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Everything posted by Mutau

  1. Mutau

    Someone has been exercising.
  2. Mutau

    Luscious figure, Carmen! Sexy and sweet for a chocolate treat.
  3. Bonsoir Gabriella. A well deserved achievement for a well respected lady. Bravo. Keep those intriguing posts coming.
  4. Dear Emma. May your special day be one on which you are spoiled by family and friends. Please take some time to enjoy your favourite pastime.
  5. A very realistic peek into the future. Thanks RG.
  6. There is an old French expression which we use in our family. Mets en ce n'est pas de l'oguent. Literally translated it means: Put some on it's not ointment. In reality it is used to kiddingly accuse someone of being miserly when serving something. Such as when you are at a friend's place and they are serving a shot of whiskey. You jokingly use the expression. In other words you want more than is being offered. The roots go back in time to when ointment was very expensive and not everyone had access to it. Those that did only used very small portions due to the cost.
  7. Well done, RoamingGuy. Your community appreciates your contributions.
  8. Hi Jennifer, Hope that you enjoyed your special day.
  9. An excellent intro, PlayPal. You will get from our community what you give to the community. Read the threads, let us know your opinions through your own posts and have tons of fun. If you have any questions do not hesitate to ask.
  10. Thank you, Gabriella, for the technical instructions. I will give it a try and see if I am successful. If not, do you provide private tutoring lessons? :icon_confused:
  11. Excellent challenge Gabriella. :bigclap: This will separate the wheat from the chaff. Now I just have to learn how to locate pictures, copy them and paste them into a thread. I will get back to you!
  12. Very well done PP. I know that you are in a sort of hiatus, but your continuing contributions are always appreciated. Bravo on your new statuts!:bigclap:
  13. I could not agree more Dorinda. And remember that it works both ways. If a SP or hobbyist feels those cold/flu symptoms approaching then be preventative and do not make appointments. Keep those pesky little microbes to yourself rather than pass them along to others. Stay healthy and play safe!
  14. Look at the top of your screen and you will see a series of link buttons in white on a black background. Fourth from the left is the "Social Groups" link. Click on it. Once in the Social Groups section look for the discussion group named "Tgirl lovers". Have fun!
  15. There is a social group called Foreign Affairs. Seems like the logical place for this type of thread.
  16. Bonjour Mlle Samantha, Thank you my dear for your erudite commentary, your down to earth advice, your bonhomie. Your posts are always a delight and a treat to read. May your prose be ever on the mark and tinged with the touch of human kindness you have so amply displayed to date. :bigclap:
  17. Bonsoir Gabriella, Now that Santa knows your size, do you have a preferred colour?
  18. A great BIG thank you to Angela and Old Dog for their efforts in putting together last evening's event. As well, thank you to those who worked behind the scene to contribute time and everything that is needed to make such an event as successful as it was. Well done, bravo! :bigclap:
  19. Alexandra, may your special day be filled with surprises and fun-filled events. Have a grand time as you celebrate among cherished ones.
  20. I have often found that the first harbinger are the shelves which contain the baking goods in grocery stores. The flour, sugar, spices and other ingredients increase in volume and begin to disappear just as quickly. Katherine, like your idea of a cookie exchange.
  21. When it comes time to open communications with a lady, the first order of business for me is to carefully read her CERB profile, any related web site, recent posts advertising her service and any possible adverts on Escorts Canada. Surely within that material there is an indication of the lady's preferred method(s) of communication. I always respect her wishes. If the lady indicates that she prefers an e-mail, then that is the methodology used. People are busy and I never expect an immediate response. However, if I do not hear back from a missive sent, then I double check the lady's material to make certain that her communication preference was followed. If after 14 days I have not received a response I will send a follow-up message using an alternate communication method acceptable to the lady. If an answer is still not received then I will not pursue matters further. However, one needs to be aware that there are a multitude of valid reasons which may prevent a lady from responding to someone's missive. In this day of virtual communications people need to be patient and not expect instantaneous responses. If a hobbyist has followed the requirements established by the lady, if the missive is not offensive, then the polite manner of proceeding is for a reply to be sent. It is always the lady's perogative as to whether she accepts to move things further along to an eventual encounter. But I do believe that proper business communcations should at least be acknowledged.
  22. Well done, my friend. Putain, time does certainly pass quickly. Cato, you have contributed much to the Board and the community. Your social group activities; your passion for redheads; your admiration of the female body; all have motivated you to greater participation on the Board. Your fellow community members are much richer for your efforts. Thank you for your contributions over the years, Cato. Bravo. Well done. :bigclap:
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