone to disguise themselves as a client and collect info on a provider then have it used against them in a child custody case etc. My concern isn't about the bashing, it's about the open availability of information that could cause irreparable harm in one's personal life. I am a prime example. My work was used against me in a custody case and I lost my daughters. Not because I was an unfit mother but because I was a sex worker and details clients discussed were read in open court in front of my daughters who were all minors at the time. There is one detailed review out there and by the time I knew it existed it was already framed on my parents dining room wall for my children to have to see every time they sat down to eat. It is why there is so little out there on me. Discussing services that are offered but not publicized is a no no anywhere. Bash me all you want but don't ever discuss what I do behind closed doors... cat
  21. He clarified himself. I always assume the best until someone shows me differently. Who would worry about hobbying if he thought his wife was a piece of shit... cat
  22. There are 2 sides to everything! 2 labia minor, 2 outer labia, 2 breasts, 2 ass cheeks, 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 lips, and perhaps 2 arms, 2 legs... But only one brain and you have to get past that to get to the 2's that bring the pleasure to the equation. The brain is the most important thing to seduce, follow the rules set by the grey matter and you're on your way to the centre of pleasure! Otherwise, there is always fleshlights... cat
  23. Just a suggestion, include whatever contact info you used previously... cat
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