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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. Don't worry about wearing a wig if need be. There's a few girls here that wear them to change their look up. Short hair is sexy too though!
  2. Doesn't really matter where you go, the ratio of men to women is huge. And many women go to dating sites to get away from the endless pickup lines and day to day advances for sex they already get. Or they want a hiking/camping/biking partner and sex is not a major focus for them. So the ones that do want to get fucked are absolutely inundated with 100's of sex starved guys looking for a free piece and they have to filter quickly through all of that to find the 0.1% of those they might find appealing. It's a serious uphill climb for the boys unless you're a real hottie ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  3. You're right, I hate that you had to find out this way - but it's true. And I'm using you again to bump the thread so you may need another tissue...
  4. In the spirit of giving I will definitely share the details...
  5. Not quite desperate enough to post a pic of myself in a bra with a Dante classic covering my face...I'd need something bigger to cover up all the not so hot parts ;)
  6. I don't know the answer to that question. Well I do, but telling you doesn't help my cause. You'll have to wait until the contest is over ;)
  7. Just randomly popped in my head one day as an alternate take on juggernaut, but not being a bugger. Sense that make not does.
  8. Ok, so here's the deal. I've been on this board for a bit and have noticed a few things in my experience. One in particular is that many times, a guy can make a comment on a thread and it can go by relatively unnoticed. If one of the ladies here basically paraphrased the same thought, she would get 80 responses to it telling her how great she is or, in the very least, be told that she's hot. Before you get to thinking I'm going on a rant here...that's totally not the case. Thing is, I got to joking about this to one of the incredibly beautiful and intelligent women here about the subject and I said to her, "You know, the lord God could come down from the heavens and create the perfect post for cerb...and get less views or responses than someone such as yourself announcing that you just farted." What begat from that discussion...was a bet. If this thread can get more response than what she's putting out there, I win. And my prize is good so get your fucking Santa hats on and help a brother out! I was supposed to come up with something intelligent and profound, but fuck it - the only possible way for me to win this is to cheat! Might as well put a poll to this as well - for no other reason than the fact I can. And remember that xmas is all about giving so, please...think of the children...
  9. If you're looking for a nice Christian connection, go try it ;)
  10. Yeah, there's a few other factors you have to take into consideration like length of mortgage, current term, do you see yourself in that same home 15 yrs from now, etc? With the rates as low as they are now and the fact that the first half of your mortgage is where you're paying the majority of the interest, if you can slam as much extra cash on to your mortgage payments now, the end saving will be huge. If you don't have the $25K to pay off the govt when the time comes, redo your mortgage. I'm no financial advisor though, nor do I own a house...so take all that with a grain of salt ;)
  11. She finally cracked the 1000 post barrier - congrats Erin! Each and every one was insightful so please don't stop and keep them coming...the posts too ;)
  12. This looks like one of those really cool and well thought out ideas that will become an epic FAIL. I consider myself quite trusting of new technology and have never had a problem buying stuff online, using my debit card anywhere. But this? It's too niche to catch on IMO - not too many people will trust paying for something through someone's iPhone. Some hacker somewhere has already cracked that fucker open and is selling phonies from Nigeria that will steal every penny you have and dump it into a Swiss bank account. And even if it is foolproof, that's just what a lot of people are going to think! I might use it if I'm totally blasted and need some crack and my crack dealer only takes debit. Especially if he has that 10th purchase being free thing automatically kept track of ;)
  13. I stay the hell away from the whole Mac trend and use PC's/Windows exclusively, but I'll still take the iPod any day. Techy differences notwithstanding, it's the same principle - it has become so ubiquitous that almost everything is designed to work with the iPod. iTunes is a bloated sac on Windows though - but it's good enough.
  14. I thought she was just working out west right now?
  15. Don't worry so much about a gift...the best thing you can deliver is to be polite and respectful, the girls love that. And you sound like the type to be able to provide that, so it's one less thing for you to be anxious about! Same goes for how long you last - don't worry about it. Most girls here are way cool and you'll have a good time chatting and getting to know them before and after the deed is done. And as has been mentioned, if you are done that quick, you'll probably be back to full mast in no time for some more soon after. Although that might be one thing to clarify beforehand - some girls may restrict you to one shot.
  16. Oh yeah, the Walkman...I must have owned a half-dozen of those things with amazing technological features like auto-reverse so you didn't have to flip that ultra long 90 min tape over, song skip where you pushed a button and the tape fast forwarded to the next moment of silence (whirr, whirr, whirr), or even a mini graphic equalizer on the outside of the case. Then there was the Discman that gave you the ability to listen to a CD on the go provided you didn't shake, jiggle or move the unit in any way whatsoever. I've been holding off upgrading my iPod to a Touch or iPhone until they come out with one that will carry all my tunes. There's a little more than 90 mins in my collection now ;) Might still take a few years before they come out with the 256GB iPhone. I don't know why it's so important to me though, I spend more time trying to figure out what I'm going to listen to than I do actually listening to it. They are fucking amazing though, can't believe how far things have come along in just 10 years. Anyone remember the Sticky Fingers 8-track that switched tracks halfway through a song??
  17. Her ad from today says brown hair. So if this rec is from an earlier time, that would be understandable.
  18. Maybe if you changed your parameters slightly to include small breasted women as well? I mean really, the object is to experience deep throat right?? Now if you were looking for someone to provide tit fucking, that's a different story ;)
  19. Maybe send him a pm to get rates and services, I hear he's quite reasonable ;) Posted via Mobile Device
  20. No it was not a good writeup, the article and quotes were not condoned. There was a thread regarding this earlier which appears to have been removed because of that.
  21. This was posted on the other board that starts with T as well. Naomi is all too correct however...it is the internet and there is no such thing as discretion and privacy once something gets out there. It would probably make sense to delete or at least modify the thread, but I for one do not believe that this will bring any additional attention to LE. One other note - anyone who ever thought the Sun was a real paper at any time should know better. It's garbage and always has been. It is published in a tabloid format for a reason - because it is one.
  22. But Erin, what's a vag? Is that what the cool kids are calling their purses these days? I kid, I kid...
  23. That's not vanity, that's just feeling good about being appreciated. It turns us boys on as well to feel wanted ;)
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