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Carley Chase

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carley Chase

  1. At the beach. When you sneak off into the dunes for a little fun. With the chance of someone catching you. So exciting hehe
  2. I have a tendancy of changing my hair color quiet frequently. From many different shades of blond then to brunette. Clients which I have known for many years do not tend to have a favorite. When I am getting ready to change to a new color, they insist they like it the way it is. Then when I change it again, the same thing. So I do not think the hair color matters. Although it is always to give it a change ;) Currently I am a dark blond with brown foils. Decided to go down the middle lol
  3. Emily Rushton is there right now! @ CharAznable thank you sweetie ;) missing you xox
  4. Congratulations Castel! I truly enjoy reading your posts ;) I am looking forward to 500 more! Love Always Carley xox
  5. Congratulatons Kyra! Here is to many more to come ;) Love Always Carley xox
  6. I like my eyes! I think they are the sexiest part of everybody ;)
  7. Carley Chase

    From the album: Mesmerized

  8. Carley Chase


    A brand new album for your eyes only
  9. I like it when you hear from an old friend you have not seen in years.
  10. I just wanted to take a minute and thank you so much for showing me another lovely time while in your city! I am heading home the end of the month for a two week vacation!!! Woo hoo Then I will be back in Fredericton and hoping to stop back by Saint John on my way back from Moncton, the end of August. I hope you all are enjoying your summer. Stay well and take care! Love Always Carley xox
  11. Happy Anniversary!! I can relate to so much of what you describe. It is totally different then what people imagine, stereo-types. Its that people looking in, only see the bitter end of things ( such as, girls who are forced into it, or for drugs ect..) When in reality that it is only a small portion. They do not have the chance to experince the good side of it. You never hear the positive side, only the negative in the media. When there is so much more :)
  12. Someone should let her know about this site. Seems to be a lot of interest for her. Perhaps vette110, you could let her know next time around! Love Always Carley xox
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