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Everything posted by fortunateone

  1. i have a feeling backpage pockets are deep, probably far deeper than the AG of two states. And Prop 60 in California is getting a lot of media attention as porn people are protesting it, lobbying against it, and making sure people get the information that is hidden inside the mandatory condoms in porn scenes highlight. it's going to look more like a moral crusade against adult entertainment for consenting adults and less like rescue/saving missions.
  2. it is true that if there is something that you own the copyright to, it can be easier to get the whole thing whatever it is taken down. and you do own the copyright to all your pics, you never give that away even if you post it on an ad. that's why if contacted about stolen photos, bp for example takes things down immediately, and all sites have a terms of use that include policy regarding stolen photos. as for a defamation suit, i would suggest you google it, it is definitely possible to go thru it, you might find a legal expert who is interested in taking on a case even without being paid as gaining experience in it, or especially in regards to this biz and the associated costs of having defamatory remarks affect someone's escorting business. it has been done, fwiw, so it is definitely possible. a few key words in google might lead you to a Canadian case for example.
  3. Happy belated, Bb. Good to see you again!
  4. They fake booked sps in Calgary, for outcall appts. Then they brag about how upset they were when they arrived, or hostile or 'relieved' apparently because they weren't going to get arrested. Or fined, since i think Calgary fines unlicensed, and i bet they contacted all the unlicensed, they certainly didn't only contact those posting younger ages in the ads, because they 'interviewed' as they put it a 49 year old woman. Barrie also boasting about their success rates, they also apparently do licensing, and i can imagine any sp working without one was freaking out. But look what Winnipeg did. Client arrests, didn't even appear to have spoken or even looked for any coerced or underage sps, but call these regular guys 'exploiters'. They didn't find any 'traffickers', maybe that is because clients typically are not also traffickers.
  5. The case took 3 years to investigate, and the charges indicate that they found 9 (NINE) minors in all that time. doesn't seem to be a hub for underage trafficking at all. and it didn't say whether or not one of those are the fake ad that L E posted on the site. they clearly used the site to find these 9 actual victims, regardless of how few there may be, clearly the site itself led to the discovery and 'rescue' and i assume arrest of real traffickers. But i've also seen voluntary underage sex workers posting their own ads, and having a friend or someone helping them end up getting arrested just for being near them. also other sex workers, like a 20 year old gets arrested because she may not want her 17 year old friend to work alone. all those get thrown into the stats they claim they rescued. In the US, 'rescue' usually means arrest or detaining them. CL was never shut down, they removed the adult section as a form of protest, and learning lesson for all the Attorney Generals. They said, the ads will appear somewhere else, and they were right. Ads were on backpage all during the time of the CL erotic services and adult section postings. Here is an additional article that shows a few of the background investigation and documents they used to make the arrest in the first place, and the charges. there were no charges for 'trafficking', that was a media spin. http://reason.com/blog/2016/10/07/charges-against-backpage-ceo-listed Additional Comments: And i think someone recently reported that a couple of these guys, the charges are being dropped altogether. it is either this case or a case linked to a sting. in the meantime, the two guys got fired from their jobs, because they were tried in the media. US LE gives out names and photos to the news, who then post all that info and all the charges. the problem with that is they are just charges, not convictions, and most of the time there are no convictions.
  6. i don't mind a younger age in years, i mind immaturity. which can be over 50 or under 25, either way, time wasters come in all ages, and so do mature gentlemen. I can't say that a younger sp would have good results with a guy who is also younger, i feel that many under 25s or around 25s are polite and civilized, but then they are dealing with a late 40s provider. This age gap may be the reason they are on best behaviour with us. but i can usually tell in the tone of their voice if they are playing a game or sincere, so i see the sincere guys regardless of age, the gap itself has gone both ways, from clients under 25 to over 75, so age gaps 25 plus years in some cases.
  7. I don't have anything good to say about what these people have done, it just infuriates me. I find the whole concept offensive & a misrepresentation of clients, the industry, and very exploitive to any sps that have died if in any way it related to their work. however, it is not the fault of clients that a killer killed an sp, or that any criminal found an sp to hurt in anyway, just as it isn't the fault of all men that some men are killers & rapists and thieves.
  8. On backpage, the sp can't post their email or their website link, so if you see the ad has pro level photos, contact her and ask does she have a website. Chances are this sp will have her Reply feature turned on, so you can contact by email, so she can send her website that way. she may not include her phone number, for example, to ensure you have to contact her that way and get the website first. if she has a phone #, and wants texts, she might respond with her site. I find that great pics are not always a sign of fake pics, but that the sp is legit with a site and rep, but the restrictions of backpage means she can't show you that with a site link. if the pics are more casual, whether she has a site or not, chances are people will assume the pics are real, i imagine. You can google the phone number, and see what comes up. An sp who is not fully sketchy advertises in multiple places, so you should see the number linking to other ads and other ad sites. be wary of the single ad sp, it's not a complete red flag, but it might be something to be concerned about. even fake pics doesn't mean the sp is fully sketchy. A thief, and ignorant about copyright protection, and there is always an excuse about how their family is going to recognize the neck to knee body shot is them, but i've seen good reviews of sps with stolen pics, so who knows.
  9. I remember Montreal agencies always used to have traveling sps, they would go across the country. Not long ago someone mentioned that they don't seem to be going as far as BC or Alberta anymore. If not, perhaps it is agency bringing sps around a circuit, which is including your area. If you can somehow google the numbers (that link you first mentioned is a Montreal area code), and see if there is anything that seems either off or OK, you could probably go ahead. The ad is not well written, but that can be an ESL thing, and it also seems to me that it is a self written ad. Sometimes scammier types will copy an entire ad, not just the pictures. personally i would always suggest that if there is a number contact, and it does not say 'text only', make the phone call and talk to someone directly, and go from there. If you are wary, and it says text only, i would suggest you pass. it is just too easy for a 3rd party to be doing all the texting, while the sp herself is clueless about what is in the ad and what is being promised to the next client. it doesn't cost anything to go to an appt and decide not to stay because you feel deceived, so don't worry about not going thru with an appt if the ad and the conversation for booking ended up being a bait and switch. and that includes if you want to stay, discuss the rate/services before paying, reconfirm what you talked about. this would be the point the sp will bring up all the extra charges for all the things you thought were included (if that is what they are going to do). i would also avoid cheaper rates, if compared to other ads the rate is super low, it might be something to be wary of until or unless you have more experience. there are great lower rate sps, but unless you can tell the difference, it might be better to go to someone who is charging what appears to be the 'standard' or common rates in other ads.
  10. I would ask, why that particular ad? Of all the ads on there, is this one the one that you feel is most likely to be legit, professional and reliable or the least likely of all the other choices? I know there are not a lot of choices, i just had to ask if that was an ad you were seriously considering contacting to see.?
  11. Much less demanding? Try 'not demanding at all'. That is the point of escorts versus affairs, or even FWB encounters. The point of escort/client is that emotions and jealousy is not part of it, nor is friendship and romantic love. You clearly have a lot to learn about the difference between seeing escorts and anything else,. I also would like to point out that polyamory is not the same thing as something like polygamy. Just because someone has sexual encounters with others doesn't mean it is polyamory. just because someone may have multiple wives, doesn't mean it is all about love either. That's a key element when factoring some cultures, where the marriage is not a love match, it is an arrangement and contract. this contract does not include fidelity, as far as I know. It includes a life long commitment, financially at least, and children. maybe connecting two families and two incomes for a better life for both their parents and their children, but it doesn't mean love. And as C says, you don't 'pay for' emotions and emotional intimacy. If you want/need that, you do it with a GF or dating or your family. i'm not saying there is no emotional component, but it is at the social interaction level, conversation, meeting of minds, whatever. You don't fall in love with an escort on the first meeting and if you did, then there are deeper issues at work here other than should married people see escorts.
  12. Somehow cuddling and chatting doesn't really add up if she is actually a domme. perhaps another interested amatuer, so i wouldn't get my hopes up if i were you. It sounds like another case of potential disappointment, especially if you still plan to be a submissive who is giving orders and directions? lol contracts i believe are due to the client saying yes to things and then signing it so that later on, when there are marks, bruises and potential bleeding, he can't go back and say he didn't agree to those things that were done. i can't imagine agreeing to tie up and basically torture someone without getting the agreement in writing first?
  13. I think someone who knows what they are doing would actually set up a question/answers form, along with an actual not a verbal contract to sign. And yes it does cost more. I think there are some providers who try to get on the role play/BDSM bandwagon, for an extra charge, who have no business doing that. just like there are some clients who try to get a non -dom/roleplayer to provide these sessions, when the provider isn't interested.
  14. i understand you are new, but no, people do not want to cam, in fact that is often the very last thing either clients or escorts want. The way to meet someone is thru communication with them, email, texting, phone conversation. The best way to protect your own privacy and safety is to not use face pics, and do not use real names, and do not show yourself via cam (unless it is a paid cam site of course) but perhaps make that a feature (paid) for someone who has already met you. The number one scam guys know about with online ads is the fake escort who says she has to cam with them first, and then there is a roundabout way of getting their cash and sent to a Romanian porn site. Camming first has become a red flag danger lol i suggest you take a look around at ads, and reviews, and see what everyone else is doing. that way you may not know why people do it that way, but you will see how to go about posting ads and photos. the last thing you need is to get a bunch of time wasters camming taking up your time and never booking. of course they aren't booking, they are getting face time for free.
  15. OK, to add insult to injury, now you are accusing sps of not ever paying taxes too? woosh, where will it all end? lol 0000, like many escorts, i work 7 days a week 12 hours a day. For sps, even coming to sites like this is work, whether others consider it to be or not. pms, ads updates, checking trends, industry news, or networking with clients and/or other sps, are all things that sps would not be doing if they were not working. We often have friends and families taking a back seat to appts and schedules. We don't just put up an ad at noon, get 5 calls back to back and then take off for the rest of the day, or sleeping in and laying about in bed waiting for the next 300 bucks. (not saying it wouldn't be great, just saying that's not why we call it work) I don't believe i mentioned that construction work was a soft job, just that to use a 30 buck an hour example such as that one as a 'reason' is problematic. As you also see, it is unlikely 30 buck an hour jobs, regardless of what they are, are open and available to women regardless of their background and experience. However a recent 18 year old male grad or high school drop out can get that work no problem. And he may also get hurt on the job due to inexperience, and end up unable to work at all the rest of his life. Sometime work related injuries happen to women. Some of those women end up as sex workers because they do not get a big payout or compensation with disability that is sufficient to raise a family or pursue education. when the discussion is about how unfair life is, please don't expect women of all people to not speak up about anything that might be misleading. I also don't believe i suggested that women are the majority of homeless people, i simply referred to them as the majority of poor people. Single moms are raising families more often than not on part time work and zero $$ support from the downtrodden 30 buck an hour dudes, so let's not imply that men are not better off than women straight across the board, including the gender wage gap. sorry but we are all open to other opinions and comments here, you are new here but not new to forums? On this one, we speak up even when someone else might think the case is closed lol
  16. I like how you refer to the condoms as 'subjects' and 'survivors'. I had always heard oil breaks down condoms, i didn't think it matter if latex or non latex really. I think your experiment confirms that even if the oil is coconut oil that it will still break down the condom. I am not sure that i would ever recommend any organic matter to be used as a lubricant anyway. I think it would upset the balance in the vag in a way that the regular lubricants, once you find one that works right for your body.
  17. Personally i think they are seeing the half hour rate or a bng rate, and either not realizing the low rate they saw wasn't for an hour, or are being deliberately misleading you. There is a type who do that, shame the escort for their rates, and actually lie about what everyone else is charging. For an hourly, the only reason someone might post a 100/hr rate is that they are not doing F S for that, or that everything is added on, or that it isn't actually a hour rate, it is their half hour.
  18. You know originally i thought you meant that if someone didn't use the phone, as in that they were only email/texting, that was your concern. But here it seems that you will penalize them if they are, as mentioned busy with another client, not taking appts, sleeping, or on vacation when you call, it will be considered the same thing as being coerced. Which doesn't really make sense to me. I am available, in theory, 9am to 9pm 7 days a week. In reality, I go to the bank, i have errands, i take the afternoon off, and of course, i am in appts. During any and all of those times i am not answering the phone. And if someone doesn't call me back, or leave a message to be called back, then i consider them to not be that interested, and I am the one moving on to someone who doesn't just give up after one attempt. Perhaps also what has only been lightly touched upon is the assumption that all back page advertisers are forced, coerced and/or under threat. Many sps you see here with long histories, websites, using phone conversations, and/or requiring references do use backpage as well. The other thing that concerns me is the automatic assumption that someone who works via an agency or perhaps in a spa is not independent, or is in fact forced. Just because someone chooses to not deal with the nitty gritty business decisions doesn't mean they are being forced or pushed around either. For some it is another level of security and privacy, and insurance that they won't be contacted directly when they are not available, meaning their off time is their own time. Additional Comments: I think you should be more concerned if, every time you call, someone is answering the phone. The odds of the sp never being busy in another call or otherwise is pretty low. At some points you have to reach voice mail, even if all she is doing is her laundry and there is no service in the elevator. It's when no matter what time or how often you call, 'she' answers the phone, every single time, like she's got nothing else on the go? Additional Comments: Yes. Like the ability to be hired onto a construction site in the first place, with that $30 bucks an hour x 40 hours and overtime a week. These hourly wages are rarely, if ever, open and available to women. Personally, i have very little sympathy for how hard it must be to be able to pay for anything you want when so many women are lining up at food banks to help make ends meet. Now a very very small percentage of women are able to surpass the minimum wage prison, by being an escort, so they are also able to pay for anything they want, but for some reason have to feel guilty for that? Nope, never cared. Also, i am phone call only. To some this is a bizarre and horrible idea, to the extent that they think they can push that policy by sending texts (due to not reading the part in the ad, beside the phone number, saying no texts), or emails. Always an excuse with the emails, like 'i know you said no emails, but' with the carrot/stick and subtle threat of 'ok, your loss' because i refuse to book an appt or give out address info in writing. sue me. Sps today don't sit at home with landlines, and they are technologically more advanced than i am, and literally, in their opinion, no one they know has phone conversations any more, it's all texts. Somehow writing down all this info about b b b js and rates and addresses/locations on a glowing screen that can be read by anyone pretty much is, in their minds, more discreet. You may have a hard time, as I do, finding many who will have a phone conversation first. some of them might eventually have a phone conversation, but will only allow text and emails first contact. And usually this is because they are independent, and because they are doing all their own calls, emails/texts by themselves, and that it takes time to go thru them all, and get back to people.
  19. I agree. including the remarks about the clients. In addition, i don't get all judgy about advertising sites. We've posted ads in the past on CL, when they had erotic services section, and all of the complaints about the sps and the clients of CL have now just gravitated over to bp. What was wrong with bp prior to CL shutting down? apparently nothing because no one had a thing to say about it before. It's a paid site, so right there you know that the sps, whether they are short term, one day at random times, or 24/7 days a week, are paying for their ads. To me, compared again to CL, PAYMENT denotes serious intentions, and professionalism. Regardless if some people find the ad titles and content immature or badly spelled, use that then as your personal red flag. As sps, use that to make sure that your ads are always 'normal', well written, and nicely laid out. Use caps where they are needed, and don't use them where they are not. bp requires no graphic images and no graphic language. consider that a good thing, it means the majority of the ads are going to at least appear tasteful Remember as well many clients outside of your city use bp, meaning when they are visiting your city, they are going to look at bp. When CL was up, Vancouver had maybe a total of 30 ads per day put up on bp. which meant if you were one of the 30, chances were you'd get calls from the out of towners. Googling key words like escort ads vancouver and bp will always come up first. i've had many calls from guys who are obviously viewing a bp ad, but they don't even know they are on that site, they said all they did was 'google'. I always do a sponser ad, maybe one ad per week, the sponser stays up. I personally consider that even if you don't work 5 days a week, the ad stays up, you can take the number out, and just take the email queries. mention your schedule in the ad, will get the better results. it's a minimal outlay for a good result. i have never found it beneficial to post multiple ads per day. i have always found it beneficial to do the sponser. you will get tire kickers, hagglers, no shows. just part of doing business. you may also get long time regulars, and first timers. advertising is good, dealing with all types of people makes you a better screener, and better at setting up booking policies that won't waste your time, lol
  20. just get the bjs using condoms. I think it is only the reverse that guys might have trouble getting, as in someone only provides cbjs is going to get asked to give a bbbj, or pressured to do. If someone is doing the bbbj and you don't want one, just put a cover on it. Not many sps will refuse to give you that option considering it is much safer for them, and you. if your concern is you like to do other things (kissing, etc) and don't want to do that with a bbbj provider, then another suggestiion is when you find the cbj only provider, that you continue to repeat with her, which is also a way to reward the cbj providers by repeating with them, :)
  21. Originally i thought he was asking if others would get all judgy about a guy who writes a review about a transgender sp. Then the 2nd part i figured he was asking, if client (him) were to write a review, would it interfere with his chances to book appts with sps, because sps would think he shouldn't be seen. Which was confusing, because i wasn't sure why he would think sps would think being openminded enough to see a Tgirl would be a barrier to seeing them, we prefer to see openminded clients who aren't all judgey about us, someone who isn't all judgey about transgendered people would be a great person to get to know. however, the comment from t erb gets me thinking that the OP is the judgey guy and he wants clients to review when they see TGs, pre or post op, so he can monitor what sps that guy sees, so he can then eliminate by association any sps who see any guys who see TGs? cuz the 2nd post didn't clarify any of it for me so i'm going with this explanation for now lol
  22. I don't find this odd at all. In other words, why on earth would 'paying customers' need to join a review site in order to have private areas at all? We've discussed how many sites do not allow anyone other than the sp being reviewed to comment in a review, which gives her the chance to dispute someone's review. All clients should see that as a good thing, since taking only one person's word for how an encounter went down is not enough. Even if it is for a good review. If the sp doesn't come in and verify and confirm that she did in fact see the guy, how do you know for sure that he did? If he didn't see her, and she can provide evidence that it is a faked up review, wouldn't you like to know that? she can't do that if the review is posted in a private area. Review sites are already designed for the 'paying customers', so not sure what else one would need to post other than a 'warning' type of review. Contact info for any sp is already public, so there would be no legal reason to not allow it to be put up publicly. The same cannot be said for putting up all contact info or descriptions of a client, for any reason. Especially if it means the sp herself is publicly putting up the warning, in full view of this potentially dangerous individual. You can't see a reason to keep warnings about predators, thieves or violent people private, in order to protect the person reporting them, so that he (they) can't see that she was the one (her, with all her contact info and location details out front and centre, just waiting for him to come and take his revenge out on her?) if you can't see the difference, then i am a bit worried about why not. Warnings about sketchy sps can be done in the appropriate section here, and as advertisers, sps contact info is public. If an sp is dangerous, that info can be shown publicly. Guys on review sites posting with anonymous handles, not with their full name, address and phone numbers. There would be very little reason for anyone putting up info about a sketchy sp to be concerned about their personal safety (or lives) for doing that. there is legit past evidence and cases for sps to be concerned about reporting on a blacklist area, let alone reporting to the l a w.
  23. In another sp's review thread tho? I know on some of the erbs owned by the terb owner they cannot, only the sp can, and possibly only if that sp is a paid advertiser. I think most review sites allow unpaid sps to participate in the threads, if they don't have contact info or use the pms for that, if it is a paid site. I haven't heard about too many that restrict all participation, tho i do know it happens. fwiw, some of my favourite people i know because of being on review sites, including some of the ones like terb with bad reputations for having extremely hateful people on them. (I agree, the moderators need to do their job, know the laws, enforce posts that break laws at the very least, but often mods or those who can undo a mod action have zero knowledge, come from a pool of potentially sketchy members, & seem invested in following the line of 'there is no such thing as a fake bad review, but all good reviews should be challenged and discredited' I guess on the topic itself, i've heard from many sps over the years that they refuse to have anything to do with review sites, and especially the professional reviewers (guys mentioned here who simply see every sp, to rack up their review quantity count, and have little interest in finding someone who is actually a good match for them, those guys are the ones who are entitled, pushy, aggressive, and belittling more often than not). an sp having a blanket policy of not seeing a terb member? really commonplace concept. In the US, it would be TER members, and however many other sites there are lol.
  24. have you reported directly to back page? there is a Contact tab for you to send a message, link to your site, proof of the pics being yours, fill in the form, and do it as often as necessary. I would not suggest dealing directly with a picture stealer, they steal pics who knows what else they might do. bp will remove the pics usually just based on getting a report, they have laws (copyright) to follow and usually err on the side of caution (as in removing the photos challenged) if the poster (i never assume a picture stealer is the actual sp, but rather assume that they are being 'handled' and someone else is doing it, another reason to limit contact), keeps doing it and you keep reporting it, at some point bp may block their account and remove all their ads (extreme, but they have done that in the past). don't just click 'report' ad, use the contact form.
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