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Soleil Sublime

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Everything posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. Hello all my friends! I come back a little sheepishly, with my head hung a little low, as I practically disappeared all summer, without so much as a 'See ya later!' So I'd like to apologize to everyone for that unintentional bout of rudeness. I do happen to have a pretty good excuse, however... This is kind of funny, but believe it or not, I was typing and at the computer so much, I developed a bad case of carpal tunnel syndrome! It was agonizing and no amount of Advil was helping. I had to wear a hand and wrist guard, do physiotherapy and was told to give the computer a rest, as much as possible. Thankfully, my arm and hand are getting better, but I find Cerb so addicting, I've been worried if I come on and participate, I'll perhaps negate any healing that has occurred thus far. Many of you know how hard it is to stay away! Ok, my shoulder is starting to hurt now, so I'll bid you all adieu for now, but please know I've missed you all very much and thank you to who ever it was that nominated me and to the people who voted for me too. It means the world you haven't forgotten about me despite my absence. Take care my friends and thank you!!! :grin:
  2. My youngest was 18 and I had the honour of taking his virginity. Any time I get to do that, I never turn it down. You always remember your first time! :-D
  3. As I grow older and wiser...ok, that's debatable. But as I go through relationships, I've learned that incidentals like age and height have nothing to do with the purity of someone's heart. Of course you need to be physically attracted to someone, but more and more I'm finding a great smile, a kind face and big heart are the qualities that make my stomach go all aflutter. Not what year they were born or how much longer there bones are than mine. lol
  4. Don't you worry BigAl. You're incredible and incomparable, and the people who count, know who you are. :-D
  5. Meg is unquestionably one of the sweetest women I met in Ottawa. Of course she does have some competition in that department! I'm talkin' to you Carrie, Angela, Erin, Annessa and Wayfarer! Lots of love to each one of you. See you all again soon! :grin:
  6. It's been about 2 weeks since I've returned from Ottawa. I'm over the chest infection I managed to catch while I was there, and I'm finally ready to tell all. Firstly, if you don't live in Ottawa, take a trip out there, it's more than worth it. ;) Besides the SPs out there being unquestionably the most welcoming, helpful and caring bunch of women I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. For reasons unknown to myself, the SPs in Winnipeg don't seem to operate with the same camaraderie the girls in O-Town do. They welcomed me with open arms. There were no awkward moments, it was as if I've known them for ever. If you do happen out to Ottawa and you're fortunate enough to be chosen by the illustrious PistolPete for a booking, count yourself lucky. Here is a man who has a true appreciation for women. That is, all women, of all races, weights and body-types. He is extremely sensuous and appreciative. He is a wonderfully sensual kisser and truly knows a woman's body. Pete has a way of making you feel like the time on the clock has stopped. We had 2 hours to play together, but to me, the time flew by far too quickly. I don't know if this is allowed, but I'd like to make 2 recommendations. My first is the town of Ottawa...go and visit! My second of course, is the incomparable Pistol Pete. You won't soon forget your time with him. Oh, and he does resemble Harrison Ford too! YUM! :grin:
  7. I can't believe I missed this! Way to go Erin! Although with your intelligence and wit, this doesn't surprise me very much. Perhaps the start of a new career? You go girl! :-P
  8. Although I've only had the good fortune of knowing Angela for a short time, she is unquestionably one of the kindest and most giving women I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. You are well loved my Dear, and it's not hard to see why. Happy 50th Birthday Sugar Tits!!!!!!!!!! (.)(.) :boobies:
  9. I appreciate you mentioning me Angela, but let's not age me before my time Darlin'! lol I am only 35 years old, I also look a lot younger and I live in Winnipeg. Regardless though, thanks for dropping my name luv! :-D
  10. I've heard Drew Barrymore and Leann Rimes quite a bit. Caley Couco from Big Bang Theory as of late, as well. My parents are convinced I'm a blond version Of Gretchen Wilson, the country singer. Now I asks ya, do any of these women even look alike? lol
  11. After having spent 3 years working in the Lingerie Department at The Bay, I know my bras, and how they are supposed to fit. A proper fitting bra can actually improve your posture, is healthier for your breasts, makes you look better in clothes and can even make it appear as if you've lost weight! I believe many women are unaware of the damage they do to their breast tissue by stuffing them into bras that don't properly fit. By the law of measurement, the way a bra is supposed to be designed size-wise goes like this... 1.) The band around the ribcage is measured with a tape measure, to comfortably, but firmly sit under the breasts, at the top of the ribcage. This results in 32, 34, 36, 38, 40.... 2.) Next, the tape measure is placed around the fullest part of the breast, while wearing a bra. 3.) Finally, you take the fullest breast measurement and subtract your ribcage measurement from it. The difference in inches, represents your CUP SIZE. For example. You measure 36 inches around your ribcage, and your fullest breast measurement is 40, there exists 5 inches difference between the two measurements. This would be a 36DD, which I happen to naturally be. To determine your own CUP SIZE, you use the following 'standard' size chart. 1" difference A Cup 2" difference B Cup 3" C Cup 4" D Cup 5" DD Cup 6" DDD or E Cup And so on.... I hope that helps some women out there who may be sporting '4 boobs' because half their breast isn't covered by their bra and the cup size is too small. Don't be dismayed by whatever your measurements reveal. Luckily these days, there are beautiful bras available for every size. Healthy breasts to all! (.)(.) :boobies:
  12. All the very best to one of my new favourite people. Wish I could be there to celebrate with you, but know that I'm sending lots of love and I hope this is your best year yet. ;-)
  13. I'm personally crazy about my real name. I love it, it's unique (although it's becoming more and more popular). But Soleil is the name I always wished I had. I think it describes me perfectly. I believe that I have a very sunny disposition, an easy laugh and a friendly smile. My hair is blonde, I'm lightly tanned and I love the Sun. I'm also half French (other half Dutch), and I think it sounds very lovely when spoken. It also attracts me that it's one of those French names that cannot be anglicised. When it occured to me that phonetically it would be spelled So Lay, I realized that I couldn't have chosen a more fitting name. lol
  14. Like Megan, I appreciate some communication from my client if something I am doing, or not doing, isn't feeling good. I can't read minds, so a little help and direction has to be up to the client. Never be shy to tell us what you like or don't. We're here for your pleasure and satisfaction, and I would be rather upset if I discovered a client was unhappy with certain aspects of our session, and failed to communicate them to me.
  15. From my experinces, its a select few who knows how to properly write. I personally seen alot of mistakes made in messages or posts. Irregardless, your going too find most people just dont care enough to check there spelling or grammer. :lol:
  16. Soleil Sublime

    100 1454

    WOW! What a fabulous pose. And those legs! This one is my favourite.
  17. I concur. Winnipeg has got to have some of the best looking Aboriginal women around! Although I'm not one of them. ;-)
  18. Although not a mother myself, I am a daughter with a very loving mother. I've come to learn being one, is no easy task. So for all the sacrifices and compromises you made for your children, even if they never say it, I will on their behalf... THANK YOU MOM, FOR GIVING ME LIFE AND YOUR LOVE. I wish all you mothers a wonderful day, and if it doesn't turn out to be, keep the following in mind. Mother's Day is simply a 'Hallmark Holiday' and none of us should be forced to buy our mothers a card, call or visit on a particular day in May. Any day of the year is good for that. Bless you Cerb Moms.
  19. If I may, I'd like to first thank everyone sincerely for the accolades. For me, the chance to bring some much needed joy into BigAl's life was an incredible opportunity, and I never considered for a moment not to do it. However, I would like to divert the attention from myself, and let you all know about someone else in this situation, who's altruism has restored my faith in the generosity of man. During the 'Dis/Abled Clientele' thread started by the tenderhearted Erin xo, BigAl mentioned he only receives $372 a month for disability. A fellow compassionate Cerbite, from Winnipeg, offered and donated $300 towards BigAl's next visit from me. November 2nd, his 25th birthday. Now this member has requested to remain anonymous, but his sympathy and understanding towards BigAl's financial difficulties, and the kindness and generosity he has shown myself and BigAl, deserves to be noted. With this members permission, I informed BigAl of his early Birthday gift. As you can well imagine, it made BigAl's day, and then some. A former stranger has now become a dear friend, and they'll probably never meet. But this is the sort of selflessness that makes my eyes tear. Some of you have sent me PMs to personally congratulate me. I am touched by my fellow Cerbites' warmth and compassion, but BigAl is the real hero in this story, not me.
  20. I felt the same. My bills far exceeded my mortgage and I was getting tired of having my cable/satellite bill forever increasing. Not to mention I was paying for both cable and satellite, which was my choice. But nearly 10 years ago, I said screw it. I got someone to take my satellite off the roof, got rid of my receiver too and changed my internet service from cable (canceled that) to phone. And I'll tell ya. I get a helluva lot more done in a day without the energy and soul sapping curse of the idiot box. Seriously, best thing I could've done. I choose what I want to watch, renting, online, borrowing from friends, and am no longer paying the cable and satellite providers for the privilege to sit through countless hours of insultingly ridiculous advertising or God forbid, tuning into one of those reality shows. Why on God's beautiful green Earth would someone enjoy watching other people live their lives? Ok, I'm sorry. I realize mine is of the unpopular vote, and I suppose I could see the attraction to shows like Survivor and The Amazing Race, but Big Brother and The Bachelor? I just don't see the point of shows like that. Once again, so sorry. Rant officially over. :grin: Screw the cable companies. :wink:
  21. I finally went ahead and voted. As much as I adore the crass, juvenile, nothing-is-sacred humour of the other 3, none would exist without The Simpsons. Have they had bad seasons? You bet. But after watching the 21st season online, I have firmly made my decision. I still laughed out loud, I still love Homer's idiotic goofiness, I still get warm fuzzies when the show's theme music starts up. They manage to make us laugh and think, while doing so without much swearing, nudity or toilet humour...ok, maybe not the last one so much. Many have said that The Simpsons are long dead, and should have thrown in the towel 11 seasons ago, but I definitely have to disagree. Many classic episodes still lie deep within the show's last decade of seasons. With the other 3, I find my laughs are sometimes more from shock, or incredulity, and many are mixed with revulsion and disgust. Luckily for me, my sense of humour spans all 4 shows! lol :lol:
  22. Soleil Sublime


    Oh I totally agree with Pete! This picture is definitely one of my faves. This photo is PERFECT, in every way.
  23. Keep the short hair. Very few women can pull off short hair and you rock it Lana!
  24. To me, it makes no difference. When the foreskin is pulled back, they all look the same (mostly!) anyway. Parents who decided to leave their sons' foreskin intact, apparently did them a favour. From the research I've found, those with their foreskin intact have more feelings and stronger sensations than those without their foreskin. For many though, I realize it's just a matter of aesthetics. I find I'm more concerned with a successful session than whether they have extra skin around their penis. Just me.
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