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Everything posted by Kubrickfan

  1. Agreed. A lot of people don't particularly like their jobs but can speak with a high level of expertise and insight about those jobs. That being said, it may bring a bit more negativity to what you have to say on the topic.
  2. Very, very sad ... I wonder if she was having trouble getting a summer clerkship because of her past life. Probably a pretty complicated story.
  3. All of the above (smile). I can understand if a lady doesn't want to show her face or other identifying marks.
  4. Very sorry to hear this. Did she finish law school?
  5. Knowing a little something about the principles involved, the police are perfectly justified in continuing to shoot until the immediate threat is eliminated. Even if he is on the ground, or upside down for that matter, if he is holding the gun and its pointed in the general direction of the police, that's an immediate threat and it must be eliminated. Assuming the police dont have physical control of the guy, the only way to do that is to direct fire at the guy until he drops or lowers the gun. You cant wait for the guy to take the first shot, or the wrong person is going to get shot and possibly killed. Although I admit its besides the point, the guy that got shot was apparently a known violent gang member who had been in prison multiple times. Then he shows shows up bopping around with a handgun (strictly illegal in the UK) and threatens the police with it. The UK and the world is better off without him. And as to the riots, although it might be interesting debating why they are occuring, doing it in the context of rationalizing the behavior based on police actions here, or because of class envy, or whatever, is a really really bad idea and it serves to somehow justify the behavior, making it more likely to happen again. It wouldn't matter to me if the police lined up 10 people and shot them because of their race ... still not justified. Never justified, as SA implies, in a properly functioning republic.
  6. I don't think this has anything to do with a genuinely political issue. It's a bunch of kids and lowlifes that think they can get away with it because the UK police are traditionally (and almost laughably) light handed in dealing with these sorts of issues. It will likely stop as soon as these people see there is a definite price to pay in terms of pain and jail time. Already seems to be better once there was a larger police presence last night.
  7. Welcome and this is good to hear. As you are new around these parts, can you explain any more about what your basis is for saying this?
  8. Very sad ... why not at least try to re-locate nearby? Is that completely out of the question?
  9. I haven't noticed any difference at all. Usually somthing like this is an introductory rate in my experience.
  10. SA -- Glad to hear you got to know Bridgette ... she's a wonderful young lady.
  11. When I first came to cerb, it was a review/message board that focused a bit more on Ottawa than the other boards although terb was popular as well. At first, things were a bit slow and there were a lot of shills or anti-shills (posters who were just knocking other ladies or agencies). Its now turned into a great resource, but I have to admit I tend to cross reference the reviews/recommendations with the other boards for a reality check. The general discussion board is (for the most part ... smile) very enjoyable and the board administrators have done a fantastic job of making this a very user-friendly place. And the posters here have been saint-like in sharing very valuable information.
  12. Samantha -- I am very sorry to hear of your loss, but you should take a great deal of solace from the fact that you provded a tremendously important element to his life at a time when he undoubtably needed that. It sounds like he cared for you as well. As a client, its hard not to have feelings for the ladies that I have seen and had the good fortune to get to know a bit. News like that would affect me tremendously, and I hope something like that, in fact, is a bit hard to handle as it demonstrates that you are good person.
  13. Thx Cato... Can't wait to get back to town to visit the ladies at Barbs.
  14. Ahhh ... So this is really a book tour. (smile) Now I understand!
  15. You have every right to your opinion, but I don't think that some of the guys who have spoken up have anything to apologize for. There's a lot of very good stuff here, but some of the guys posting here (and I would include myself in this group) are responding the way they are as they are likely getting a little fed up with the recent negative comments about how "many" of us (or is it "most" of us ... Smile) are objectifying women or are otherwise being jerks. That's a lot of baloney IMO and we have the track records here to prove it.
  16. Usually dictated by travel, and that means Mon-Thurs.
  17. "First you forget names, then you forget faces, then you forget to pull up your zipper and, finally, you forget to pull it down." George Burns
  18. Every new encounter is quite unique, and its really enjoyable getting to know the person a bit during the pre-communication back and forth. Most of the ladies I have met are very, very attractive and sensuous women ... how can a guy not like that? I have met women with wonderful personalities, others with eyes of an angel, and legs and figures that I could look at endlessly. But most of all, there has to be a sense of connection, gained through communication, that makes things really special.
  19. Sugar -- Money and discounts are sensitive topics around here. You are asking good questions and you have nothing to apologize for. For instance, some of the best known agencies offer lower incremental rates for multiple hour visits and also "introductory" rates for newer ladies or for members of some of the message boards. When you are new, its about "marketing." (smile) That doesn't necessarily mean discounts, but its certainly not unheard of. That being said, there is a lot of wisdom here from the guys and ladies on what the right approach is ... just make good decisions and stay safe!
  20. "Naked and ready" ... smile ... just kidding. For an incall visit, which is a bit unusal for me, I'd prefer more clothing on the first visit (just to help the formalities of meeting a new person) and ... maybe ... less clothing later.
  21. I have been on a cruise vacation, but never have I smoked.
  22. Late to this thread, as usual. I think many are over-analyzing the original poster's question ... to me, "preferred customer status" or whatever you call it, is really nothing more than a technique to market one's services. All the points about not bargaining, and not asking for discounts, are quite valid, but that doesn't mean a lady, or an agency, shouldn't offer whatever "value proposition" they feel is necessary to get business. I treasure the relationships I have made here, but after all, this is ... at the margin ... a market for buying and selling services.
  23. Many thanks for all the information. Sounds like a lot of fun ... I'll take a close look!
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