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Everything posted by YoungStud

  1. BJ is the standard abbreviation for a Bachelor of Journalism degree no matter where it's from. And Hons is the standard abbreviation for a Honour's Degree. Never thought of them in another context until now. Lol.
  2. I think there's a John Belushi line from Animal House that goes something like "Expelled as a sophomore! Damn it, there goes eight years of college right down the drain." Seriously, congrats Justin! Sounds like you have a plan and there's already some excellent suggestions that have been made.
  3. In the 16 years since then, there have been some other studies, http://www.guttmacher.org/pubs/journals/3109405.html which show failure rate is much lower among experienced users than newbies. Stats on breakage rates seem to vary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condom#Causes_of_failure Interesting that there seems to be so few recent studies on this.
  4. Independents do more work but they make more money. Dealing with jerks as clients as an independent or dealing with jerks at agencies as an escort could require pretty much the same amount of energy. You know how well your first experience with an agency worked out Suri. So good luck in the future if you go that route.
  5. Excellent review! Always looking for cool redheads.Thanks, Slurp. :rolleyes:
  6. Some people like to talk and some don't. And that can vary from day to day. From a client point-of-view, if you're not very good at it in the "real" world, chances are you won't be very good at in the "artificial" world of escorts, either. (This "floating world" as the Japanese call it.) And from an escort POV, it's totally up to her as to what she feels comfortable with, client to client. Most people, I think, are here for casual sex for fun (I hope for fun, though some may have deeper issues and motives) based on a "user pay" model. If you can also sometimes have a nice chat with a real person while doing that, that's an added bonus.:rolleyes: YMMV.
  7. Cool, thanks. When it comes to women, you gotta love those female orientals. Plus, though I'm down in that area a lot, wasn't aware of the donair place. Always love good donair, so Romeo's is high on my "food to do" list now. :cool:
  8. But more than 90% in another poll on here won't touch an agency. Same mentality? You tell me. Lol.
  9. Hey, when the nose fits, wear it! Or words to that effect. Lol. Y.S.
  10. Mod is now at 1,999 posts! Sometime today I'm sure Mod will cross the 2000 posts threshold. Just wanted to say congrats in advance and thanks for all your many thoughtful, sometimes forcefully made but always necessary and useful comments and rulings. They have played a crucial role in making this board the success that it is. Y.S.
  11. Lots of good ideas here: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AtkpJ6DXGYCWthMpFU8nsLDsy6IX?qid=20061109112123AAe155C
  12. The "CERB style" is that you write what you think reflects your experience, so good job on this one.
  13. Sounds good. Should this be posted in the Recommendations section?
  14. I'm always amazed at how much info CK is able to provide. I'm sure it takes even more time to do that than we think, and so, for his efforts, we should be really grateful.
  15. All good points Antlerman. (Re: your last ones: lol) Additional providers can weigh in here, but from quite a few conversations with escorts over the years, I think there are many more clients than we might expect who are "in and out", so to speak, in under half an hour, no matter what they've paid for, especially the newbies. It's the client's choice, for the variety of reasons already noted, even though the professional providers are always certainly happy to provide a full unit of time to anyone who books it.
  16. Recommendations section is here: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/forumdisplay.php?f=125 They are arranged alphabetically by provider work name. So look under "S" to find "Sasha" and you'll find: http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/showthread.php?ltr=S&t=13770
  17. Had you discussed your adverse reaction to these drugs with your doctor? Might be a good idea if you haven't already done that. She or he might be able to suggest an alternative. Also, having drugs that basically work by changing the contraction rates of blood vessels causing you headaches might be something to have medical advice about with regard to the safety of continued use of those drugs. You ask for something without side effects. Not sure there is such a thing. Drug side effects vary from individual to individual so even other remedies that work fine for others could cause you problems. I know there are some herbal preparations some people say they find useful for the same purposes as Viagra or Cialis but personally haven't tried them. Perhaps those who have could provide some suggestions and links to background information.
  18. I know a number of SPs who say they have clients in the 70s, so you're not that old a dog, Spike. Still time to learn - or do - some new tricks. Lol.
  19. Fair enough. Good first-time review that covers all the key points. Thanks for that.
  20. Of course you're welcome! We're a bit more cautious about Aussies. They can be a bit unpredictable. Lol. Any plans to visit Canuckistan, at some Americans call our fair land, anytime soon?
  21. Personally, for Smiths Falls Chinese, I always prefer Lam's Gardens Buffet & Restaurant over the Lotus House.
  22. On a broader level, it's probably useful to note that any police force or enforcement agency (e.g. CRA, Canadian Border Services, etc.) can go before a judge with probable cause and, if the judge agrees with them, obtain a court order for phone records going back years. There are billions of them on digital file. Every call made on every phone (land-line or cell) in the country. Unlisted numbers, numbers that don't show up on call display, etc. Long distance or local. Doesn't matter. They're all in the phone companies databases. The police or enforcement agencies then just have to tie the records to the illegal activities of one or more individuals to make a case, whatever that case might be. It can't be a "fishing expedition" but documented, focused and targeted probable cause will do the trick for most judges. So, it always pays to be discrete and careful, no matter what you're doing.
  23. I think there are several factors in the trend towards shaved pussies in the escort, massage and dance trade over the past couple of decades 1) desire to avoid crab lice, which, as escorts became more sophisticated about health risks, lead to a hairless pussy (or no more than light landing strip) fashion trend (no place for the little buggers to hide - lol) 2) the constant promotion of pre-pubescent women in mainstream ads and fashion helped promote the "hairless schoolgirl fantasy" (which I'm not into personally but exists on a lot of subtle levels in this business.) 3) the prevalence of shaved pussies in porn (probably for the above two reasons), which is now everywhere, thanks to the Internet and DVDs, and the desire of providers to give their clients the mass-media developed fantasies they expect Personally, shared, bushy or in-between, I loved 'em all as long as they're clean and tasty.
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