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Everything posted by omehgosh

  1. LMAO - that's funny! The auto-correct on the iphone can be really, really frustrating. I turned it off as soon as I found out I could. Go in to "settings" > "general" > "keyboard" and set "auto-correction" to "off". Now if I could only use my own alarm sounds without the jail-breaking...
  2. Wow! Congrats Angela! I always enjoy reading what you have to say - can't wait for the next 2000! :smile:
  3. Happy birthday Emma! I still can't believe you're 28 - I wouldn't give you a day over 25! :smile:
  4. "This community does not tolerate EXPLOITATION...Report a JOHN!"... hmm... Okay... exploitation... so where do I get the paperwork for reporting the cable company, hydro, Bell... oh ya, and the freakin' government?!? I keep insisting I don't offer Greek but they just won't listen... :bddog:
  5. I hope everything works out all right for you Angel.
  6. Ever insightful, diplomatic, friendly, funny... and you always manage to find the hottest redheads on Earth! CERB wouldn't be the same without you. Keep 'em coming buddy! :smile:
  7. Happy belated birthday Meg! I hope it was your best one yet! :smile:
  8. Pocket Frogs - I didn't understand how this game could be entertaining at all, but I was bored and gave it a shot... Maybe I'm just some kind of loser (I don't have a problem with that - lol), but I was totally hooked on this game! I just beat it a while ago (level 28, top 5% in leaderboards, 99% awards) and now I'm going through some serious withdrawal!
  9. omehgosh


    I'm lovin' the overalls michelle! Great picture - very sexy!
  10. omehgosh


    Wow! That is one incredible behind Mel! Mmm, mmm! Amazing.
  11. omehgosh

    Oh wow... gorgeous lady, jeans... Agreed Pete this picture's HOTTTTT!!!
  12. omehgosh

    That there is one perfect bottom! Mmm mmm!
  13. omehgosh

    OMG are you ever pretty! Absolutely beautiful!
  14. Scott gets my vote for the subject matter alone! I also agree with Scott's points - to top it all off (I guess most importantly actually, seeing as this is an essay contest) it's very nicely written. Additional Comments: Maybe we could post all of the essays in the RHAG area, accept considerations until a certain date, then run a poll with the names of the participants for a couple of days. The poll could allow for multiple votes maybe?
  15. Awesome Big AL! Happy birthday! I hope you had an amazing night... oh wait, Soleil was coming to visit right? I KNOW you had an amazing night! Good on you man! Cheers buddy! :smile:
  16. Happy birthday E.D.man! I hope it was the best one yet! :smile:
  17. Happy belated birthday guys! Hope you had great ones! :smile:
  18. Happy birthday buddy! I hope you have an awesome one!
  19. Congrats antlerman! I always enjoy your comments! Looking forward to many more!
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