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Soleil Sublime

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Everything posted by Soleil Sublime

  1. Well thank you everyone! Thanks for the empathy, the sharing in disgust, the stories and the apologies from men on behalf of this guy. You all made me feel better! And to my dear, sweet Ava, thank you for sharing with me, 2 of the most vile and disgusting stories I've ever had the misfortune of hearing. You know I love you for it girl! :wink:
  2. I sincerely appreciate your point of view on things...keep typin'!
  3. Soleil Sublime


    Green is your colour!
  4. Soleil Sublime


    What a beauty! Nice make-up, done very well.
  5. What's not to love? They make great pals because you know they have no ulterior motives to get into your pants. They might offer to hem them for you, but that's it! :-P
  6. Guess I was a Fag Hag even as a child! So that's why they kept calling me Fruit Fly! :lol:
  7. Me! Me! I also LOVE Queen, and one of my dreams when I was younger was to write a rock opera about the life of Freddy Mercury. Actually, if you listen to the lyrics of Bohemian Rhapsody, the words are almost prophetic to his untimely death. It's almost as if he knew he was going to die before his time, years before he actually did. Never fazed me he was gay. Same for George Michael and Boy George. In my much younger days, I was convinced I was going to marry one of those Georges! :sm185:
  8. Out of respect to our wonderful Ava, I will not disclose her horror stories. However, I will say she beat me. HANDS DOWN! :bowdown: Thanks for making me feel better Ava!
  9. Booking time with me is like booking at an all inclusive resort. You pay your money, I list on my website what I consider GFE to include (it's your usual) and you come to La Vista Soleil and enjoy your time. I offer no bullshit, so to me upselling is uncouth and tacky. No kidding what a mood killer!
  10. Tipping is never on my mind and I truthfully never expect it. I only expect the amount I request to be in the envelope. However, when someone does choose to tip me, it makes me feel incredible. Only happens sometimes but when it does I feel like doing a little happy dance right in front of them. :grin:
  11. Of course I did! But that wasn't in line with the grossness factor of the story, so I left it out.
  12. The following is a true story. Client walks in, exchanges pleasantries and asks if I have any spray. Spray? I ask. 'Yeah, for the bathroom,' he replies. 'Um, uh yeah, it's behind the toilet.' Great. So this guy is going to take a dump just moments before I am to give him oral. F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S. But it gets worse. Because I hear it. Plop, whish, plop plop. He left the door open! Now I'm holding in my vomit. He flushes the toilet, only to come back without washing his hands! And claims he doubt it all went down. Huh? Apparently, he'll have to go back before he leaves to make sure he gets it all down with a second flush. Now how's that for foreplay? I think we need a puking Smilie for this one.
  13. As a self-proclaimed 'Realist', I just don't believe that man was created to be monogamous. If he had been, humankind would never have multiplied and flourished.
  14. [ Honestly, at the end of most days, most SPs know they sold a little part of their soul for the cash in their purse. The key is knowing you got a fair price for it. cat ] Sorry to hear you feel this way cat. Personally, my body may be for sale, but my soul never is. If I walked around thinking that the money in my account in some way represented how many times I sold a part of my soul, I would've never lasted this long. Infact, if that was indeed the case, I'd be an empty shell by now. There are many ways we can 'sell our souls', but my advice is if you're an SP, is to protect and cherish your soul, keep it sacred and close to you, and never sell it, it's far too precious. As an afterthought, if one feels like they are selling their soul by doing this work, is it the right path to follow?
  15. If anyone deserves this particular accolade, it's Pete. He is such an uplifting and comforting presence here on CERB. Sadly, I've never had the opportunity to meet this remarkable man, but I'm sure if I did, he'd be just as incredible in person. Felicitations! :-D
  16. Yes Ma'am! When you apply foundation to your face, you should be applying it everywhere. Your eyelids, forehead under your bangs and your lips! This simply helps hold the make-up you place over the foundation, to last that much longer. Some even apply a dusting of loose powder over all that to extend the make-up's wear even longer! Oh, and don't worry. I am a certified Wig Specialist and make-up artist. Just so you don't think I might be talking out of my ass! :smileysmontrefesse:
  17. I'm guessing you're main intention, is to have long-lasting colour. If you don't mind a little d.i.y. lubrication, then, a lip stain is your best bet. Now keep in mind, it's a stain and not a lipstick, without any moisturizing elements, whatsoever. So what I suggest is using your favourite lip balm over the lip stain. If you're looking for a more pouty look, try Lip Venom, they've got lip stains with plumpers. So far, I've found lip stains to truly be the only long lasting colour for lips. Yes, the balm will wear off with kissing, but a good stain, applied over foundation applied to the lips, should last well beyond the rest of your make-up. Hope this helps!
  18. The incomparable, illustrious, and remarkable genius that is Albert Einstein said the following, and it's my favourite... Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous. Albert Einstein This was my yearbook quote in high school...(cheesy as it was, I was hopeful back then lol) Many dreams come true, and some have silver linings, but I live for my dream, and a pocketful of gold. Led Zeppelin- 'Over The Hills and Far Away'
  19. You wanna know what drives me insane with frustration and rage? People who go about life, under the falsehood that the world revolves around them, or at least should. I remember taking the transit bus, it being absolutely PACKED and a very old woman gets on the bus, and has to stand, or try to, while perfectly healthy young people sit on their duffs, not daring to make eye contact with her. Or those who, despite the sign stating 'Do Not Block Driveway', insist upon pulling their car into the driveway, because they just can't wait for their stupid below-grade Tim Horton's coffee. Or how about people who walk their dogs and leave shit all over the boulevard? Oh, wait a minute. I think I may have done that once. lol K, nevermind that last one. I hear it makes for richer soil. :-D
  20. I encourage MSOG, whether it be in an hour session, or multiple hour session. Most men know if it's a possibility in an hour, but 2 or more hours should have the SP doing all she can to try and allow a second release. You disagree? I think those who say SSOG are the ones who are trying to get you in and out as soon as possible. So the session is likely to begin quickly, and sadly often end within 15-20 minutes. That's not an hour! So play with him, talk to him, kiss him, cuddle him, cuz honey, he paid good money, so do a little work for it!
  21. I know that when I first started, nobody knew. But I started to feel really isolated and alone, so I tried to reach out to a fellow Winnipeg SP and wrote her an email, explaining that I wasn't interested in her sexually, but she seemed to have a good head on her shoulders, and I wanted the opportunity to meet with her and talk shop. That was a year ago, and I'm still waiting for her reply! Just kidding. I've moved on, but it's amazes me how unfriendly some of my fellow SPs are. I mean all I asked this chick was to go for coffee. It's ok though, because an extremely popular retired SP was more than willing to meet with me, and I'm so glad I did. We all need a little reassurance that we're okay, and not bad people.
  22. So in a nutshell, according to Diane Sawyer and the producers of 20/20, all woman involved in the sex trade are either emotionally damaged, poor and uneducated, sufferers of low self-esteem, victims of sex abuse or drug addicts. Hmm. Interesting view. Especially since I personally don't fall into any of these categories, as I'm sure many of my fellow SPs don't either. I don't do drugs, so I was never forced into this profession to fund my addictions. I was never sexually abused or molested as a child, adolescent or a teen-ager. I'm a highly educated University graduate, and I have a very healthy level of confidence in myself. So why are we here then Diane? Are we just kidding ourselves when we say we enjoy men and sex and sensuality and feeling good? Because no women in her 'right' mind would sell the most precious gift she has? Her body? No, they got it all wrong. We women in this industry are powerful. We call the shots, we decide who we see, as well as the services we choose to provide or not. And the most precious gift we have to give is not our bodies, it's our souls. And they're never for sale.
  23. What a wonderful review. Way to go Bailey! Stay sexy and safe.
  24. Thank you Riley! I don't watch T.V. so I miss out on programs like this one. If it wasn't for your post, I would've missed it. I'm really looking forward to watching. Thanks again for taking the time to do this. You rock.:D
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