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Everything posted by buggernot

  1. Good point Annessa, and I highly doubt people go out of their way in pursuit of an award. And if they do, it would be quite transparent. Then again, John Q Public has proved in all sorts of elections that an empty shell with a silver tongue can bullshit their way in to win ;) Not the case here though, especially for you since it looks like you're going to take the prize and deservedly so! Posted via Mobile Device
  2. Nice how you managed to quote someone that fixed an election hehehe ;) And good to see that your voting ratio has spiked with the new code forcing people to view the thread and take part. On another totally unrelated note, I'd also like to welcome some new cerb members that have joined recently - CrackLover, High_times, and igotahangover...we're all eagerly awaiting your contributions!
  3. You sure know how to turn on the ladies! Ah I kid, I'd be interested to know as well ;)
  4. This thread was started a year ago, might not be the same person...unless you know?
  5. Woo-hoo! I can still get my crack!
  6. On the flipside, I get weirded out when someone calls me by name in the throes of passion. Even with a girlfriend. One time I was with a sp and it was our 4th or 5th meeting. We were chatting and she wanted to put my ph# in her phone so we could get together socially another time. So she starts entering the info and pauses, saying to me, 'Oh my god, please don't hate me but....' To which I responded with a giggle, 'You don't remember my name, do you?' I introduced myself the first time we met, but that was the only time my name was mentioned. Anyways, we went upstairs and started playing and at one point she was moaning when out came my name. Freaked me right the fuck out, I don't what it is but I HATE that...call me baby or sweetie, please! But that's just me, everyone's different and I think it's the same for casual intros and conversation. Different strokes.... Posted via Mobile Device
  7. There's an F-bomb award? That's fucking bullshit, I want that mother fucker too! What the fuck do I have to do to get that shit? Guess I'll never know, fuck... YoungStud, I am disappointed that you're not getting the credit you deserve here, but I guess that's just the way things are for now. I blame the DoobDude, his influence has tainted your persona forever ;)
  8. If you're contacting someone for the first time, nicknames are not appropriate. Yeah it's harmless and can be perceived as sweet, but you never know how it will be taken. I have this love/hate relationship with girls calling me "love". Like, "I can do that for you, love" or "Yes, love". On the one hand it reminds me of my English roots and gets me nostalgic, on the other it makes me think that hey, I don't know you that well for you to be calling me that since it isn't so common to hear. But again, it's still harmless so no big deal...
  9. I think there have been 2 overreactions to this, one by each party. I have not gone back to review everything that was said, but I saw no problem in the initial post by the mod that drew the criticism. There were some points made about the reality of many women that enter in to this world, and in no way did that appear to be a blanket statement or even meant to be derogatory to the ones being referred to - it was simple truth. Perhaps there was a quote I missed somewhere, but the mod has typically been a very credible and knowledgable advocate for sex workers in general... Posted via Mobile Device
  10. I don't think a girl saying no to a 3rd shot with 10 mins left is disrepectful at all. Yeah, you should get the time you paid for, but these aren't machines you're dealing with. Out of that 10 mins, how much time were you allotting for her to get dressed and clean herself up a bit afterwards? Or have a polite exchange to say thanks for coming and good-bye? Should that be outside of the hour? I wonder where the disrespect came in...
  11. I think the subject of professionalism and common sense has been brought up a few times before and I'll always come back to the same thing - some people are just plain retarded. They'll never get it and they never will. My boss will bring her iPhone into a meeting, browse Facebook, text her friends, and all the while she won't be paying any attention to what's going on (not that she'd have a clue anyways). She'll take people away who are extremely busy with what they are doing to help her do what is essentially her job, because she fucks around all day and forgets about deadlines. Then she'll have the audacity to take a personal call for 5 mins while that person is sitting there - still not able to do what they're supposed to be doing, or help her do her job which she's no fucking good at in the first place. This woman is in her 40's and has been a manager for over 10 years. And these kind of people are littered about everywhere. She's not even stupid, she just lives in this impenetrable bubble where everything revolves around her, and she'll always be a self-absorbed twat because no one can or will do anything to change it. I don't know who's worse - my boss or the sp that took a call while I was fucking her from behind (not joking). Probably the former because at least I can laugh about the latter ;)
  12. Better your head swells than your butt...now quit drinking and go to bed! ;)
  13. That's all well and good in a perfect world, but not necessarily feasible. If that were the case, I personally would never be able to do business with sp's ever. Like a growing number of people these days, I do not possess a landline. References are another thing that would be great in theory, but not every girl can work like that. Some need to take what comes to them in the moment, and for this they need to rely on their intuition. I think the problem lies when the importance of earning overrides common sense, because pretty much every girl I have ever met that works as a sp knows when to smell a rat. However, needing to make money can blind that logic, and that's when shit happens. I'm not diminishing the importance of sound safety measures, just pointing out that unfortunately not everyone has that luxury. My take in this case is that once it was known that the apartment was different, she probably should have bailed right then and there. If it seems sketchy, it probably is. It would be great to see every thing safe and on the up and up, it's just not realistic that everyone only ever takes calls from 100% guaranteed sources, nor can you denigrate anyone for doing so. I'm not saying it's the same ballpark, but how much would a streetwalker make if she started asking for references? I'm glad that some girls can work within a specific trusted space, but everyone is unique and work with different methods...
  14. Wrekx-N-Effect, eh? Man, I could've sworn by those lyrics it was either Joni Mitchell or Dylan...
  15. Have you considered renting to begin with and then getting a feel for the area before committing to buying? There's lots of little 'pocket' neighbourhoods with decent townhomes that aren't quite downtown, but are actually in the main city of Ottawa - not Barrhaven, Orleans or Kanata. All depends on what you want to spend and what appeals to you. And I'm in Barrhaven and it takes 20 mins to get right downtown from here. Late at night when there's no traffic that is...
  16. That's pretty fucked up, a bit scary no doubt, and definitely someone to be avoided. They don't sound too bright though...sounds like they were hoping it would be easier to rip you off?
  17. That 'kind' of woman with a pierced tongue and/or tats might have been guaranteed interesting 20 years ago - not so much now. These days you can see that on slovenly soccer moms or recent graduates from the nunnery...
  18. I wouldn't perceive anything from it - it is possible that she's 'not finished' after a week, or maybe she has tentative plans for Friday and is giving herself options. If she didn't want your business, she'd probably stop taking your calls altogether. As far as what you should do in the instance when told about the sudden attack of a period, my take would be to stress that it doesn't bother me to have sex at that time. But every girl is different and there will be some that personally think it's gross and won't want to. BJ's and hand-jobs are great and all, but what I need is the physical act of intercourse...without it, I don't feel satiated. Completely different rush of endorphins. A blowjob gives me a lesser feeling not too far removed from wanking to porn at home. I have came from a bj and felt less gratified than not being able to finish while fucking. So I would politely try to see if FS was an option but if not, no doubt I would have done the same as yourself. Might have to see somebody else the next day but, when in Rome...
  19. I just found out my phone allows me to talk to other people using verbal communication. Who would have thought? Here I've been texting and emailing all this time and didn't have a clue...
  20. It is the same Suri, but she is still retired...
  21. I guess for lack of a better term, it is acceptable when the ladies do it because we do accept it. But it wouldn't be right to let the guys post that stuff here. We can PM or go to another board to vent. If that was allowed here, all it takes is a few bitter guys that were canceled on for a legitimate reason to throw a reputable sp's credentials into question. Even if it is for just a moment. If I get canceled on once and am given an explanation why, a second chance is warranted. If it happens the next time, sorry that's it. There's some sp's who operate with the mindset that since they get a fair share of no-shows, then they feel the need to overbook and then it's first come, first serve. New clients will be pushed aside for return customers since they are a proven commodity. Not the best way of doing business from an ethical perspective, but they still get clients and they still make a lot of money. Like anything else, once you've dealt with a few of these girls, they're fairly easy to pick out in the future. Funny thing is, they aren't bad people, they've just been burned too many times in the past with the guys not showing up. It still isn't right to work in that manner, but us guys are stupid and we put up with it...to a point.
  22. I don't want to poop all over this, but I honestly think you might as well be shouting at the referees in the game on the TV screen. And even if you tell an asshole he's an asshole, do you think he cares? Nope...because he's an asshole. Both the sps and clients that do it don't care. That's why they do it in the first place. People who are respectful don't need to be told because they don't pull that shit. It sucks but it won't change. And let's not forget about the guys that do it intentionally because they're trying to discourage competition. It's frustrating - especially for the girls - but unfortunately it's a cost of doing this type of business. Sorry to say it, but it's true...
  23. Yeah, it's important that your wife talks to the sp because it will set the tone for the encounter. The sp might sense some underlying tension that may or may not be there, so if she knows upfront that the wife says she's comfortable with everything, it will make everything go more smoothly. If a guy just tells a sp that yeah, everything's cool and then she catches a look from the wife that could mean something else, it might throw her off.
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