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Soleil Sublime

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Everything posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. You're my new hero Erin! Now that's a woman who knows who she is, makes no qualms about it, and tells anyone who asks. I aspire to be as bold as you one day. (Although I don't see it happening anytime soon.) Keep it up girl!
  2. How many of you have ever divulged your profession or hobby to friends or family? What were some of the reactions? I have a few friends who know, but only one I feel comfortable discussing things with. I'm fairly certain that my strict Catholic family would disown me if they ever found out. I'm extremely curious to hear some other experiences. I know when I told the few people that do know, it felt like I was coming out of the closet! Would they still want to be my friend? Are they disgusted by me now? Are they going to rat me out? I anxiously await to hear some of your stories.
  3. Although I do appreciate Mighty Pen's fascination with what people feel when eating feces, or how their unconventional fetish developed itself. However, I sincerely feel that this subject should not be discussed any further without once again bringing up the importance of being safe. Although playing with someone's feces is generally regarded as safe if proper protection is used (think latex gloves, saran wrap, dental dams, washing with soap before and after sex), eating someone else's feces can greatly increase one's risk of parasitic, bacterial, and viral infections. This does not mean that eating feces is necessarily poisonous, but it can make you very sick. Shigella, campylobacter, salmonella and E.coli are four bacteria commonly present in fecal matter. These bacteria, along with parasites like amebas and giardia, can cause severe diarrhea, abdominal pain and cramping, bloody stools, fever, nausea and vomiting. The viruses Hepatitis A and E may also be transmitted through contact with fecal matter. Am I trying to dissuade fetishists of coprophagia? Admittedly, I am. If only from a health-risk perspective. Do I judge those who choose to continue practicing this fetish despite its obvious dangers? I do not.
  4. I concur. To each his own. I'm in no place to judge anyone else. However, I did receive a very intelligently well-written email from a man who explained that he didn't know why, but he always wanted to eat a beautiful woman's feces. Now yes, I cringed as I read it, due to the fact that pooh is pooh. Ew. But because this man hadn't yet explored copraphilia, I took it as my opportunity to educate him a little. Although in my response I didn't express any disgust or repulsion, I did gently explain to him the safety risks he would be incurring. The body rids itself of WASTE. There is a reason washing your hands after using the bathroom is encouraged. Feces contain bacteria, which can seriously harm your good health. I understand a fetish, but I suggested he find a safer and tastier way to be humiliated by a beautiful woman. I never heard from him again....
  5. Lord knows there are a lot of shits and giggles to be had on CL these days. With free advertising here and reputable members, why those girls continue to advertise on CL and not here, is really beyond me. I challenge all the legitimate ones from CL to join us over here, and leave the addicts, bait & switchers and liars where they belong. Ahh! pipe dreams...
  6. Way to go Victoria! Congrats on a great review! :grin:
  7. Me too! Especially since another site which shall remain nameless, doesn't even let me respond to threads or make posts. They've kicked me off for saying I was trying to advertise for free, when I was only thanking my clients of the past and future. I truly dislike the Mod too. I'm sure that'll come back to haunt me. But he's like Big Brother watching us like hawks, just waiting for us to fuck up. Cerb is the exact opposite, in every sense of the word. I just wish more Winnipeggers got onto Cerb and off that other board. But I think a lot of them prefer the negativity and drama over there. Makes for cheap entertainment. :lol:
  8. It's funny. I really don't enjoy country music in the least. Never have. But Johnny Cash I could listen to forever. Bit of a contradiction, but he's such a legend!
  9. I have to use a mountain crystal after shaving with sensitive skin gel and Schick 4 blade razors because I'm so prone to ingrown hairs. It seems to help a lot but I'm seriously contemplating getting the whole area just lasered away and be done with it. But it's like $200 a pop and you need to go between 6 and 8 times!
  10. I have this unbelievable CD, and now a few others like it, but so many people have asked about the music. I love hard rock and was brought up on classical music. So what better combination than Symphonic Led Zeppelin? Although not nearly as good but still decent are symphonic R.E.M, Korn, Pink Floyd and the Beatles. I also tend to play a lot of Ray LaMontagne. His voice is like buttah!
  11. Although I have never met Rachelle in person, I have spoken to her over the phone and I can attest to the fact that she is genuinely an incredibly sweet girl. As far as Vanessa goes, I've never had the pleasure. One thing is for certain though, Vanessa is a marketing GENIUS!
  12. I keep track of which outfits I wear and for whom. I spend so much on outfits and thigh highs (go thru those like crazy!) why not show 'em all off? Of course, more often than not, it's on for less than 2 minutes! I do tend to re-wear the pieces I feel sexiest in.
  13. Perhaps in her late sixties, early seventies. Athough I know menopause can dry a poor woman out worse than the Sahara, but there's always lube I suppose. Anyway, I think there's a market for any age, and forcing a woman into retirement because of her age, could be considered ageism. Thoughts?
  14. I don't mind most of them, Durex being the brand I seem to have the most of, but I can easily tell you which brand of condoms is the worst. Hands down, without a doubt in my mind, TROJANS are the absolute worst condom out there. They taste horribly, they tend to slip off or worse yet, break! No matter how much they may be on sale for, I wouldn't waste my money if I were you.
  15. Great advice livenudecats. So Holly, can you help a sister out? :lol:
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