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Everything posted by r__d

  1. Thanks for the update Reddog01! Great to know that Jenny has been in the club - I'm hoping to drop by soon (maybe tomorow) as it's been way too long and I definitely need to "reconnect". It's always so nice to see Jenny onstage prior to a CR sojurn. No doubt she still has a "fan club" and I'm a long term member of it. Her "personality and beauty" are both almost matchless. Seeing her at Barb's always seems like such a lucky event, even after many encounters. P. S. : Managed to drop in to 340 very, very briefly on Saturday afternoon (6/11) and found the club to be really quiet, even for this typically fairly subdued time. It was great to see Jenny take her turns on stage. She was followed by pretty, blonde and busty Juicy. Departed about 2:45 after speaking with Jenny about her upcoming schedule - she'll probably be in every day next week, with the usual exception of Tuesday, for all you Jenny fans out there. Things were so quiet in the club that I really felt bad about not being able to stay and have some 'Jenny time'. Hope that the regulars will try to find the time to drop in and support our friends at Barb's. According to Reddog01's post above, at least J. was doing ok on Friday afternoon, but reports about things being slow as a result of the situation on Queen St. seemed to be confirmed. Hope to follow Reddog01's example soon. At the risk of seeming like a broken record, I have to say Jenny's staggering onstage presence never ceases to astound, delight, and amaze. Truly a one-of-a-kind beauty.
  2. We've had a fair amount of discussion about this possibilty a couple of times in the past in this thread (lastly from about p. 186 post #1855 to p. 190 post #1891) and, at this stage, I really don't know where things stand. As has been posted many times, there seems to be a good deal of evidence that a prominent local developer (Claridge) has acquired ownership of at least part of the site, so I guess it comes down to whether or not that interest includes the existing building and if there is any heritage designation that would preclude demolition of the structure. Of course the length of the lease held by Barb's owner is also an important factor. It seems that the initial phase of LRT is scheduled to open sometime in '18, so are we looking at another 18 or so months? Maybe 2 years at the outside? Would be interesting to know if the lease is up at the end of 2017 (or sooner). Yes, it is sad to contemplate.
  3. Going to try to get in this weekend (tomorrow or Sat.) or sometime next week. Hope others will try to drop by as well - I was a bit shocked to see the comment that business was down 50% at 340. Figured the construction would have an impact but didn't think it would be that harsh. Guess I'll have to try to muster all my perverted patience.
  4. Grim reading in a column from the Ottawa Citizen describing the impact of LRT construction on businesses along Queen, particularly those in the same building as Barb's. Suggests that things are 50% down at 'rella's. http://ottawacitizen.com/news/local-news/egan-the-price-of-lrt-the-royal-mess-that-is-queen-street Guess one should really drop in to support our friends at 340. Maybe Saturday would be best - not sure if construction activity halts for the weekend. Probably time to stop by, hoping for a Jenny sighting.
  5. It looks like an interesting and fun club but $50 per song.....yowza! To revive one of the themes in the 'Barb's' thread from a while ago, this perhaps should make us just a little bit thankful for what we have here in the nation's capital, at Barb's and elsewhere.
  6. Have certainly noticed that things are not quite as busy at Barb's during the afternoons in recent years. Can't speak to the situation in the evenings/nighttime as it's been quite a while since I've attended in the evenings. It may be that the very recent construction for the LRT station is having an effect, but I guess it is difficult to isolate any single factor. Hope that those who've been in lately will continue to post about their Barb's experience and the general scene at 340. As ever, I'm especially interested to hear about any recent Jenny sightings or any info about her recent attendance patterns at the club.
  7. On this point, I'm not sure what your regular daytime club is, but my view would be that the type of atmosphere and vibe you refer to is probably most in evidence at Barb's. At least in my (limited) experience there seems to be much less of the "pressure" to which you refer at Barb's, but, to be fair, I typically look for an ATF there, so I'm not as aware of the general trends of dancer behaviour as I might be. At the 'Mate (the only other club I regularly attend, and not very regularly at that) I've found that whatever is "being offered" at least a few of the dancers provide the sort of experience you appear to seek even if, overall, the general vibe at the 'Mate is closer to the kind of thing you find less agreeable.
  8. While this may sound a bit equivocal, my own view would be that it can be difficult to generalize. There is probably some truth to the view that things are not as busy as they were in the 2000-2005 period but of course it depends on the particular venue. Like sonoma, I'm more of a daytime attendee and have only rarely ventured out in the evening or late night in recent years, so it may be difficult for me to make a meaningful comparison of relative levels of daytime activity between what I'm used to recently and the way things were prior to, say, 2005 or so. Conversely, I'm not sure if things are more subdued at night now than in the 1997-2005 time frame, when I was more of a night owl. Having said that, I do find Barb's to be somewhat less busy on Wed. - Fri. afternoons than it was around 2005-2010 - I often found it difficult to find a good seat on afternoons in those years, especially if arriving before 1:30 or so, but in the last few years I've rarely been denied a good choice of seats. Saturday afternoons seem to have been fairly consistent through the last several years. Find it a lot more difficult to discern any trend at the 'Mate - perhaps I'm not there enough to really get a sense of the place - but it seems to be quite varied in terms of the level of activity. I've seen it close to moribund on a Fri. afternoon and surprisingly busy (for the 'Mate) on a recent Mon. afternoon.
  9. That's unfortunate.....sorry to hear about this. It's been quite a while since I've gone to the 'Fax very regularly but in the past the atmosphere always seemed quite congenial, afternoon or evening. This report makes me reflect on how very few times I've encountered any 'problems' of this nature at either Barb's or the 'Mate. Have probably seen a grand total of two 'altercations' in the past 15 years at Barb's (plus one incident where a very small, older gent apparently deliberately knocked my shoulder from behind while passing by, but it could have been unintended and he might have been a bit tipsy - bouncer offered to speak to him but I thought it best to let the incident pass) and I've never seen anything remotely untoward at the 'Mate, afternoons or evenings. In recent years, I've been more of an afternoon clubgoer but during the late 90s through 2005 or so my visits were almost always in the evenings, often staying to (almost) closing time. Perhaps the tone has changed in the evenings during the last ten years or so. Hope that Hoppinhorny's experience turns out to be an anomaly in the grander scheme of things.
  10. Happened to be not too far from downtown Vanier on Monday afternoon (4/4) and took the opportunity to drop into the 'Mate briefly. Seemed to be a typically slow Monday atmosphere but a few of the regulars were present. Candy seems to be in quite often and she was the first recognized by me today. Then I was quite struck by a dark-haired, fairly curvy lady wearing a 'cut-out' black dress - a really very pretty girl, but did not catch her name. She spent a bit of time chatting with a quite curvy ebony girl I don't think I've seen at the 'Mate before, but then I'm not really a regular there. Then leggy, busty blonde Vegas emerged from the CR - she was the second dancer I recognized on this occasion. No sign of Delicious, Bianca, Adora or Morena (Marina?), although I'm told Adora is in most afternoons (perhaps she's on vacation?) and Morena is reputed to be seen many Mon./Wed. afternoons.
  11. Thanks for the update Reddog01! Good to know that Jenny is "still going strong".
  12. It may be that tanz1868 was inquiring as to whether or not there is a cover charge to enter the CR area distinct from the 'per song' fee or rate negotiated with the dancer for the time spent in the CR. While this has not been common in the Ottawa area, I do have a vague recollection of such a requirement at a club in Toronto - not sure but I believe it was Fillmore's. Don't recall if there was an 'at-the-door' cover charge, but in any event there was a requirement to fork over $10 (this was many years ago) in order to go to the the upstairs CR area - acccess was controlled by having one's hand 'stamped' at the downstairs bar and this was checked when entering the CR area with a smaller bar. At the time it struck me as a very odd and annoying setup. I'm wondering if this is the sort of thing that tanz1868 had in mind with his inquiry.
  13. Always interested to hear reports re the current scene at Barb's, especially how things are during the afternoons at 340 in recent days. Haven't been able to get in for a while and am wondering if Jenny has departed for what I believe was to be a short vacation "in February". Any info re Jenny sightings and/or her vacation/return is always appreciated. This thread has been a great way to keep informed about the club and very useful for those of us who find ourselves unable to attend for several weeks or a few months. Thanks to all the posters whose reports keep this such an entertaining and useful thread.
  14. Well whiteman, I guess I was misled by the whole French/Italian aspect of this seeming coincidence. In general the descriptions seemed to indicate a similarity and then when one adds the similarity of the name........I suppose I just figured that a French/Italian dancer named Bianca/Biancha from your first post would be the same lady as the one with the French accent and a (very) similar name referenced in your more recent post. And add to that that I've seen the 'recent' Bianca sporting a prominent Italian flag.......not to mention your sense that she has been around for a "long, long time". I seem to recall the lady you refer to in the first post, especially when you mentioned the fact that she looked somewhat Asian from a distance. I further recall that this dancer often wore her hair in the same kind of long ponytail as the 'recent' Bianca and this has probably added to my mixed-up confusion regarding these identifications.
  15. Did you not previously encounter Bianca as reported by you in post #268 (6/19/2013) of this thread? Or was that a different Bianca? Your description (if not the spelling) makes it sound like the same lady, especially the reference to "French-Italian mixed" - I've often noticed Bianca sporting a top emblazoned with an Italian flag.
  16. Hope you're not too late to "catch Jenny" but also hope you'll report if you happen to see her today (1/15). May drop by Saturday afternoon or one day next week. Haven't had the chance to get in lately so it's great to be kept informed via postings to this thread. Thanks to all who contribute!
  17. Stopped into 340 briefly on Saturday afternoon (12/19) about the time things were just getting going for the day around 2:00. Saw Francesca, Bridgette, Montana and Sin onstage (2:00 - 3:00) and by 2:30 or so the club was moderately busy - about average for a Saturday afternoon. There seemed to be a fair number of dancers arriving between 2:00 and 2:30. Departed at 3:00 as there was no sign of Jenny or Ariel.
  18. Almost stopped in this afternoon (Friday, December 18th) but with Cato and Reddog01 in attendance, perhaps the competition would have been a bit too intense! Maybe I'll be lucky with a Jenny sighting tomorrow - often seems to be a nice atmosphere (or at least a calmer one) on Saturday afternoons at 340.
  19. Sounds like it was a fun Friday night at Barb's. Been quite a while since I've attended in the evening and into the night - these reports make me feel as though I've been missing out on a lot of fun. On the other hand, there's nothing like stopping by in anticipation of seeing an ATF in the afternoon. Maybe I should investigate the nighttime scene as well. And, as happened exactly 100 pages ago, I note that it's quite appropriate that thread-starter Cato has initiated the (this time around) 200th page of this thread. Also, we are approaching another milestone - quickly coming up to the 2000th post in this thread.
  20. Yes, Barbarella's is a great place and I do wonder how much longer it's going to be around.......hoping for at least a little while longer.
  21. A fairly typical Saturday afternoon at Barbarella's today (11/14) - not really busy but far from being slow with a good number of patrons present as early as 2:00. Denied my favorite table, I situated myself nearby and noticed an ATF entering the dressing room still in street clothes - she waved and then disappeared. The lovely Bridgette took to the stage first and then looked very leggy and curvy in a tight yellow dress after her turns onstage. Thought I noticed the somewhat elusive Kitty (not sure if I recognized her since it's been a while) - this seemed to be confirmed as I thought I saw Kitty being greeted by a (not so) "secret admirer" disguised as a "capital hunter" on his searching quest through the "extraterrestrial" space of Barbarella's. Ahem. Perhaps I had both of them misidentified. After the second dancer (unknown to me - a very pretty dark-haired lady), the always stunning Jenny was third in the rotation wearing a tiny (and very tight) button-up cut-off top with a black bikini bottom and then a short black one-piece for her second dance. It's always so nice to see Jenny onstage prior to a CR session and she was as gorgeous as ever during her two turns under the lights. The CR seemed fairly active for a Saturday afternoon (often on these occasions the room can seem empty) but not too busy for comfort. One slightly unusual aspect of the afternoon was the rather broad and varied range of music being played, especially the 'break' songs i.e. tunes between dancer appearances on stage. As has been previously noted, Saturday afternoons at Barb's typically present a sonic palette of 80s (and some 90s) material, but on this occasion the selections seemed to stray into some less travelled byways for this venue. Don't think I've ever heard 'Take a Letter Maria' in an SC before, but then I've never been in an SC south of LA.
  22. Not sure who the ebony beauty is.....I'm a devotee of the dancer on the right of that picture.....
  23. ....devoted to this statuesque beauty from Barb's in Ottawa.....
  24. At first I thought: 'Is she who I think she is?' Then I thought: 'Who else could she be?' Barb's has had a website of one sort or another for quite a while, but I've only recently noticed that it has been substantially changed - not sure how long ago the changes were made, waterat. http://barbarellasvip.com/ They also have an instagram page. Here's my fave pic from the instagram page that isn't in the 'Gallery' section of the site.
  25. Dropped into the 'Mate for a brief spell on Thursday (10/29) afternoon and found the place busier than usual (at least in my limited experience). Noticed Candy, Serena, Cassandra and the very busty Adora. Didn't see busty Delicious, Danica or Annika. I'm wondering if Annika is more often at Pigale lately (or is that a different Annika?). The atmosphere calmed down significantly around 3:00 or so.
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