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Carley Chase

Verified Independent
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Everything posted by Carley Chase

  1. I wish you all the best. You seem like a strong man to me! I know you can beat this. The benfits of wining will push you ahead. I will be thinking of you. Sending you love and hugs my friend.
  2. Angel wishing you a quick and successful recovery. You just did the hardest paart of it! Now only good things to come :) xoxox Sending you love and hugh hugs xoxoxox
  3. The most important thing is to trust your gut. If your instincts are telling you something is wrong, than be calm and immediately leave that situation. Your screening process is very important. Make sure you get a name. An unprivate number where your company can be reached at. You can ask for references. Also ALWAYS let some one you trust know where you are. Never go anywhere with out someone else knowing. That is a key factor in my opinion. If you ever have any questions, please feel free to pm me. Anytime. I wish you the best of luck in your journey :wink: Sending you love and hugs xox
  4. Cogratulations my friend! So glad to be able to share your thoughts with you. Sending you love and hugs handsome ;)
  5. Ummmm, they are very sexy. They sure would set the mood ;) hehe I seen a nice one from France there. Perhaps when I am visiting in October I could check that hotel out and experience it first hand!
  6. Very well said :) I would have to agree. Although at the same time when you think about it, it does come off that possibly BBFS is an option. I doubt there are many girls who would be willing to risk of something like that. However I am sure there are some.
  7. Emily Rushton visits there at times. She is a gorgeous red head with not only her model looks, she also is the best person to spend time with!! She will put you right at ease ;) xox
  8. Congratulatios! I truly enjoy reading all of your posts. Your thoughts! You are kind and a magnificent contributer to this board. Keep them coming! Love Always Carley xox
  9. The answer to your question is yes. So hot!!!!! How could it not be. Feeling a man explode all over your face and body. ummmmmmmm
  10. I have had the pleasure of a few threesomes ( MMF, FFM) Which in a few case I did suggest. Perhaps it was 1 or two many martinis, hehe. I really enjoy threesomes, its very erotic. I do not think if I was in a serious relationship I could do it. It would be hot at the moment but then after the fact, I think it would bother me. Unless it was someone you were never going to see again. If you were on a trip or something. As for group, never have done it. Though I think it would be so freakin hot.. Either two couples or something a long those lines, hehe. I would not be able to inciate it. But would be game for it!
  11. I am going to say False. If true, that would be awesome! I once back packed through Europe.
  12. For me I think Women:Terri Hatcher Pamela Anderson Cindy Crawford Catherine Zeta-Jones Men: Johnny Depp Brad Pit
  13. Happy Birthday Samantha. I hope you get to spend it with those you love and cherish! May all good things come to you. Love Carley xox
  14. Last night I got to have dinner at my fav restaurant. Brew Bakers. It was a lovely evening with great company!!!
  15. New game to play!!! This one will be good way to get to know each other. I will start it off by saying something that I either have or have not done. The next person answers it by true or false. The person who wrote the statment can then pm or write on the other persons wall telling them if they where right. Then the person who answered true or false leaves there own true or false question. (Your T/F left can be about anything) Be creative, hehe I think this is a great way to get everyone communicating!! So here it goes... I once did it while driving down the highway. It was an old fashioned truck, with lots of room. so I jumped over and got on top. hehehe What a ride lol
  16. Katherine, Congratualtions on your 500th post. You are a beautiful, smart and sexy woman. I love reading your posts. Your posts show your true colors. You are always kind and thoughtful. A true gem. Thinking of you. Love Carley xox
  17. Thank you my dear friend! That really means a lot to me. That gets you a big kiss too! hehehe xoxox
  18. Congratulations my friend!! I always look forward to your insight. Luv ya dearly ;) xox
  19. Big hug to all of my friends who I care very much about!!! ;) xox
  20. There are lots of new girls that get come into this world and they do not nessaceraly know about good places to get noticed. The two girls you mentioned I have not heard of. It is unusual for photos not be available. It seems weird why someone would only email at request. It would be easier to upload them. I would air on the side of caution in a situation like that. If you do end up meeting a nice woman, be sure to send her to the board! Sending love and hugs
  21. I think glasses you look great. A sexy, seductive and sophisticated look. Gotta love it :)
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